Chapter 6: Tonight's The Night

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Sorry this chapter is mostly about niall :P but there is lots of other parts too!


*Suzanne's POV*

i Cant Believe I'm here with my 5 best friends with the most 6 gorgeous boys ever! I'm Having a hard time eating just looking at them, i mean they are the most hottest guys in the universe! We Finally got our food after 10 minutes of waiting. it wasn't bad ten minutes id say its the best 10 minutes of my life.

"This is Delicious" Daniella Speaks.

"I Know Right" Niall says eating his food almost done while everyone else is just half way done.

"Niall Slow Down" Liam speaks. Everyone just laughs at that comment as we start eating again.

"Guys, can i talk to you, alone" Niall Speaks to the boys.

"yea sure" the boys say together. they make their way to another place away from the girls.

"So what did you want Niall?" Zayn speaks.

"i just don't want this date to end". Niall says scratching the back of his neck. "Do you think Paul would let us take them out again.. like tonight" Niall adds.

"He Might if we ask" Louis says.

"How Come you don't want this to end  Niall?, you got a little crush on Mackenzie?" harry laughs playfully punching Niall in the arm.

"Do not" Niall blush's. "we seen the way you look at her" Louis laughs with the others.

"And she likes food like you" Zayn adds.

"well Louis you have a crush on Renee and harry you have a crush on Suzanne, and you zayn have a crush on Daniella, so shut up you guys" Niall says walking away.


us girls talked as we stopped when the boys came back and sat down except for Liam. "Wheres Liam" asked Michelle. "Hes asking Paul something" louis replies.

Liam walks back to our table as he starts talking. "are you girls busy tonight?" Liam asks looking at us.

we all extanged looks as we stood there silent. Whats happening right now? we all looked surprised as Daniella talks "No we are free". "Good" josh says grabbing Isabella's hand, making her blush deeply.

"We will pick you up at 7" Harry speaks. "Okay" Renee speaks.

we finished our lunch as we were taken back to our hotel. we had 4 hours till the boys came back!


Comment please on where the girls should go on a "second" Date! heheh might use one! have a few ideas but would love more :D

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