Chapter 24~ Sweet 16th part 1

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(A/N: This story is dedicated to my friend <3 who had her bday and its loosely based on her 16th haha love youu ! Also this is SUPER LONG, just to make up for me being so busy i havent had time to update, this part is long and there's going to be another part as well :) i hope you enjoy it and please comment vote and follow me as well as on twitter, tumblr, and instagram (on my profile) and give feedback and inbox me about whatever :) THANKYOU xxxx

Sweet 16th

“Oh my god are you serious?!” I repeated, almost dropping my phone.

“Yes, Aishwarya, can you come or not?”

“I’ll have to ask, but probably yes!”

“Okay, you better! And remember, no presents whatsoever.”

“Whatsoever? You mean, no presents, and I mean whatever.” I said, hanging up.

I couldn’t believe it. It was one of those euphoric moments before. Suddenly you’re from your usual self to going crazy from excitement. I loved planning anything-but a 16th? I had never been to one, but in one minute I was going through my wardrobe, wondering what I should wear. Semi-casual clothes, I didn’t want to wear any Indian clothes to this special event. That left me with half of my wardrobe gone.

Is it just me or do teenage girls tend to have a habit or checking what clothes they have every hour? Because that is what I found myself wondering as I observed Aishwarya sighing and matching her jewellery to her clothes.

“Need help?” I asked innocently.

She jumped slightly as I smirked.

“Hey you didn’t have permission to enter!” she complained.

“I don’t need to, anyways what are you getting ready for?”

“Venuka’s 16! I’m so excited; I’ve finally decided what to wear!” She showed me a singlet, crop jumper, a skirt and a pair of silver heels. Typical teenage girls.

“Are you going to wear a ton of makeup and do your hair?”

Aishwarya paused for a moment. She didn’t realise the bitter tone in my voice.

“I’ll do my own makeup but not heaps and I’ll just straighten my hair…I hate how its wavy urghh.” To make her point, she tousled her waves carelessly off her shoulder.

“Hmm…are any guys coming?”

“No. Why?”

“Just wondering if you’re trying to impress anyone, because I think you look better now than you will on Saturday. “

I didn’t know what to make of his words. Honestly, I didn’t really care there. But first I had to ask mum. I waited for the right time, when she was just about to watch her hindi movies, when she was in her best mood. I slowly approached her.

“Ma, ma, ma! It’s my friends 16th on Sunday can I please, please go?”

She turned to me. “Hmm...don’t you have exams soon?”

“Not within this next month, though!”

“Ahh…okay you can go. Be safe okay? Is any boys coming?”

“No Ma, it’s just girls.”

“Remember you have to buy her a nice present! There’s money on the kitchen table, you can go take 3000 rupees okay? Make sure you’ve done all your homework before then. What time is it and where? Text me when you get there and when you’re coming back. Now, please let me watch this movie. I know you asked at this time purposely.”

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