Chapter 15~ Blue and red when you see me you know everythin'

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  • מוקדש ל Kat


(A/N: This chapter is probably the longest I've written with the most dialogue I think too :D I included some rhetorical questions haha :p Here's the surprise hehe...)

Birds chirped in the cherry blossom trees planted in view of my two balconies. It had been my 7th birthday present. I’d always loved trees and nature as a child. It felt so weird but sometimes when I was annoyed or upset, they would always be there for me. I could rage all I want; they discovered my secrets and guarded them. How could trees be so innocent? They should be revered beyond cows I thought. They brought life into this world. It was only 6am but I felt awake as ever. It was hard to be in a bad mood in mornings. They were so glorious, holding so much potential. When you wake up what do you think about? I’ve always wondered how even if you were going to an office or retired, that it was even possible to go about your daily life without appreciating what was right in front of you? I guess I was always that sort of person. I could smile very easily- and also get annoyed to. For ten minutes I huddled in my clothes inspecting the 8th wonder of the world: the world itself. True it was winter and the mist was blurring my view, but even so, mist itself is a fascinating feeling. Breathing in and out it revealed your presence to those who do not care. Little shards of last night’s tears remained on the grass below me. To me they were like pure droplets of diamonds, while other would just look at it in disgust as they realised their car was now wet with dew.

“Aishwarya, your mother wants you to get ready now,” the maid called next to my bed, where my winter uniform was neatly arranged.

“I’m coming!”  I took once last glance at my friends and departed.

Seven hours after midnight. It seemed so late to me, for someone who was used to waking up at 5am to get the chores done.  But as I poured hot water over my body, scrubbing myself throughout, I wondered what is was like for the retired life. But I didn’t need much sleep to survive on. I used to hate sleep when I was younger. I would stay awake for ages in the night, watching my parents fall asleep. Listening in to their conversations when they thought I was asleep. I guess that’s what helped me grow up –too soon in fact. I didn’t feel like a 16 year old going to school. I felt like I was 20 and had to repeat all my classes. So by the time I was in the car, I felt really awkward sitting next to Aishwarya, a delicate 15 year old.

“Hey, when’s your birthday?” She asked me.

“Me?” I asked. “27th October. Why? What about yours?”

“Oh, just wondering. Mine is 1st February.”

I wasn’t sure if he had gotten the hint. After all that was very soon. In almost two weeks, really. I smiled at him as he looked outside the window. What was he thinking? Was looking at the roads that he used to walk a painful memory? Did he-could he, miss his old life? With Aditya?

“When’s Aditya’s birthday?” I asked, recalling him back to inside the car.

“It’s the 27th too, but in July. He always loved the summer, especially because of that.”

“Really? I prefer winter, it’s so much cooler and enchanting.”

“What else do you like?” He asked me, suddenly interested.

“Me? I like flowers, nature, reading…I like pretty things. What about you?”

He traced the seat between us as he replied. “Freedom. I value going around and having fun without having to wait on someone. I like roaming around with others as well as by myself discovering new things everywhere.”

“Really?” I whispered. “I guess you hate morning and afternoon rides in this car.” I added, glancing at him with the corner of his reply.

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