Chapter 28: flashes of the cameras.

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PLEASE READ FIRST: Lol okay this is one of the most horrible chapters i ever wrote, i mean its really short, and i had no way of ending the chapter, sorry... ill write another one right away!


* Michelles POV *

we walked out of the hotel, our eyes closing from the flashes that surrounded us. we were caught. caught by paparazzi. we were asked loads of questions, pictures being taken everywhere. it felt like someone put a flashlight up to my eyes and kept it there for 5 minutes, because of the flashes from the cameras. we were crowded. crowded by people we didn't know. i managed getting out of the mess. i had behind me my 5 best friends. we started running away from them. we were worried but it soon ended up into laughter. we stopped out of breath. we were in front of a little convenience store. we walked into the store, and looked around. while we were looking i parted away from the others. as i was looking through the shelves of food, i had gotten a call. i looked at my lightend up screen and saw Liam was calling me.

"Hi Liam" i answered.

"Hey" he said, as i smiled when i heard his voice.

"Whats up?" i giggle abit.

"Come down to the studio now"

"W-what why? is everything alright?"

"yes everything is fine" he giggled "just come" he added.

"okay Liam" i said and hanged up.

i gathered up the girls and told them we had to go to the studio. we started walking this time trying not to get noticed from the paparazzi. 10 minutes later, we walked into the studio, we went past security obviously them knowing who we are. we walked in and the boys set up a surprise party for Renee. the boys all yelled out SURPRISE! and boy did she look surprised!

*Renee's POV*

i standed there shocked, i couldn't believe the boys did this for me. i truly love them! the girls and guys all huddled around me and we all group hugged. "LETS GET THIS PARTY  STARTED GURL" Louis yelled acting his sassy self. i laughed as we all started to talk and danced to the music. we stayed there for  hours, just hanging out together, having loads of laughs, drinking, and eating food and cake. i cant believe tomorrow this life Ive been living for the past 2 weeks will be over.

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