Chapter 17~ Wo Ai Ni >> Birthday special :D

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  • Dedicated to James

(A/N: SOOO...haven't updated in a while sorry guys..did this as a birthday special for my friend. It was hard to get inspired for this >< got school soon and urghh :( back to studying and no life. I hope you like this :) Also brought up hookah smoking...please don't do it ! It's actually worse than normal smoking :/ )


Sunday had come and I was adjusting the bangles on my forearm as someone knocked on the door.

“Come in,” I shouted.

Akash opened the door and blinked rapidly as he looked me up and down.

“Wow you look amazing.”

“You think so? Anyways you’re not here just to complement me, are you? Why are you here?” I teased.

“Maybe I am.” He winked, continuing, “But you’re right, your mum says to hurry up and not to be late. She expects you to be down at the front parlour in the next five minutes to greet the guests.”

I stuck my tongue out. “Whatever, another business man.”

“No this one is different.” I said. I looked up and grinned at her, “They’re Chinese.”

Aish gaped at me. “Does that mean we’re having Asian food.”

I smiled. “Yes. Yes you are. You like that right?”

Aishwarya’s smiled widened. “I haven’t had it in ages.”

“Yeah, well I’ve got to go now; I’m going to visit Aditya. Catch you later!”

“Hello, this is our daughter, Aishwarya.”

A tall, Chinese man leaned down and grasped my fingers.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He smiled at me kindly.

“As it is with you.” I replied, trying to sound as formal as possible.

“I present you my son, James Wang.”  A tall boy around 180cm appeared and smiled.

“Hey, I’m Aishwarya. How old are you?”

“I’m 15, you?”

“Same! But I’m turning 16 very soon.”

“Accha. That’s good.”

It was beautiful. Our dinner was simple yet satisfying. Stir fry with exotic vegetables. THE TOFU WAS AMAZING. It has sweet chilli sauce, my favourite.

“This food is delicious. Who made it?” commented James’ father.

“Our maid did. She is an excellent cook,” boasted my dad.

James was sitting next to me, already done while I was slowly taking my time enjoying the food.

“So how are you?”

I paused and swallowed my food. Why was he talking? The tofu was on my plate. It was just lying there, begging to be eaten.

“I am good. What about you I said?”

“Yeah, me too. Do you have karaoke here?”

“In New Delhi? There are a few places…why?”

“I love singing.”

“Really? I have a music system in my room, want to come?” I offered quickly as my dad was about to order for the desserts.

“Yeah sure.” He followed me up the stairs.

While I was setting up the music system James was casually touching my items. I felt the sudden urge to kick him out of my room – I didn’t want him to see anything that he shouldn’t. Indians really do not respect privacy. As I plugged it in, James gasped. I turned around. What had he seen? He better not have gone through my wardrobe or desk.

“What’s this, Aish?” He pointed to a little golden lamp object with a straw coming from it. It was like the one Aladdin found.

“That is a hookah.”


“It’s like smoking, but safer. It’s a common past time to relax. I don’t do it, it was just a present-pure gold embellished with real ruby. It’s from Egypt.” I added quickly as he raised a disapproving eyebrow.

“Can I try?” His question caught me off guard.

“Well…I got some flavours with it, but I think it’s better not to…”

But James had already found the flavours. I gazed hopelessly at it.

Akash opened the door at that precise moment.

“What are you doing?” He asked James gruffly. “Sir.” He added awkwardly afterwards.

“Oh sorry I was just curious. Want to play karaoke with us?”

What the hell just happened? Baap re. Oh my god. He was going to smoke in Aishwarya’s room. Chinese people these days, I thought grimly.

“I don’t sing very well.” I admitted.

He laughed. “I’m sure you can!”

And that was how I got dragged to sing Chinese in front of Aishwarya. How romantic. James turned out to be really good at singing, especially in Chinese. After James had to leave, I turned to her, swiftly kissed her hand and opened my mouth.

“Wo ai ni.”


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