Chapter 14~ SOCKS: School opens children kik'ng socially

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  • Dedicated to Julie

(AN: I know this title is a bit weird, in fact only one person will understand its 'true' meaning, but bascially its that feeling you get when your holidays are over and its back to school TT_TT such a sad feeling but we've got to experience it every year for over a decade..anyways this is a sort of 'normal' day in your character's life. If you have any ideas please tell me :DD sort of running out...but this day is important cause it's leading up to something big haha! Hope this isn't too boring for you, love you all :)


As soon as I got home I knew I was drunk. The kiss was a distant memory, but a good one. Why had I been so reckless? I felt elated despite my careless actions. She loved me. She had said that, right? Or had that just been a wild fantasy he’d imagined in his drunken state. But the kiss! It was definitely real and she had enjoyed it. He glanced at his phone. No texts for him. It seemed another lifetime a way when he was in his little cottage talking to his mother. Had life gone that fast already? India was slowly changing, even if the decade of his life he could see it: the true beauty of India was being revealed. Drinking does indeed make you light-headed as he recalled how Aditya had offered him some the night before.

In the distance trucks and late night travellers were arguing about something. But all I could hear was Aishwarya’s words. What made me like her so much? I didn’t really know it myself. Why can’t stop smiling when I think of her. It’s the feeling Shimla gave me…but stronger. If I had more liberties with her I would take it. What’s the point in sleeping? I can’t sleep. I’m not sure if I want to either. Thinking about her made me feel good. It was better than any sweet I had tasted on New Years’.

“Aishwarya, your holidays are over! It’s school time hurry up!”

I groaned as I lifted my body to an upright position. It was only 6:30… I could’ve had another hour to sleep.

“You have to take Akash with you today, remember? He’s new and make sure he’s well treated…don’t tell anyone he’s the servant’s child; just introduce him as a family friend. I don’t want other kids judging him.”

I nodded weakly as I got my school uniform out and headed for my own private shower. After I came out dressed, I applied my face with moisture and one light layer of eyeliner. We weren’t technically allowed makeup in school but none of the teachers really cared as long as it was minor. Plus they really wake me up. Staring in the mirror I wondered whether I was pretty or not. Was I beautiful in Akash’s eyes? Isn’t everyone beautiful when you love them? I ran down the stairs quickly with my shoes on. As soon as I left the front parlour, I knew it would be cold. It was slightly misty and I shuddered under the several layers of winter uniform we wore. Akash was already waiting inside the car with the driver.

“Have fun on your first day! Be good and come straight home!” My mum nodded to the driver as he passed the gate, Akash’s father beamed with pride as he held the gate open.

In about 10 minutes our skilled driver drove us to our school. It was a private, highly-sought after school. “One of the best in Delhi” my father always described it to his family friends oversees and interstate.  Akash followed me as I entered the school.  He gently poked me.

“Yeah?” I said, turning around to find myself gazing in his hazel eyes that shone extra brightly today. Or were they always like that when he looked at me? I thought in amusement.

“It’s…it is so big. I have never been in such a big school before,” he whispered gently.

I led him into the assembly hall where sheets where given out to each student. Glancing at Akash’s sheet I realised we were in exactly the same classes for almost all our subjects.

“Today’s orientation day. You’ll meet your class teacher and everything today. You don’t really work as of yet, but next week you will. You’ll also start getting more homework than. Also our school in English-based, like the western schools in US, Europe and Australia. But we have Hindi classes once a week.” I explained as we walked upstairs to our classroom. 

I made to open the door when Akash grabbed by hand, let go, and opened the door for me.

“Pretty girls first,” he said with a wink.

A sudden rush of energy ran through me as I entered the room.

“Aish! Akash!” Aditi ran up to us and hugged me.

“Hey Aditi, how are you? I can’t believe we’re in the same class,” replied Akash.

“Indeed it will be a pleasure to get to know you better, will it not, Aishwarya?”

I stared back as Aditi nudged me teasingly.  

“Okay class, today we have a new student,” the teacher announced as Akash stood up. “Please tell us a bit about yourself.”

“My name is Akash Yadav. I am 16 years old. I was born in Uttar Pradesh but my family moved to Delhi when I was young. I enjoy playing games and cricket.”

The class looked at him, some smiling and some hesitant. Akash went back to his seat next to me.

The teacher we had was our maths teacher. She droned about how important maths was and if she caught any ‘inappropriate behaviour’ or not completing homework she would phone our parents.

Lunch time finally! After this we’d be going home early. I made some friends with a few other guys and was hanging around them.

“Hey Akash,” one of them asked me, “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure brother,” I replied.

“You’re pretty close to Aditi right? She even started talking to you earlier today.”

“Yeah I guess,” I shrugged. “Why?”

“Can you help me get her?” Vijay asked.

My eyes widened. “You like her? Get in already!” I winked at him as we glanced at Aishwarya and Aditi talking deeply.

Vijay smiled and said, “Oh I plan to, don’t worry.”

Just before I got into the car, Akash ran to Aditi and whisphered something. She looked at me and laughed. I burned inside. What was he saying? Was he telling her about the kiss? When he entered back in, I refused to even look at him.

“It was a good day, wasn’t it?” He said to me eagerly.

I didn’t reply.  



Until we meet again, you wonderful person.


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