Chapter 38~ You're safe now, an anti-animal cruelty dedication

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(NB: If you know me personally, you know how much I am against animal cruelty, but this chapter is especially dedicated to two people. Please NEVER give animals as gifts, they are not toys. #StopAnimalCruelty

One of them spreads her love for animals through & I love how she is so passionate about it, so this one is for you Nana <3 also for another one of my friends who read my wattpad and she was so kind and inspired me to write more, definetely go check her wattpad out @Only_reality.  I’m sorry y’all I’m updating so slowly when ages ago I would update every other day, it’s just I’ve lost my inspiration sometimes & I’m so much more busy too. Thanks for understanding and don’t worry, more to come soon :) Love you all, take care xx)


It was early. Very early. But Aishwarya had to wake up before anyone caught her. She creeped into the corner of the room, where a basket full of blankets was innocently lying. A low whelping noise could be heard from within the depths of the woolen sheets.

“Shhh,” Aish whisphered, “Hold up, I have food for you.” Gently she unwrapped a bowl and placed in on the floor.

A high pitched squeak issued and simultaneously, a tiny puppy erupted from the basket, pouncing on the food.

“Shhh,” Aish repeated nervously, guiding the bowl behind her bed in a more hidden location. She surveyed the creature with loving eyes, but a frown etched across her face. The bruises had almost completely healed, but looking at the faded marks still reminded her how she found this beautiful creature.

It was late. Very late. But Aishwarya had to wait until the vet gave the all-clear. She had texted Aditya before so he could provide a distraction hours ago. He had not replied, but right now she had more important worries.

The vet was scribbling furiously and glancing at the dog.

“Could you please relate to me how you find him again?”

“I was talking a walk around the park alone, it’s close to my house and I sort of wanted to be alone.”

“Alone?” The vet’s voice potrayed a mixture of concern and disapproval

“Yeah, it’s fine, anyways I heard some men jeering, so I was going to walk away obviously, but then I saw what they were doing. There was a puppy they held and they were- they were hurting it. I couldn’t help myself I had to step in. I told them off, but they just laughed, and, instead I just ...I just bribed them so I could keep the puppy.”

“What were they doing to the puppy?”

Aishwarya cringed, her voice altering to a lower tone each second, until the last word came out in a whisper, “They were forcing him on bottles of alcohol, they were starving him, they were hurting it. I asked them why, one of the men said the puppy was an unwanted gift. Like it was some sort of toy. They were laughing.”

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