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One Year Later...

Gabriella took a deep breath, looking at herself in the mirror. She didn't recognize the person in front of her. This was woman, wearing a long purple gown. Her hair nicely kept, imperfections seemingly gone. She pulled up her sleeves to see the lightning scars that she had earned a year earlier. They were bright pink, as if she just gotten them yesterday. She hid them again. Her long sleeves made sure to hide the fact that they went all the way to her shoulders. She hated them...

"Wow...are you my niece?"

 She turned and smiled brightly, seeing someone of comfort. Her uncle, wearing his suit, a few badges on his shoulders. His hair was also nicely combed back as request to his wife. 

"I guess,", She shrugged. "I don't even recognize myself to be perfectly honest." 

He walked over and stood behind her, resting his hands on her shoulders. "This is you...trust me. It fits you well." 

She nodded, not fully believing him. Seeing this, Zane sighed and said; "The only one who doubts you is yourself. You are capable of doing this. This past year has proven that. You've reassembled the relationships we had with other countries, rebuilt the city, even opened up new opportunities that your parents could only dream of." 

Gabriella rolled her eyes, knowing he was being dramatic to hype her up. She thought she barely had done anything but, that was further from the truth. Zane turned her around and looked her directly in the eyes, saying; "You're parents would be so proud of you right now. And as your uncle, it is my job to fulfill that role. So...Oh my Irene! You look gorgeous and you're going to do amazing!" The blonde laughed, lightening up at bit before Zane added; "And I am so proud of you. Everyone is." 

Gabriella, now finding some confidence, hugged her uncle tightly. It was long and caring, once they parted though, the girl said; "I'm ready." 

Zane hooked arms with her and said; "Then, let me escort you then." 


Minutes later, Zane led her down the aisle, passing almost all the citizens of Ru'an. They were all smiling at her or gawking at her beauty. Her heart was pounding against her chest though. As they got closer, her destiny was starting to become a reality. What she was born to do was about to happen and she didn't know if she was ready. 
When they reached the alter, Zane left her after he gave her kiss on the cheek. Her friends and family were in the front rows, smiling from ear to ear. She was standing at the same spot her father stood over a thousand years ago. There was more people watching and the world was a different place. The priest cleared his throat and asked; 

"Gabriella Ro'Meave, do you promise to rule justly and fairly, treat all your subjects with respect, and rule until your dying breath? Serve them with compassion, loyalty, and gratitude? Be strong, brave, and true?" 

She was silent for a moment. She begged for a sign and it came. Voices in her head said; 

You've got this! 

Don't hesitate! 

Be confident in yourself!

Don't be afraid!

We've got you! 

The last one stood out, it was two voices at once and they said; We're always there for you...

She looked up at the priest, kneeling, and said; "I do." 

"Then, by the power vested in me and the people of this great nation, I pronounce you Lord of Ru'an!" 

She stood and a loud applaud came. Gabriella turned to see everyone she loved and care for cheering for her. Nate, Quill, and Grey were smiling at her, as if they were giving her props. Mary had the proudest look on her face as she clapped politely. Ember and Naya had tears in their eyes. Her family were probably cheering the loudest, little Zachary screaming and jumping up and down. She waved sweetly at him, blowing him a kiss. 
Look at the people around her, she knew that she could handle whatever came at her. She not only had the support of her friends and family but, the people of Ru'an. 

She looked past the crowd towards the doors that led outside. As the guards were about to open them up, she saw two familiar faces that she loved dearly. Her mother and father, holding each other's hand. They looked at her with the most loving look a mother and father could give their daughter. She waved to them, tears coming to her eyes. They waved back and as the doors opened, they disappeared. They were happy...because she was happy. And that's all she could ask for. 


January 6th, 2019~November 27th, 2020

The Immortality Series

December 16th, 2016~November 27th, 2020

I wanted to thank each and every one of you who stuck through this series through thick and thin. I know that I could've done better, which author doesn't look at their work and think that it was perfect?  But, the love and support that I've received through the years from writing my dream project has been so amazingly kind. I couldn't you guys enough! This has been a journey that I can't believe has come to an end. I love you all so very much and as I listen to "This is Me" from The Greatest Showman (Not by choice, it was all fate!), I will be closing this series with a warm heart and a full feeling of gratitude. 

I love you all so so much and I'll see you in the next story. 

Treat people Sweet, Candi

Costs//A MCD Fanfiction//Sequel to 'Immortality'Where stories live. Discover now