Chapter 10: welcome to Goblin town

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Violet POV

I felt lights against my eyes but I didn't open them. I tossed and turned then felt my hand land on something warm. I opened my eyes only slightly to see an arm under my hand a muscular chest and stomach breathing steady. I looked up and my heart stop for a moment. I saw Thorin, with his eyes closed and calmly asleep. I glanced at him, his face was at peace, I couldn't help my eyes from looking at his body. He had a very toned chest and Abs, he had a fair amount of chest hair, I felt my eyes widen in confusion as to why he was in my bed. I panicked and layed back down with my back to him, though I guess my sudden movement woke him up. I felt his large body move and suddenly his arm wrapped around my waist and his face nuzzled my neck. "T-Thorin?" I squeaked. "Yes?" He replied, his sleepy voice deeper than usual and sending shivers down my spine. "W-why am I in bed with you?" I asked. "You came to my door after I calmed you down from crying and asked to stay with me." He said. I suddenly remembered everything, I had told him about my dad and I actually willingly cried to someone for the first time. " let me stay with you?" I asked. "Of course, why wouldn't i?" He asked. "Well...I didn't think you liked me enough to allow me to sleep with you." I said quietly. I felt his arm move up across my chest and him pull me closer, I felt like a little stuffed toy being hugged by a child. "Don't ever think that for a moment Violet." He said. I blushed and nodded. I heard him sigh, I felt his warm breath on my neck. "We need to leave." He said before letting go of my and standing up. I say up in the bed and looked at him. His back was turned to me and I eyed him. His back was muscular with a scar here and there. I sat with my legs crossed and pulled my hair out of a braid. I let it fall in a messy way. Thorin looked back at me then turned. I had no idea what he was doing until he came closer and gently pulled my sweater which was tugged in my sleep to the point of almost exposing my chest. I blushed as he pulled it anck to it's right place. "T-thank you..." I said. I stood up and looked up at him. I was much shorter than him without my boots on so I felt like a bug. "Go get dressed, come back here when your ready." He said before gently placing his forehead on mine. I nodded and looked up at him before scurrying off to my room. To my delight my clothed where neatly folded on my bed all washed and cleaned. I pulled off my sweater that was more like a dress on me because it was so big, I pulled on my pants and slipped on my boots. I grabbed my correct sized sweater and put it on. I noticed a medium sized box on the pillow. It had a card on it with my name. I opened the box and was surprised to find a nice knitted hat ((like one one she is wearing in the picture for her in the first chapter)) and a necklace ((see picture at the beginning of the chapter)). My eyes widened at it's beauty. I put it on and looked in the mirror. "Wow..." I whispered. I grabbed the hat and placed it on my head as well. "Oh, this is cute." I muttered with a small smile. I quietly gathered my things and went back and knocked on Thorin's door. I opened the door to see him pulling on his fur coat. He looked at me and gave me a soft smile. "Thorin! Look what someone gave me!" I said excitedly showing him my necklace. He looked at it closer. "Who gave you this?" He asked. I shrugged, " I have no idea, it was on my bed in a box along with this hat." I said pointing to my head. He raised an eyebrow at me, "well, their very nice." He said. I grinned and nodded. He picked up his things and we walked out to meet the company, all ready to go. "Goodmorning Violet!" Kili said. I actually felt happy, and I smiled and waved. The dwarves looked shocked and then smiled and all said hello to me. "Wow, nice necklace." Fili said. I nodded and looked down at it happily. "So, are we leaving?" I asked. Thorin nodded and led the way out. "What about Gandalf?" Bilbo asked. "Come on." Thorin said, not answering his question.

We walked for miles and miles, and I actually took part in a few conversations here and there, however I mostly stayed with Thorin. I couldn't help but glance at him now and then, images of his phenomenal body flowing through my mind. "Violet, your face is all red! Are you okay?" Bofur asked. "Y-yes I'm okay" I said laughing nervously.

We continued to walk and walk...and walk. Until we ended up in the pouring rain going around a cliff. "This doesn't seen safe!!!" Bilbo yelled. "Y-yeah! It really doesn't!" I yelled. "Hold on!" Thorin yelled, he was six dwarves away from me. I felt the ground beneath me begin to fall. I shrieked as I lost my balance and began to fall. I screamed until I felt Dwalin grab me and lift me back up before I was gone. "We must find Shelter!" Thorin yelled. "Watch out!" Dwalin yelled. We saw a large boulder being hurled through the air to the rock above us. I heard Bofur gasp behind me, "this is no's a thunder battle!" He yelled. "A what?!?" I asked confused. Suddenly we say a massive stone giant stand, and rip a large Chunk of rock off the mountain. "Giants! Stone gaints!!!" Bofur yelled. Suddenly the ground beneath us began to move. I grabbed onto Kili and grabbed the mountain. Suddenly half of us, along with Kili and I began to move. "VIOLET!!!!" I heard Thorin yell. "KILI!!!" Fili followed. I screamed as I realized we where standing of one of the stone giants legs. I watched as a boulder was thrown at ours and he was knocked down. Sending where we where standing hurdling towards the mountain. I screamed at the top of my lungs and clung to Kili for dear life. We hit the wall, though none of us where hurt. Suddenly we hear the other half of the company yelling. "We're all right! We're alive!" Balin yelled. I looked and saw Thorin looking terrified. I sprinted across the rock and hugged him tightly I was shaking, scared to death. "Wait...where's Bilbo?!!" Bofur yelled. Suddenly I saw Dwalin point, and reach down grabbing his arm. Thorin gave me to Fili and jumped down, "Thorin!" I said scared. I saw him push Bilbo back onto the rock and Dwalin pulled Thorin up. "I thought we lost our burglar." Dwalin said. Thorin came and placed a hand on my shoulder, "He's been lost ever since he left home. He should never have come. He has no place amongst us. Dwalin!" Thorin said. I looked back at Bilbo, who had a heartbroken look on his face. I followed Dwalin and checked the cave with him. "It looks safe enough." Dwalin said. "Search the back, caves in mountains are seldom unoccupied." Thorin said. Dwalin did as told and came back, "There's nothing here." He said. Gloin claps his hands, "alright! Let's get a fire started." He says. "No, No fires, not in this place. Get some sleep. We start at first light." Thorin says. "We were to wait in the mountains until Gandalf joined us. That was the plan." Balin said. Thorin shook his head, "plans change. Bofur, you have first watch." Thorin said.

We all spread out and laid down to go to sleep. I sat up against the wall and looked at the opening of the cave. I stood and walked to stand just inside, looking at the rain. "What's the matter Lass? Can't sleep?" Bofur asked. I shook my head, "no I could, I just like the smell of rain." I said. Bofur nodded, "well, Thorin won't be very happy if you don't get any sleep so you probably should." He said. I nodded, agreeing. I walked back and looked at Thorin who was laying on the ground. I went and sat next to him. "Go to sleep Violet." He said. "Okay," I said quietly, I pulled a blanket out of my back and leaned against the wall, covering myself completely before closing my eyes.

I was lightly awake when I heard someone moving. I opened my eyes and saw Bilbo standing speaking to Bofur. "Where do you think you're going?" Bofur asked. "Back to Rivendell." Bilbo said. "No, no, you can't turn back now, you're part of the Company. You're one of us." Bofur said. "I'm not though, am I? Thorin said I should never have come, and he was right. I'm not a Took, I'm a Baggins, I don't know what I was thinking. I should never have run out my still have a burglar, you have Violet. She's far better than I could ever be." Bilbo says. I noticed Thorin was awake, looking off listening to Bilbo. I felt my heart ache hearing him. "You're homesick; I understand." Bofur said. "No, you don't, you don't understand! None of you do - you're dwarves. You used to - to this life, to living on the road, never settling in one place, not belonging anywhere." Bilbo said, I even felt bad when he said that. "I'm sorry...I didn't-" bilbo started. "No, you're right. We don't belong anywhere. I wish you all the luck in the world. I really do." Bofur says. Bilbo turned and makes eye contact with me. I gave him a saddened look. "What's that?" Bofur asked. I noticed Bilbos sword was glowing. I was confused and started to stand. Suddenly I noticed Sand starting to fall through the floor. "Get up...get up!" Thorin yelled jumping up. I shrieked as suddenly the floor have out and we all fell through the ground into a cage of some kind. I then heard loud screeching sounds and see disgusting creatures. They began pulling us and pushing us along a wooden bridge. I felt one of the push and grab my butt and I swung around and punched it in the face. They pushed us harshly until we where all standing in a large circular area. "Goblins." I heard Thorin hiss. "Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom?" I heard someone yell. 'Oh no...' I thought looking upon the Goblin king.

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