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(Author’s note : I think I might do different point of views now, it seems more interesting, but Akash will be the main narrator. Aishwarya will just be there to show more insights etc. ANYWAYS…HAPPY NEW YEARS (: I’m going to do a special thing for ONLY today, comment on this chapter and link me to a story you want me to read and I’ll promise I’ll read and comment, and if I enjoy it I’ll fan you :D Best wishes xxx)

>>Akash’s P.O.V

24th December, or as everyone across the world says it “New Years Eve.” New Years is the only event where everyone across the world celebrates, regardless or age, religion, sex or social standing. Of course there is also the Chinese New Year and Hindu’s new year doesn’t start on the 1st. But we still celebrate New Years in our own way. A family may spend it by setting of crackers and cutting the cake. I spent it with my father, looking outside our house and we would point at the fireworks we could see, and we would eat around midnight. Not that great, but to me the fireworks were like signals, sending me hope and good luck each year. I’d survived another year here, maybe another year that would make a difference to me escaping this life. But what did each year bring? More people came from the country to settle in the shanty towns. We were on the margins of society, but in a number so great we shouldn’t be ignored. We still celebrated New Years though, there was dancing and music.

This year the Singhs’ were having a party in their house. The one the country-clubs do, I assumed, because I’ve never been to one.  They had extended the invitation to us, which we accepted.

Everyone began coming to the gate at 6pm, we just left it open and went my father was there greeting everyone as he inspected the invitation. I was next to Aish and her parents as they greeted their guests at the door and handed them a timetable. There was three categories. For babies to young children there was the playground , and a table set up for the mother to gossip and watch over their children. For the older kids and teenagers we had the 3rd floor, which was a movie room. Outside the movie room was a table-tennis set up. We weren’t suppose to officially start anything until 7pm so I just awkwardly stood near the table tennis hoping someone would join me. The men had the 4th floor which was the pool table, and it had weights training next to it. There was a television there for those who wanted to watch the cricket.  Each room had a table and light refreshments. Aishwarya and some of her friends were sitting there, laughing and all. It suddenly dawned on me: I might be the only male among them. To my relief, however, Aishwarya had in fact invited quite a few males. All but one joined her and her group of friends.

“Want to play?” A younger boy asked me.

I nodded. “I’m not very good though…”

One of the girls stood up, looking at me. “I’ll teach you! I’ll be your partner.” She nudged Aishwarya who was beside her and she too got up and stood next to the other boy.

“By the way I’m Krishna, I’m 12.”

“Nice to meet you, I’m Akash. I’m 16.”

“Oh! I’m Aditi, and I’m 15,” the girl said next to me.

“And I’m Aishwarya and I’m almost 16,” Aish said. “Now let’s start.”

In the end, Aditi and I had beaten Krishna and Aish by 3.

“You were just lucky!” Krishna exclaimed.

“We were just talented,” corrected Aditi and I laughed.

Aish looked at both of us with this face of surprise and a flash of anger before a sly smile crossed her.

“Ooooo I think someone’s falling,” she said at Aditi, whose eyes widened suddenly.

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