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Edmund's POV:

I woke up on cold cobblestone...it felt moist and mossy under my fingertips. The night sky was still above me and the wind blew in my hair. I looked around to see that I was in Ru'an cemetery. Behind me were the statues of Aphmau and her friends.
It worked. Garroth's ashes had reformed, leaving me in his body. I pushed myself off the ground and tried to get a sense of where to go next. I was wearing silver armor with a blue cape, a diamond sword strapped to my waist. I was prepared...at least. I made my way down the path, getting used to walking in this body. The exit must be close.

I heard talking in the distance and ran for cover behind a nearby tree. I pulled my hood up just in case. Two guards walked past me. "I swear I heard something!", One insisted.

"You always hear something David...,", The other grumbled as the two kept walking forward. "I swear, if it's another squirrel, I'm going to scream. This job is already boring...I don't need it to be stupid."

Once the two passed, I kept down the cobblestone path that led into town. I kept my hood over me, concealing me from the public that was walking around that late at night. I saw Irene's palace lit up and I made my way towards it. I planned to make it to the gardens to hide until either Degory, Gabriella, or one of her guards show up to approach them and inform them of the plan. The gates were pretty easy to get past. I kept close to the wall and made me way towards the back before climbing up and over. I landed safely in the large flower garden in the back of the palace. Luckily, there were a few large bushes against the stone wall that I was able to hide behind. I crouched down and squeezed myself in between the space, trying not to get irritated of the little branches that poke every once and a while.

"You better thank me later Garroth...,", I whispered to myself as I tried to get some rest before the next day.


Gabriella's POV:

I decided to put on, again, a nicer outfit to try to please Irene. After last night and my rather harsh words, I didn't want her doubting my loyalty. I wore a nice indigo dress with long, flowing sleeves and a corset that helped my posture. The dress reached down to my knees before becoming a lighter, almost white fabric that reached the ground. I put my hair up and made my way to meet Irene once again. Nate and Quill were waiting by the door and accompanied me down.

"What did you two talk about last night?", Nate asked me.

"She told me about her vision for Ru'an and how she wants us to be partners...I don't a hundred percent buy it yet. There's probably something else she wants me to do,", I theorized with them as we neared the end of the hallway. "Still...it was strange. After we meet up with her, Degory wants to meet with me in the gardens at noon. You two can decide if you want to come."

"Of course Gabbie,", Quill immediately said. "It's our job to make sure your safe."

I smiled sincerely at the twins. I appreciated that they were taking this position seriously. It meant a lot to me to have them by my side.
As we made it down the stairs, Irene and Menphia were by the front door.

"Oh Ella! I was thinking while the chef makes breakfast, we could go out for a morning walk,", She said cheerfully as I came up to her. "The people will most definitely love to see you!"

"That sounds nice,", I replied, honestly enjoying the idea.

"Amazing! You can bring your guards if you would like. Menphia will come along as well to serve as a second tour guide,", Irene told me, sort of showing off her guard in comparison to mine. I had to fight off the urge to do the same but, I wanted to be the bigger person. "I already informed Degory of our outing. I plan to be done in an hour. Hopefully you're a morning person."

Costs//A MCD Fanfiction//Sequel to 'Immortality'Where stories live. Discover now