Chapter 35: You're my heart Part 1

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Violet POV

I watched as Kili, Fili, and Dwalin fought. My focus darted to Thorin. I couldn't see him, but I could hear Azog and him fighting. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I saw Kili running up ruins towards Bolg. "KILI!!!" I screamed, though another Feminine voice had joined me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Tauriel. "Tauriel!" I said. "Come, help me!" She said running past me. I looked at Dwalin, Bilbo and Fili doing fine. I followed her and saw Kili fighting several orcs. I growled and swung my sword, slicing an Orc about to cut his leg. As well as Tauriel flipping around and stabbing, and cutting them like the utter badass she truly was...seriously...she's amazing. "VIOLET!" She suddenly screamed. I was suddenly lifted and thrown harshly at the wall, I felt my arm crack and my head begin to feel clouded and light. Through my blurry eyes I saw Tauriel and Kili fighting off who I now realized had attacked me, Bolg. I grinned slightly seeing Tauriel jump onto Kili's head before flipping over Bolg, slitting his neck. Suddenly, as she did so, Legolas leaped from above me and kicked the stunned orc over the edge. They all watched him fall, I groaned seeing another small orc running at them, I wiped a dagger out of my boot and threw it, nailing it in the head before it got close. I hissed in pain at my arm. Suddenly above me I heard Thorin and Azog. I pushed myself to my feet, barely able to stand. "Th-Thorin..." I whispered. Suddenly Kili ran to me, "Violet! No! Your injured we need to get you out of here!" He said supporting my back in his arms. I coughed as Legolas ran to me. He gently grabbed my arm trying to see if it where injured, making me cry out in pain. It was obviously broken. "Violet!!" He said trying to help me up. "N-no! I need to go help Thorin!" I said, straining myself to speak. "No! Your far to injured and Thorin will be alright! I will go help him if your wish." Legolas said. I felt my eyes well up with tears, I needed to go to Thorin...I needed to save him...I needed to be there for him like all the times he had been for me while I was crying and in danger. "No! I-I'm fine!" I said. Tauriel then placed her hand on the back of my head, only to pull it away...soaked in blood. "You've cracked your head. You need medical attention as soon as possible." She said. "N-no! I need to help him! P-please!!!" I said beginning to cry, desperate to get to my king. "Please! Please let me go to him!!!" I cried. "Why are you so desperate to help him in your condition??" Tauriel asked. "Because!!! I grew up with NOONE! I grew up alone! Being Beatin, raped, abused, and humiliated all the way into my maturity. Thorin Oakenshield was the ONLY person who actually knew something was wrong and pushed through to get to me and help me. He was there for me in so many ways that nobody has. He turned out to be the only reason I have to keep loving...he's my courage, my bravery, my strength, and...when I look at him it's like I'm seeing an angle who is there to protect, love, and care about me." I said, tears running down my face like a stream. " He's the love of my life...and he's my best friend, a-and I CANT LOSE HIM! I JUST CANT!!!!!" I cried out whipping my way out of their grasp and sprinting up the ruins towards the ice where Azog and Thorin where. Completely shoving the pain coursing through my body aside. I almost screamed seeing Thorin almost hanging off the edge of the frozen waterfall, completely defenseless with an Orc running at him. Before I could do anything, my brother, who had Orcrist came to my side and threw his sword, stabbing the orc through the chest. As the orc fell and began sliding over the edge, Thorin grabs his sword, stabbing it into the ice to keep himself from sliding. He stood and turned to look at Azog. Suddenly Azog charged at Thorin, swinging a large rock attached to a chain at him, missing. Thorin ducked out of the way, leaving Azog unbalanced afterwards. However the rock had hit the ice, causing it to begin cracking. "No..." I whispered. Azog held the chain tight.

I watched as Thorin and Azog fight, the ice continued cracking. I held myself back from jumping in. I noticed they both pause for a second, then Azog swings again. This time however...the ice actually begins to break apart beneath them. "No!" I shriek, gaining their attention. Thorin looked at me before stumbling over an edge of the ice, Azog managed to knock his legs out from under him with the chain. As Azog swings again, Thorin managed to roll away. He jumped up behind Azog, who was off balance, and slashed him again with his sword. Azog growled and swung the rock and chain at Thorin, missing, hitting the ice again, only this time, the rock became stuck in the ice and Azog slashed at Thorin with his bladed arm. Suddenly, I heard a loud screech of an eagle. Azog looked into the sky behind Thorin in shock, I looked and gasped to see the Eagles with Radagast riding their leader, swoop by. They sail through the ranks of the oncoming orc reinforcements from Gundabad, destroying them. I smiled widely at Beorn, who was riding atop one of the Eagles. I watched at he threw himself off it and transformed into a bear as he falls to the ground, landing in full massive bear form right in the middle of the orcs. I thrust my sword into the air cheering as he began destroying the orcs. I looked back at the sound of crashing metal and saw Thorin throwing his sword aside and lifting the rock out of the ice before throwing it at Azog who catches it, looking at him shocked before Thorin jumps back. Azog stumbles back, before suddenly plunging into the water, the disappearing. "T-Thorin!!!" I said running down the side of the ruins onto the ice towards him. "Violet! Your injured!" He said. Suddenly I lost my footing and slipped onto my back. I slid down the ice with a grunt. "Violet!" Thorin said. I shook my head, "I'm fine! I'm fi-" I cut myself off as I felt a blade pierce through the only opening in my lower abdomen. I looked down in horror seeing Azog's spear like arm, before Azog burst from the ice and drag me down. "VIOLET!!!!!" I heard Thorins voice bellow. I held my break and turned looking the pale orc in the face. He pulled his arm out of my lower stomach and held it at my throat. I gasped for breath, I gasped for breath, letting ice cold water flow into my lungs. I reached for my boot and grabbed my spare knife out of my boot. I felt air escape me as I rammed it back into Azogs eye. In an instant I was released and swam to the surface, though before I could reach it my body went numb and stopped swimming. Suddenly a hand shot into the water, grabbing my wrist and pulling me out, just as I felt as though I fell asleep, breathless and strained.

I felt a repeating pounding on my chest, before fingers opening my lips, and breathing air into my lungs before the pounding in my chest started again. "Please, please Violet, come back to me, come back to me my love!" I heard Thorin practically beg. Suddenly my eyes opened and I shot up gasping for air and hacking up water. "Violet!!" Thorin yelled before pulling me into his arms, hugging me tightly. I felt in intense pain in my stomach. "T-Thorin..." I whispered. He looked down and saw blood coming from the cracks of my armor, " no no no no!!!!" He whispered holding me up, one hand on the back of my head. Suddenly he realized I was bleeding from my head as well. "We need to get you medical attention, I am NOT losing you!!" He said holding me tightly. I looked up at him, unable to breath or utter a single word. I felt him lift me into his arms. "Thorin!!" I suddenly heard Bilbo call out. "Bilbo, we need to get her help! Right now!" I said forcefully. Suddenly Fili, Kili, Tauriel, Legolas and Dwalin run towards us. "The orcs are retreating!!!" Kili said smiling. "Oh no...VIOLET!!!" I heard my brothers concerned voice. I looked at him and smiled weakly before my body began to fall limp, my head falling against Thorins shoulder, everything around me went silent, and I felt nothing but searing pain and saw nothing but black.

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