Chapter 21: You could have mentioned that

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Violet POV

I moved aside, standing outside the door allowing the dwarves to enter first. I leaned against the stone wall, looking out over the scenery. I walked out and sat on the edge of the cliff. "Violet, what are you doing?" I looked back and saw Bilbo coming to me. "Oh...I thought I'd let the dwarves have their moment to be in their home without outsiders." I said. "I suppose your right." He said sitting beside me. "Do you miss the Shire?" I asked. "Yes...I do. I miss everything about it." Bilbo replied with a sigh. I nodded and pulled my knees to my chest. "Do you?" He asked. "Do I what?" I mumbled. "Miss the Bag End?" He asked. "Yes...but I don't know if I could go back." I said. "What? Why?" He asked confused. "I don't know...can I be honest with you?" I asked looking at Bilbo. He nodded looking at me with a caring expression. "Just...don't tell any of the dwarves I'm telling you this...especially Thorin." I said.

Thorin POV

We all stood quietly, some of us where talking about how they had missed these halls. We had all went deeper into Erebor, the hidden door was no longer visible. I ran my fingers on the cold stone and sighed, I was finally home. I glanced around and noticed we where missing two people. Violet and Bilbo where gone. I furrowed my brows and went back through the tunnel to the hidden door opening. I looked out and saw Bilbo and Violet sitting on the edge of the cliff. I leaned against the door frame listening to them. "Just...don't tell any of the dwarves I'm telling you this...especially Thorin." Violet said. "I promise I won't breath a word." Bilbo said. "Well...I just don't believe I can go back to the that I've been with my own people...sort of. I've never felt more welcome or comfortable in the presence of dwarves." She said. " you never really show your having a good time." Bilbo said. "I know...but the feeling is still there. I love each and every one of them. Their the kindest people I've ever met." She said. " their kindness what makes you want to stay?" Bilbo asked. "Well,'s not. It's Thorin...and Bofur." She said. "Wait...both of them?" Bilbo asked shocked. "It's Thorin. I know I love Thorin but something about Bofur draws me towards him..." She said. I could tell she was overly confused with her emotions. "I can't even tell, I hate my heart." She groaned before laying down on her back covering her face. "Well...what makes you like Bofur?" Bilbo asked. I listened in...exceedingly interested at how she could compare me...the king of Erebor to a toy-maker. "He's just so sweet and funny, it's impossible for me to be in a bad mood around him. Also...throughout the trip whenever Thorin would snap at me he would comfort me at the back of the group. I swear...I don't know how Thorin was able to break down the wall I build around my heart but...he did." She said. I grinned slightly, hearing her words of me. "Wait if he snaps at you all the time and is rude to you why do you love him?" Bilbo asked confused. 'Cause I'm sexy, obviously, you don't understand because your a hobbit...I'm also a king.' I snapped in my head. "Well...he's not always mean to me. Hardly is but...I'm sensitive when it comes to words. I can take getting stabbed and shot with arrows and broken bones...but words hurt me." She said. "He has shown very soft sides to me." She said gazing up at the sky. "Like what?" Bilbo asked. My memory flashed back to Rivendell, and last night...I couldn't recall anything else. I felt most of the journey I kept my distance. "Well...about two weeks in...remember when I fell into that river because Kili pretended to push me but I freaked out and fell in on my own? Soaking my bag and my clothes?" She asked. Bilbo laughed and covered his mouth, "yes...yes I *snicker* I remember that." He laughed. She smiled and smacked his arm slightly, "anyways~ when we stopped for camp all of my stuff was still wet, so I stuck by the fire, but at one point it blew out and all my stuff was still damp and cold and when I curled up semi near him he laid his fur coat on me...." She said. "H-he did what?!" Bilbo asked. She nodded, I now remembered this. "Yeah...I was shivering, pulling my damp blanket closer to me and he ripped it away from me and wrapped me in his fur coat saying "you'll be no use if you get sick!" " she said mocking a deep voice. I covered my mouth so I wouldn't laugh. Bilbo smiled as she giggled. "He's sweet, in a rough way. He's done much more for me...I suppose my heart just fell for the rugged King." He said. "So, why again couldn't you come back to the Shire?" Bilbo asked. "Because...Thorin wouldn't be there." She said. My heart pounded in my chest. "And Bofur?" Bilbo asked. "I don't know...I just enjoy his company he's so just...amazing. He reminds me of someone I would love to cook dinner for and welcome when he came home every night. The one thing I love is that I can never ever stay mad at him." She said. "So it sounds like you love both...but Thorin a tiny bit more" bilbo said. "Well...I think one of the things that brings me closer to Thorin is that he knows a lot about me." She said, he's very good at calming me down and bringing me to peace. Though that doesn't change the fact that Thorin infuriates me sometimes, like before we left on the boat." She said. "the braid?" He asked. She nodded, "w-wait didn't Thorin braid your hair?!" Bilbo asked panicked. "Yes...why? Is that bad?" She asked. "Well...I mean no I suppose it's not. I'm afraid your not familiar with dwarvish courting customs are you?" He asked. She shoot her head, " in marriage?" She asked wide eyed. I backed up and went back down the tunnel before heading anything else. I was greeted by Balin, "I believe it's time to send Bilbo to do his work. Where is he?" Balin asked. "He's playing therapist with Violet. I'm sure they should be done soon." I said crossing my arms. "Therapist?" Dwalin asked coming over, "is the lassie alright?" He asked. I nodded, "I believe so." I said. "Hello, sorry, we thought you all would like some time alone with your home, without hobbits...or elvish dwarves..." Bilbo said looking back at Violet who's sight was set solidly on the ground. "Bilbo, come with me. We have some things to discuss." Balin said before taking Bilbo. We all watched them disappear around the hall until I felt something pulling my arm. I looked back and saw Violet pulling my arm. I have in and followed her down a corridor and through a few other halls. Before she stopped and stood in front of me, looking me dead in the eyes. Her face was intensely red. "Why didn't you tell me braiding hair was a dwarvish courting custom?" She asked. "I thought you knew..." I said with a small grin. "N-no! I didn't! You could s e mentioned that!" She stuttered looking down at the ground and bit the sleeve of her sweater. Now I knew she was nervous. "If you did know...would you have let me do it?" I asked calmly. She looked up at me. " actually want to marry me...after knowing what you know about me?" She stuttered, I saw tears well up in her eyes. I wiped them away with my thumb, "yes...I do. What you've been through is not your fault." I said. She bit her sleeve once again, before suddenly reaching up on her toes and pressing her lips to mine. I was shocked at first then relaxed and let my hand rest on her wait. It was an intense passionate kiss, just a simple loving one...loving enough to know it was a yes. She pulled away and looked back down. " that a yes?" I asked. She glanced up at me before her cheeks turned Rosie once again. "I'm not saying no...but can I have some time to think about it?" she asked looking up at me. I smiled and kissed her forehead gently. "Of course, I wouldn't want you jumping into something you haven't thought about." I said. "You've thought about marring me?" She asked. I nodded, "for quite some time...since Rivendell actually, so I've had quite some time. Please think about it...think hard." I said. Before she could reply Ori came to us. "Balin sent Bilbo off, he wanted me to tell you." He said before leaving. "Can I put the braid back in your hair?" I asked. She shook her head, "no...not until I've made my decision." She said. "Are there other options of men for you?" I asked. Her eyes darted to me, "I don't know...and that doesn't matter." Violet said before her hand swiftly sneaked into mine and squealed it. "I'll think about it, I promise, but for now let's go wait with the others." She said before beginning to walk, pulling me behind her. She suddenly stopped, my lower chest ramming into her back. "I have no idea where I'm going...maybe you should lead." She squealed. I smiled and nodded before going in front of her. "Thorin?" She asked behind me. "Yes?" I asked. "If we where to marry and I lived here...would you make me a map so I wouldn't get lost in this place?" She asked shyly. "Of course I would, anything for you." I said calmly leading her back through the tunnels she weaved us through.

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