Chapter 22: Smaug

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If the dialog is like "this" it's in English, if it is like {this} it is in elvish.

Violet POV

I sat quietly beside Dwalin, who continued to look down at me. "Something troubling you lass?" He asked. At his words Thorin looked at me. "Yes..." I said quietly. "What's wrong?" Thorin asked. "Fili...and Kili...Kili is sick and I highly doubt there is anyone who could help him with an injury he has." She said standing. "I-I need to go back and help him." I said. "What?! No! I will not allow it." Thorin said. I looked at him. "Thorin...please! Let me go help Kili, I can heal him!" I begged. "Absolutely not!" Thorin yelled. The company was quiet. "Thorin..." I said walking to him, grabbing the shirt on his chest. "If you love will let me go." I said softly, my sight never leaving his. He looked at me angrily and frustrated. "Besides...I'm no help with a dragon...I'm terrified of them actually." I said looking down. "Why didn't you mention that when we where in the Shire?" Bifur asked. "I don't know, it never crossed my mind." I replied looking back at Thorin. "Please, let me go. I have faith that you will be alright. Let me go help your nephews." I said. He sighed, "alright...swear to me that you will be careful." He said. I nodded, "I promise." I said. He looked at me worried, "promise you will come back to me." He said. I nodded again and looked into his beautiful blue eyes. "I-I promise." I said before running towards the tunnel. Before I could get out Dwalin stopped me. "Lass...your not going just to be with Bofur are you?" He asked. I was speechless, "well..." I started. "Don't play with Thorin's heart...make up yer mind." He said with a harsh glare. "That's...what I'm leaving to go do." I said before turning away from him and leaving through the hidden door.

I carefully climbed down the mountain, taking my time not to fall, though when I reached the base it was close to night time. On my way down I had felt the mountain shake, roars of a dragon erupted making my spine shiver. "Thorin..." I whispered looking back up. My heart tore at me to decide wether or not to go back. "No....I need to make sure Fili, Kili, Bofur and Oin are alright." I said to myself .As my foot touched the ground I looked and saw the great doorway that had been closed for sixty years. I marveled at it for a moment my utter horror...a golded dragon bust through. I shrieked and dropped to the ground. "I am fire...I am death!!" I heard it roar as it shook off the gold. "'s going to Laketown!" I said worried. My heart pounded in my chest. I looked at the cold lake and stood. I shook my head, "I can't believe I'm going to try and do this." I said before I stripped myself of my weapons and ran before jumping into the lake and beginning to swim towards the town. The ice cold water nipped at my skin and I was growing tired quickly. I swam as hard as I could before I reached one of the board walks and was hardly able to grab it. Out of nowhere a hand grabbed my wrist before I went under. "Violet!!! What on earth are ya doing lass! Your going to get sick!" I heard Bofurs concerned voice as he pulled my frost bitten body onto the dock. I coughed up lake water and he held me close. "I came to help Kili." I choked. "Oh, an elven woman came and healed him. He's fine." Bofur said with a grin. I looked at him...shocked, pissed off and irritated. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I asked as a genuine question. Bofur looked at me, most likely surprised by my language. "I-I'm sorry. It's just I just swam franticly across an extremly cold lake to come and help him...and he's already healed. Well that's lovely." I snapped standing up. My clothes where clinging to my body, "well lass, it still was very kind to come and help him." Bofur said. "Well, I came to make sure all of you where alright." I said pulling my clothes only for them to cling to me once again. "I'm trying to evacuate myself here hurry up!!" We turned and heard the voice of the Lakemaster who was...franticly having soldiers load piles of gold into his barge. "Sire shouldn't we be trying to save the town?!" One of the soldiers asked. "The town is lost!! Save the gold!!" He yelled. I looked at Bofur who gave me an equally disgusted look. "Ugh, what a selfish pig." I said. I looked at Bofur and grinned. "Want to make a bet?" I asked. He raised an eyebrow, "I bet that if Smaug dies, he will fall into the lake masters boat." I said. "No way! Your on!" He said shaking my hand. "Though...that would be quite lovely wouldn't it?" He joked. I smiled, "yes! It would!" I said before taking his hand and pulling him away. "we need to find Fili and Kili." I said. We ran until we came across a familiar elven woman. "That's who saved Kili!" Bofur said. I ran to her, she had a look of grief on her face. "Excuse me! Where are Kili and Fili!" I asked. She looked at me, "who are you?" She asked. "Oh well, I'm the girl Thranduil wants dead because of his wife's affair that produced me." I said. She raised an eyebrow, "oh, I've heard of you, I am Tauriel. Follow me." She said before running off with us close behind. "Are we going to help the town?" Bofur asked. "We have no time," she said entering Bards home. "We must leave." She said. "Kili! Fili!" I yelled. "Violet!!!" They said. I hugged them tightly. "What are you doing here?!" They asked. "I came to get all of you! However we have a slight problem...Smaug has left Erebor...but is now here." I said rocking back and forth of my feet. "What?!" They asked. "Come on brother," Fili said lifting Kili to his feet. "Come one, come on, let's go." Bofur said getting Kili his jacket. "I'm fine! I can walk." Kili snapped shrugging him off. I shook my head and stood beside Bofur. "We aren't leaving. Now without our father." I heard Bain say. Tauriel turned and looked at him. "If you stay here your sisters will die. Is that what your father would want?" She asked. "Wait...where is your father?" I asked. "We don't know." Bain said. I took a deep breath and ran out of the door. "Violet!!!" I heard Bofur yell after me. I hooked corners left and right trying to find Bard. "Violet!! What where you thinking!!!!" I heard Fili's furious voice behind me. Suddenly Fili threw me over his shoulder and ran back to Bards home, where Kili and Tauriel where loading in his daughters. "Violet, there you are!" Bofur said worried. I panicked and hugged him as I was set in the boat. "Give me your hand." Fili said helping Sigrid daughters onto the boat. "Quickly now!" Tauriel urged. "Kili come on!" Fili yelled. Kili came running and got into the boat. Once we where all loaded Fili and Oin began pushing the boat with paddled. I held onto Bofur as I saw Smaug fly by above us. We all looked up and saw his stomach began to glow as he flew back. "W-what is he doing..." I whimpered. Though I defiantly knew exactly what he was doing. In a matter of seconds he flew over the town blasting burning fire through it. Suddenly a shot of fire came behind us however missed. "Come on! Come on! Faster!" I heard the Laketown master yell. I looked to the right and saw his boat filled with gold along with Alfrid. I saw has they continued to kick people off who tried to get out, into the water. Suddenly their large boat rammed into ours. "Move it!!!" The master yelled. "My gold! My gold!" He yelled as pieces where falling off the side. "We're carrying too much weight, we need to dump something." Alfrid said. "I agree." He said before shoving Alfrid over the side. I gasped then saw a rope latch itself around the master, practically choking him as the boat continued forward. I looked and saw a wall break out from where the rope was attached and Bard come out. I grinned. I reached into the water and grabbed a chunk of ice before chucking it at the master hitting him in the head. "Was that personal revenge lass?" Bofur asked hugging me tighter. I nodded. Tauriel grinned at me. I coughed from the smoke around us and curled towards Bofur.

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