Chapter 16: Escape

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Thorin POV

"Thorin..." I heard Balin say. "What?" I asked turning to him. "What do you think? About Violet." He asked. I shook my head. "I don't know, I'm still trying to understand what she said. All of it was very confusing." I said. The other dwarves mumbled in agreement. "Maybe she was trying to make it confusing so...we didn't ask many questions?" Ori said. "Wouldn't making it confusing cause more questions?" Fili asked. I listened as the company mumbled on about what she said was unclean, all I could think is how she couldn't have told me before. 'Why did she think I would hate her...she's done nothing wrong to me.' I thought to myself....though was surprised at the news.

Violet PoV

I held my brothers hand as he led me through Mirkwood...though tears where filling my eyes. My heart was pounding and my head was swimming...I never in a million years thought I would see or touch my brother again. "Okay Viole- why are you crying?" He asked concerned when he looked down at me. "I-I-" my voice was choking up. Legolas kneeled down and cupped my cheek. "Please, tell me what's wrong." He said. I looked into his bright blue eyes and broke. I covered my eyes and cried. I cried so hard my sleeves where soaked in tears. I felt my brother hug me tightly and let my hair. I wrapped my arms around his waist, grabbing the back of his clothes in my hands...afraid if I let go he would be taken away from me again. "I never thought I would see you again!" I cried into his chest. "As did I...but I'm here now." He said. I sniffed and looked up at him, my eyes surely puffy and red. "What are you doing with those dwarves?" He asked. "Well...I'm going to help them reclaim their home." I said quietly. "What? Why would you want to help them?" He asked. "Well...I don't know. I feel bad for what happened to them. Everyone deserves a home know that." I said looking at the ground, grabbing the ends of my sleeves in my shaking hands. Legolas sighed. "I can't believe I'm helping you do" He said before handing me a master key to all the doors in Mirkwood...including the dungeons. "Thank you so much!!!" I said jumping up and hugging him. "Keep track of it. I will not be giving you another please...go save your friends." He said placing a kiss on my forehead before running back to the dungeons.

I slid quietly through tunnels in hope I wasn't spotted. Though I stopped hearing Thranduils voice. "I know your there. Why do you linger in the shadows?" He asked. I panicked and held my breath, pressing myself as far into the wall as possible. Suddenly I heard another voice. "I was coming to report to you." She said. "I thought I ordered that nest to be destroyed not two moons ago." He said. "[Balin:] "To find the entrance. We have to be standing at exactly the right spot at exactly the right time. Then, and only then, can the door be opened-" she began only to be cut off by Thranduil. "That fortress lies beyond our borders. Keep our lands clear of those foul creatures, that is your task." He said. "And when we drive them off? Will they not spread to other lands?" She asked. "Other lands are not my concern. The fortunes of the world will rise and fall, but here in this kingdom, we will endure." He said. I heard no response for a short while, until Thranduil spoke again. "Legolas said you fought well today." He said. I took a silent breath and began to sneak away. "He has grown very fond of you." He said, I stopped. 'My brother likes someone?' I though to myself. "I do not think you would allow your son to pledge himself to a lowly Silvan elf." She said. '' I thought. "No, you are right. I would not." He replied. 'You ass.' I growled in my head. "Still, he cares about you. Do not give him hope where there is none." He said. I took a breath and snuck away with out being spotted. As I approached the dungeons, I heard a familiar voice behind me. "Violet! Thank goodness your alright!" Bilbo whispered behind me. "Bilbo! What are those?" I asked looking at his hand. "Their keys, I found them. Their for the dungeons." He said. I held up the master key Legolas gave to me. "Well let's bust out some dwarves then." I whispered.

We snuck into the dungeons and heard the dwarves speaking. "I'll wager the sun's on the rise. It must be nearly dawn." Bofur said. "We're never going to reach the mountain? Are we?" Ori asked. I snuck infront of Thorin's cell. "Not stuck in here your not!" Bilbo said approaching the dwarves locked on the upper level. Thorin looked at me in surprise and rushed to the cell door. "Violet!" He said reaching through the bars cupping my cheek. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss his warmth. I unlocked his cell and moved onto the other ones. We quickly and quietly unlocked it before following Bilbo down into the wine cellars. "I don't believe it! We're in the cellars!" Kili said. "You where supposed to be leading us out not further in!" Bofur snapped. I placed a hand on Bilbos shoulder. "What are we doing down here?" I asked. "Trust me, follow." He said before leading us to a stack of barrels. "Everyone climb into the barrels quickly!" He said. "Are you mad?! They'll find us!" Dwalin said. "No, no, they won't, I promise you. Please, please, you MUST trust me!" Bilbo begged. I looked at Thorin, as did Bilbo. "Do as he says." He said before going to a barrel. They all got into one, "there aren't enough! We need one for Bilbo and Violet." Ori said. "Violet come here." I heard Thorin say. I quickly walked over and he lifted me up into the barrel with him. We looked out at Bilbo. "What do we do now?" Bofur asked. "Hold your breath." He said. My eyes widened. "Hold my breath? What do you mean?" Bofur asked before Bilbo pulled a lever and the floor opened up before we all began rolling down, splashing into the water below. I we came back up the the surface and gasped for breath. I watched Bilbo come back up from under the water. "Well done Mr. Baggins!" Thorin said. "Come on! Let's go!" He yelled. We all began swimming our barrels towards the gate. "Holo in-annon! (Shut the gate!)" I heard Legolas yell. "No!" I said worried as I watched the gate close and we stopped at them. The barrels pile into each other and I saw the elven guards draw their swords as they approached, but I saw one suddenly shot in the back with a black arrow. I shrieked as a pack of growling orcs swarm over the guardpost, beginning to kill the elves. Multitudes of orcs ran in from the bushes, including a larger one, with metal in his chest. I held onto Thorin in fear. The orcs begin throwing themselves at us into the water. I noticed that Bilbo managed to kill one with Sting, and Dwalin elbowed another in the face. I looked and saw Kili eyeing the lever the elven guard had pulled earlier. I watched him get out of his barrel and run up the stairs toward the lever...unarmed. I grabbed a rock near me from the edge of the river and threw it, striking and killing an Orc trying to attack him. "Kili!!" I heard Dwalin yell. I saw Dwalin, who had managed to grab a sword from one of the elves or orcs, tossed it to me, I caught it and threw it to Kili, who then began fighting his way to the top of the stairs. I saw Kili fight an orc, though I became terrified as another one leaps up from behind him, raising its spear to stab him. I reached and threw another rock and killed the orc, allowing Kili to fight his the Orc attacking him in the first place and kill it. "These things are deadly..." I said looking at the rock in my hand before looking back to Kili. I saw the large Orc with metal in his chest looking at Kili before pulling his bow and arrows from his back. As Kili reaches for the lever, he fired an arrow...shooting Kili in the leg. "Kili!!!!" I shouted. Kili stopped, pulling the lever before he fell back into the water, the side of his barrel snapping off half of the arrow. He looked at me, eyes half lidded, panting. Suddenly I noticed the orcs being shot one by one with arrow. I turned around to see the red headed elf woman firing arrows left and right, with my brother doing the same. I held onto the side of the barrel as we began to rapidly go down. "Ahh!!!" I screamed pulling Thorin down into the barrel as an Orc dives at us, but misses and flys over and into the water. We came back up and looked at each other then around us. I looked and saw Legolas leap from the side, balancing himself on the heads of the dwarves. He shot any Orc that came close, a lot with the elf woman cutting them down along the side. I noticed a tree trunk coming up, with orcs standing on it. "Cut the log!! Thorin yelled. Dwalin striked the log with his axe before tossing it back to Thorin who hit it again, breaking it in half causing it to collapse under the orcs combined weight. Suddenly Thorin pushed my head down into the barrel. "Stay down there!" He yelled. I nodded and decided to just listen. I listened around me and suddenly heard the sound of a barrel rolling along the side of us, crashing into various things then splashing into the water once again. I heard orcish shrieks and arrows being shot before it began to quiet down. I peaked my head out and saw Legolas standing on a bridge looking right at me. I stood up fully, my back was against Thorin's. I looked at my brother lovingly...he saved us. I turned around and looked ahead, we where flowing down the calming river, I saw Bilbo holding onto the side of Fili's barrel, though still perfectly fine. I then looked at Kili...who did not look fine.


Hey! I'm sorry for neglecting this story for a while and not updating it. I put it on hold to finish The Lionheart, however that one is now completed and I'm on the sequel for it. Though I noticed a lot of people saying update so I decided to work on this one and update it! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and I promise I will pay more attention to this story :)


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