Chaper 22: What Have i Got Into?

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* Isabella's POV *

We make our way up the steps, i had no idea what was going to happen, it definitely was a surprise. never before did i have anything like this happen to me. we reach the last step and there they were, the most gorgeous and handsome boys ever standing there. they were dressed up a little but not to much. it kind of worried me of what we were doing. i thought the boys would be dresses up in tuxedo's and fancy clothing but they were all wearing jeans and a shirt.

"Hello Ladies" Liam says taking Michelle into a big hug. "Hello" we all say together, hugging each of the boys. i loved begin in josh's arms... i mean they were so strong and i felt very protected with him there. " Where are we going?" asked Renee. "You'll see" says Louis now taking Renee's hand. we all hold hands with one of the boys as we make our way back down the stairs of the board walk.

when we got to the bottom of the stairs the boys stopped us. "What are you doing?" asked Daniella. "its a secret" Niall Replies pulling a blindfold over Mackenzie's Eyes. all the boys did the same to us.

we started to walk, tripping over a few thing but managed to walk with the help of the boys. we have been walking for about 15 minutes and my feet are killing me in these shoes. i mean i don't wear high heels as much, i more like wearing runners and flat shoes. we have been walking for about 20 minutes not is my estimate. we keep on walking and walking. all the sudden i hear soft Music being place. its more energetic. as we walk more and more the music gets louder and more louder. im starting to think we are going to a party of someones. i got more excited as the music is blasting now. "are we there yet" i ask. "Almost" josh yells because the music is so loud. "ok Girls were here" Louis yells. the boys take off our blind folds as we see we are outside of one of the most famous clubs in London. the boys lead us to the front entrance to the body guard at the door. they let us in no problem, probably because the boys are well known and famous.

We Get inside the club and the dance floor is packed, basically the whole Place was packed but we all managed to get in. the music was pretty loud and there was people every where you go. we kind of all split up me and josh sat at booth to our self's, Mackenzie and Niall went to the bar, of course Niall Being the Irish man wanted to Drink, Daniella and Zayn were seated somewhere across the room from us, Harry and Suzanne were getting it on (just kidding) on the Dance Floor, but they were dancing crazily together. Michelle and Liam were just standing near the side talking and Renee and Louis joined harry and Suzanne on the dance floor we were all by our selves with one of the boys.

*Mackenzie's POV* 

Me and Niall were sitting at the bar while the others where doing who knows what. Niall was already working on his second Beer and i just drank a Pepsi, i don't drink any alcohal beverages. "i have to go to the bathroom" i say standing up fixing my dress and making my way across the club. I'm close to the bathroom when a Very big muscular guy blocks my way to the bathroom. "Excuse me" i say but he didn't move. "Why is a pretty girl like you alone at this time of night" he say tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. i back away only to run into his friend. "wh-what do you g-guys want?" i stutter. "oh nothing" the guy smirks. "i have a boyfriend" i say sternly. "i don't care" he says. "NIALL" i scream as  across the room. he probably didn't hear me because the music was so loud and he was across the room. i scream his name again but i am cut off when his friend puts his hand over my mouth. i bit his hand as he whined when i bit it.

all the sudden i heard Suzanne's voice and then she was by my side. i was so happy to see her. "whats going on?" she asked. "i see you have your friend here" said the guy that was blocking our way. all the sudden i was lifted off the ground, and so was Suzanne i didn't know what to do. i quickly called for Niall screaming so much i lost my voice, so did Suzanne. to be honest i was terrified. me and Suzanne were taking out of the back door of the club in a ally. it was pitch black. one of the guys came close to me, so i slapped him. he backed up i finally thought i could get away.

i take Suzanne's hand and just when I'm about run away I'm hit in the face with the guys fist. i instantly hit the ground. i felt blood come out of my nose. it hurt so bad. Suzanne kneeled down to see if i was okay when i noticed the guys Friend was going to kick her. i heard a big whack, i looked over to Suzanne but she was totally fine. i look over to the guys and see harry beating the poop out of the guy that was about to kick her and i looked up to see Niall in front of me punching the other guy. the rest of the crew came out and ran over to me and Suzanne. "Are you ok?" asked Liam. "I'm fine, but i don't think mac is" Suzanne speaks. we were both helped up by everyone as they helped us  back inside the club.

i was sitting on a chair as Michelle and Isabella brought me some paper towel and some water. Daniella put water on the paper towel and gave it to me to wipe the blood off. "Thanks" i say. i see harry and Niall come running in to mine and Suzanne's side. " you okay babe" harry asked Suzanne. "Yep" she replied. Niall came by my side and helped me up. me and Niall went out of the club and started walking home, while the others stay at the club, partying it up.


lol i started writting the fight and i was half way in it and idk it sound weird lol... but i was already half way threw it so i continued with it. next chapter Mackenzie wont be in it as much because she had been it alot...

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