Chapter 37~ Penguin Attack

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(Author's note: SO SORRY i haven't posted in ages i know.. i have been super busy this year with VCE and have hoenstly had no motivation to study, and well now im typing this is my free because i am too tired to do anything else, I actually wrote this chapter ages ago, but didn't want to post it until I had the next chapter started, but eh, I'll post this now..this was written 8 months ago and based on a few things, such as the legend of korra, which is a series I highly recommend ! Season 3 just finished too :D It was so perfect ahhh... there's the link. Also this is based on camp last year, (will add more experiences to this haha) ALSO this is dedicated to Miss GIlbert <3 thankyou for being the best form teacher I could ask for :D )

-Akash’s POV-


My eyes widened opened in delight.


“What did you say, Miss?”


“We are going for a one night to view the penguins in the sanctuary.”


The girls in my class squealed with delight


“Wait, we have penguins in India? I thought they were only found in Antartica ma’am?” A student asked Miss Gilbert.


Miss Gilbert smiled kindly, “There is a sanctuary that recently opened here, so we’ve asked for special permission to visit them.”


“Have you seen penguins before miss?”


“Have you touched them before?”


“Tell us more about Australia!”


“You have a nice accent, Miss”


“Are there lots of Indians over there?”


Miss Gilbert put a hand up. “Bas. (Stop) that’s what Mr.Maaser taught me the other day. Yes I have seen penguins before, just recently when I went out camp.


“Oh what did they look like? Did you touch them?”


“Do you think they will notice if i abduct one, ma’am?”


Miss Gilbert laughed. “Of course they will! It takes a lot of care to look after penguins, especially because they are foreign to India, they need to be kept in a stable environment.



The winter November rain did not stop us. A group of 50 very excited students with shining eyes plowed their way in the sanctuary towards their goal- the imported penguins.


A barricade prevented us from our tracks.


“Miss, can’t we jump over the tracks?” I glanced below the hill we were on, observing numerous little figures- what I assumed were penguins- with evident disappointment.


The teacher turned towards me, “No we can’t- we would disrupt them you see, isn’t it better watching them while they are not being interfered by humans?”


I nodded, but left our group and wandered alone. I don’t know why not being able to see the penguins affected me so, but for some reason it made me feel weak inside. It was so illogical, but it didn't stop me from feeling angry and sad- it was worse than crying it was the feeling that you can't do anything about because you don't know what is causing you to feel so negative. I grabbed a rock and thr in anger. Maybe my testosterone levels had finally reached their peak.


It was half an hour before someone found me- and first i thought, or perhaps it was because i secretly wanted it to be- Aishwarya, but when she spoke, I instantly recognized the voice as Miss Gilbert’s.


“What’s wrong? Why are you here alone?” Her concern was audible in every syllabus.


“I feel weak- I don’t even know myself.”

“When you are at your weakest, you are open to the greatest amount of change. So change- do not feel week, why do you think you are weak? I think you're very strong.”


“Does wanting to cry  just because i couldn't see the penguins make me strong?”


“Does sitting here while everyone is enjoying themselves and buying food help you?”


“Yeh, you’re right.”


I made to stand up when out of nowhere small figure approached us.  It was so beautiful . It was black and white- what I had always depicted it to be but what was different was that it came up to me and just stood there.

The tears gave in. Miss Gilbert took the photo silently as i leaned over to greet my new friends.


“Does crying just because I can see the penguins make me strong ?” I repeated


Miss Gilbert ignored the question and only said, “they have never done that whenever I have saw them, only for you did they chose to appear.


I smiled. “I’m not alone anymore.”


But it was what Miss Gilbert said next that made me change my outlook in life, just a little bit, from that point on.


“You never were.”



When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change...

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