Chapter 33~ Tum Hi Ho (You are the only one)

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(A/N: Dedicated to a new friend I met yesterday :D She is such a good writer, please check out her work! She writes amazing romance fiction :) The song that inspired this chapter is available here, please listen to it, it's sooo good, been on replay on my phone (Y) This link also had the english translation! Hope you enjoy this chapters, its pretty romantic ahahah, please don't forget to comment/vote/fan/inbox me anything! :)


It’s been a week and I’ve been studying so hard every day to try and get him out of my mind. But just before I sleep, my mind flashes through everything we’ve been through, every word he’s ever said to me, and I can’t stop smiling at each memory. He was behind me, right now. The science teacher is droning on. I haven’t spoken to him for one week. But every day I catch signs of him attempting to talk to me, or him glancing at him. In vain, I tried to concentrate on the Law of Conversation, but Akash’s voice kept nudging in my mind.

Akash < Physics any day, my heart was telling me.

Arre, you have an exam on this soon, Akash can aren’t going to be tested on what shade of perfect hazel his eyes are, or how one eye gets bigger than the other when he smiles

“Aishwarya, Aishwarya, where art thoust?” Akash called from behind.

I ignored him, and leant forwards in my seat.

A split second later, a pen whizzed through the air and past me, hitting the blackboard.

Mrs.Das turned his body around to face Akash.

“Akash! How many times have I told you to behave in my class? This is twice today you have interrupted me. You threw the pen didn’t you? Stand up now.”

With a smirk on his eyes, he stood up. He was a bad boy on the outside, but he scored the highest in our class.

I put my hand up. Mrs.Das didn’t even see it. I stood up, and took a deep breath. I was usually the “good girl,”, sure I could laugh loudly, but I never disobeyed instructions or annoyed teachers.

“Nahi, it was me ma’am. Maaf.” It was painful telling a lie, but I knew what would happen: he would be sent to the principal’s office and would come with and have to apologise.

Mrs.Das eyes widened. “Are...are you sure?” She paused and studied Akash and I for a moment- we were both standing up.

“No Aishwarya-,” he began.

“Don’t try and cover up for me Akash.” I said bitterly. I’ve made much bigger sacrifices for you, I thought.

“Okay, both of you only sit down now, and everyone listen to me.”

She smiled at me understandingly, thinking I was having a bad day or something. Without waiting for us to sit back down, she turned to the blackboard.

Everyone around us was grinning. They had saw who really had done it.

When I sat back down, Aditi stole the empty chair next to me.

“Why did you do that?” She asked in a whisper.

“Yeah, why did you do that?” Akash tugged at the end of my hair gently.

I turned around, and softly, so no one else could hear, whispered “Kyun ki tum hi ho, ab tum hi ho, zindagi ab tum hi ho.” (Because you are the one, you are the only one, you are my life.”

“Can I kiss you now?” he asked.  

I frowned, but he was looking at me intently: he was serious.

“No you know if we do we’ll get in trouble. You know what teachers are like! They’ll call our parents and oh god…” I turned around again.

“Mujhe abhi. You are also my life, the love of my life.”

She came in- didn’t even knock on my door.

“Akash, what you said today before, did you really mean it?” She asked.

“Of course…”

“So you love me..truly?” she asked skeptically. There was a subtle bitter edge in her tone.

“Haan. I love you more than you.”

“No you don’t.”

“Accha? Really?”

“I love you more than you, I can prove it.” She almost smiled.

“You can’t prove love. Love can never be proven, it can only be felt.”

“Such wise words. Have cigarettes made you more intelligent?”

I looked up in surprise. Must she always be going about one thing?

“I don’t know. I quit ages ago, maybe that’s why I got a lower test results?” I asked, turning away from her.

“What? Really?” She pulled my at my waist, but was too weak to turn me around. I spared her the effort.

“Open your eyes,” she demanded.

I kept them tightly shut. “Nahi, I won’t.”

“ your heart,” she demanded. I couldn’t see it, but I had a strong suspicion she was smiling.

“That I can do.”

“Thankyou for quitting Akash. I knew you could do it. You’ve made me proud aur very, very khush (happy).”

She lent closer towards me. Her lips were centimeters from my ears. In her soft, sweet, high voice she began singing my favorite song to me.

Now it was me that was smiling.

As she ended the song, her hands snaked around my body and she embraced me tightly. In that moment I felt something stir within in, like a wild, uncontrollable animal. In that moment I felt strongly connected to her. In that moment I wanted her-only her and all of her.

(A/N: Hope you liked it, I'll start updating more often, I've been getting inspired recently, almost hit 2K so excited, thanks for your support everyone, I continue to write these because of you :D xxx love you :)

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