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Gabriella's POV:

"Does everyone understand the plan?", Zane asked, looking over he crowd of volunteers. They all nodded their heads, no real expression on their faces. I felt bad that I had to ask for volunteers. Some of them didn't even have a second thought of throwing themselves into danger just to save Ru'an.

"We'll leave for Ru'an tomorrow at dawn. We need it to be still dark enough outside so that the guards don't see us clearly,", Penny explained. "Remember your group leaders. There are very few trained people here and we need you to stay close to them as possible. If you get lost, head back here. We don't want to risk anything."

"If you come across a guard though, please try to avoid causing any serious injury,", Degory added. "You just have to cause a distraction for us to get in the Lord's manor."

"Any questions?", Dylan asked, finally.

Everyone looked around but, no one raised their voice. The four of them, in response, turned to me. I know they were expecting me to say some words of encouragement maybe but, I had nothing. Seeing this, Zane dismissed everyone. After they had left, he looked to me and asked; "What's wrong?"


"Don't stutter. You can tell us what's wrong,", He assured me. He took my shoulders and gave me a small smile. 

I smiled back and said; "I'm just nervous...who wouldn't be though?"

"Well, I don't see why you would be nervous,", Dylan shrugged, behind Zane. "I think you're gonna do great! Any doubt in your mind is just bringing you down so try to ignore it." 

"Thanks Dylan,", I sighed. "Do you think they're okay?" 

"Who?", Penny asked, coming up to me. 

"You know...Mom and the others? Do you think it will hurt them?"

Degory answered by saying; "It's not really them Ella. You have to remember that. They are trapped and by doing this, you'll be able to free them again." 

"You think so?", I asked, to which everyone nodded.

"You have nothing to worry about,", Zane said. "Your mother isn't going to be upset. In fact, I think she'll be immensely proud of you." 

I giggled and hugged my Uncle tightly. "Thank you. I really needed to hear that..." 

The others gathered around and joined in the hug. I whispered; "I love you guys...I can't wait for things to go back to normal." 

"Same here,", Dylan exasperated, retreating from the hug. "I can't wait to go to a resturant again! Or the movies!" 

"We'll have to build all that up again,", Degory reminded him. "Irene kind of ruined the fun. But, I'm sure Lord Gabriella will be able to do that in no time." 

"Oh...forgot about that,", I awkwardly laughed. 

Zane looked at me again and said; "Remember what your father said. You don't have to. We'll find someone else if you're not ready." 

I took a deep breath and decided to deal with that topic another day. Besides, I needed to discuss everything with my friends. I hugged them all once again and waved goodbye as I left the tent. Waiting outside was Nate and Mary, looking ready for anything. Mary immediately hugged me once I walked out and said; "You've got this Gabbie. If anyone can do this is you." 

"I second that,", Nate smiled, raising his hand. 

"Thank you both,", I smiled. "For everything...I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for you."

Costs//A MCD Fanfiction//Sequel to 'Immortality'Where stories live. Discover now