Chapter 20: The Unexpected Knock

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@Marry_Me_Harry_ Helped Me On This Abit! Thanks Gurl! Hope you gurls like this ♥ Please Check The Side where it says Multimedia... it shows the girls dresses!


*Daniella's POV*

We finished up our breakfast and now we are on our way back to the hotel we have been staying at over the last week. we are still in the boys clothing but we dont care because we are just going to the hotel to get some rest and change into our own clothes. we finally reach the hotel and run up the stairs to our room and enter it. this day is going to be the longest day ever. i mean 8 hours till the "Surprise" the boys have planned for us. i just really want to know what's going to happen. we lay down on each of our beds and we slowly drift off to sleep.

~~~ 4 Hours Later ~~~

the time was 5:28pm and i just had woken up to my phone ringing. i look at my screen and see it was zayn calling. "Hello" i say still with my sleepy voice from just waking up. "now?"...... "um okay, the girls are sleeping now, but i can wake them up" ...... "okay bye zayn, See you soon"... with that i hanged and climbed out of my warm bed. i first went to Mackenzie and woke her up. "Get up Mackenzie" i yell in her ear. "Go away" Mackenzie says hitting me with her pillow. ahh how am i gonna get this sleepy head up? oh i know. "Mackenzie, if you don't wake up you won't ever get to kiss Niall again" i laugh. "okay I'm up" Mackenzie says sitting up fast. i just laugh at her, "Help me wake the others up" i say to her. Mac gets up and helps me get each of the girls up. once we are all up i let them know the news on what zayn told me just now. we start to watch some t.v. when we were watching the t.v. someone knocked on the door.

*Mackenzie's POV*

we all hear a knock on the door just as we were watching the t.v. i get up to the door and open it. I'm still in Niall's clothing cause i was too lazy to take them off and his clothes smelt just like him, it was nice! anyways, i open the door and realize no one was there. that was strange. i look down and see 6 boxes stacked on top of each other with a note on top. the note read:

To the 6 Most Beautiful Ladies Ever,

This last week has been a blast with each and one of you girls. Tonight We want you six gorgeous girls to join us to have some fun wearing what are in the boxes you see under this note... Meet us at the beach in 2 hours. See you girls soon!

Love,The Boys

i blushed the whole time i had read the note. i grabbed the 6 big boxes and brought them inside. the girls looked at me strangely. "what" i say, it was kinda creepy, because all they did was stare. "What are in the boxes, who are they from?" Suzanne says very fast. "its from the boys, but i have no clue what is in them" i say placing the boxes now on the ground. i look at the first box which read Renee on it. next box was Daniella's, then Isabella's, next was Michelle's then Suzanne's and lastly was mine. we all take the box that was addressed to us and open it up to the most beautiful dress and pair of high heels with a rose inside. these boys were so thoughtful! i truly loved them! The Day I Met Them, I Fell in Love ♥ But what was the Surprise?


Hey Guys! Comment on what you want the "surprise Place" to be! K Go!

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