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Zane's POV:

"What am I doing?", I asked to myself, looking into a mirror. I was in my old room once again, shocked to see everything in place as it once was. The mirror was even kept clean. It seemed as thought nothing changed. But, I knew it was lie. Everything is different now. Even am I. Five years ago, I had hope. I had a future that I was excited for. Now, I'm the same man I was before. Empty. I thought I still had my morals. I guess that's changed now too. Here I am. Standing here knowing that I'm doing is dangerous but, I can't think of anything better. 

Maybe if I bring Gabriella back, she could change everything. If I bring Gabriella back, she get could hurt. So, many possibilities could happen. I just hoped that the right one would. 

"Ro'Meave, Irene is waiting for you at the front gate,", Shad said, walking into my room. 

"Do you know how to knock?" 

"You should know better than think you deserve a knock at your door,", He said, crossing his arms. 

I ended that conversation by just following him out to the hall. I wanted no trouble. Yet, he spoke again. 

"It's funny,", He smirked, looking straight ahead. "Centuries ago, you denied control from me. You ran away to defy your orders. Now...the tables have turned." 

"I'm not under your control. I'm following Irene's orders,", I said, as calmly as I could. 

He was silent for only a moment before; "Did your brother make you soft?" 


"The Zane Ro'Meave I remember would never do what you're doing now." 

"Your memory is wrong." 

"I remember Zane Ro'Meave being a bloodthirsty, power hungry man."

I took a deep breath and clutched my fist. I was trying to control my temper but, I could feel his words picking at my brain.

"Here you are...angry that we killed Garroth but, what you don't realize is that you're the one who wanted to do so long ago-" 

"How dare you say that!", I spat, turning to him, halting. 

"You know it's true,", He said in a monotone voice. His smirk was still prominent on his face. 

"You know nothing about me!"

"But I do. When you were a Shadow Knight, imprisoned in my nether fortress, I could read every emotion and thought that came to your mind. Do you want to know what I sensed during those three years?", He asked, looking dead into my eyes. "Resentment. Revenge. Not towards me. Towards Irene...towards her friends. And you want to know who at the top of your list?" 


"It was him. You hated him. His existence. You wanted nothing more than his blood to run across the floor. To hear his cries of agony once you pierced his heart like he did yours when he left to follow his dream." 

I felt myself break. He was right...I forgot. 

He walked forward, his arms crossed behind him. When he saw that I wasn't following he turned his head to me and said; "For the longest time, I didn't understand why my relic chose you. I came to the conclusion we aren't so different, you and I. I once dreamed a glorious future surrounded by the ones I loved but, once it was ripped away, I changed."

I looked to him and he simply said; "Irene is waiting." 

I stepped forward and began to walk alongside him again. 


Irene stood at the gate and once she saw me, smiled sinisterly. 

"You know your mission,", She said. "Don't disappoint me." She motioned for Menphia to bring her something that was wrapped in her hands that was long and heavy looking. She took it and handed it to me. She waited for me to unwrap the cloths and I saw my black sword. It had been in the museum for years and collecting dust but, it looked touched up and ready to wield once again. "You have three days to bring her to me. If you fail, you know what will happen." 

I nodded and strapped the sword to my side. Enki gave me a backpack of supplies and Kul'zak gave me a map. Then, the gates opened and they sent me on my way. Once I beyond the walls, the gate was closed, keeping the citizens inside and me out. Irene and the divine warriors all stood there, watching me as I walked down the trail towards the enchanted forest. Once I reached the heavy wooded area, I looked back at the trail that could lead me back to my prison cell. I could do the right thing and wait it out or, I could do the wrong thing and get solutions quickly. I looked up and saw the blue sky that was endless. 

"I'm sorry Garroth...but, I don't know what else to do." 

I stepped into the forest. I immediately was wrapped in the darkness. The sky was gone and as I looked back, it already looked like I had walked for miles. I took off my backpack and looked for a light source that the warriors may have given me. Nothing. No flashlight, no lighter. Just a torch with a makeshift match that I hadn't used since my youth. I felt my annoyance grow, wishing for a twenty-first-century device but, I couldn't anything at that moment. I lit the match and ignited the torch. I grabbed my backpack again and pushed forward. 


Gabriella's POV:

My friends and I were trying to use our remaining resources to make a camp for shelter. Dylan has been a huge help and I was excited to have him back. Nathan and Quill just need to get used to him. I understand their concern or uneasiness around him but, it's not the time. 

"Hey Dylan can you hand me that rope?", I asked him. I was setting up a homemade tent and I needed to tie two sticks together for the structure. He nodded and handed me the rope right by his feet. I was able to finish the job easily and lay the sheet over, finishing the tent. "Done."

I looked up to see Nathan and Quill making another. Grey, Naya, and Ember were collection supplies that they could find in the wreckage but...Mary was standing by the trees. 

"I'll be right back,", I told Dylan. "Start on the next one." 

"Gotcha,", He smiled. 

I walked over to Mary, her short blonde blowing around her. "What's up?"

"I sense something again." 

I grew fear once again for another threat but, she said; "It's not angry...it's scared. Sad." 

"Should we go look for it?" 

"No...we should let it come." 

Again, I was worried but, I trusted her. 

"Let's see what happens then,", I say, walking back to Dylan.

Word Count: 1122

Costs//A MCD Fanfiction//Sequel to 'Immortality'Where stories live. Discover now