Chapter 19: dont fight

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Short but sweet chapter

Violet POV

I stood between Kili and Fili as we walked down to the bar. "This place isn't to bad actually." Kili said. "Yeah, no it's really not." Fili replied. "Hey how did you guys get caught anyways?" I asked looking up at Fili. "Oh well Thorin and Dwalin thought it would be a good idea to break into the armory." Fili said. "" I said as Kili held the door open for me and I walked inside. We already saw most of the dwarves, including Bofur there some we went to the inn before we went there. "Oi! Lass come sit with me!" Bofur said smiling. "Thorin's going to be pissed at Bofur." Kili said looking down at me. "Well I can't ignore him! That's rude..." I said before going and sitting beside Bofur. He tossed an arm around my shoulders and I paid no mind to it since Thorin wasn't here. I grinned watching Ori and Bombur have a drinking contest since the ale was free for us. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw Thorin coming in. I panicked and moved Bofur's arm away from me. He looked at me oddly then noticed Thorin. He sighed and rolled his eyes. "I-I'm sorry...." I said quietly. Thorin sat beside me on the other side and pulled me closer to him by my waist. I suddenly felt Bufur...pull me back by my my hips where with Thorin...and my shoulders where with Bofur. 'Oh no...please don't.' I thought. Suddenly Thorin wrapped his other arm around my upper chest ((not on my boobs...thank mahal))) and pulled me back. "P-ple-" I squealed before Bofur pulled me back. I was literally being pulled between a toy-maker and a king. "Bofur. You'd be wise to let her go." Thorin said calmly, though his voice was not happy. "No! She sat with me first!" Bofur said. I cowered between the bickering dwarves. The rest of the company was looking at me with pity. "How about you both leave the lass alone!" Balin said slamming his pint down. They both let go and look at Balin, Bofur with a surprised look and Thorin with an irritated one. Suddenly two muscular arms linked under mine and lifted me up from inbetween my admirers. "Ye just cause trouble every where ya go don't ya lass?" Dwalin said carrying me to the other side of the table. "I g-guess..." I stuttered. I sat between Fili and Dwalin, completely avoiding eye contact with Thorin or Bofur...who where actually hit glaring at each other. I noticed that Kili had brought out his dagger and handed it to Fili and began playing the knife game. I grinned watching him sing the song and play it perfectly. He yanked his hand away when he finished and laughed. "You wanna try Violet?" He asked offering me the dagger. "Su-" "NO!" I was cut off by Bofur and Thorin yelled reaching for the dagger. ' least they both have a mind for my safety...' I thought. I took Filis dagger before ether of them could reach it and began singing the song. I think they where surprised that I knew how to play this game very well. Suddenly the table was knocked into by a drunk man and the dagger cut my finger. "Ow!" I hissed dropping the dagger and grabbing my finger. "HEY! What the hell is wrong with you!! You got the lass hurt!!!" Bofur yelled standing up looking down at the man. "Hey calm down, it's not like it matters if she's hurt or not~" the man slurred. He was obviously drunk. "What did you just say?" Thorin growled getting up as well. "It doesn't matter~ women are dispensable!" He laughed. this probably pissed all the dwarves off because they where very protective of their woman and well...they protect woman in general...very territorial. So hearing this...I saw fire in Bofur and Thorins eyes. Out of nowhere Thorin dragged the man outside and and we could hear the door or the bar slam closed and cried of pain from outside. I ran to the window and sat Thorin stomping his boot into the mans teeth and Bofur nailing him in the the rib cage with his elbow. I covered my mouth and ran out. "Stop it!!!!! He's drunk!!!!!" I panicked. They stopped and looked at me. "Go back inside Violet!" Thorin growled. "No! You go back inside! Both of you!" I said angrily. Nether of them moved. "NOW!" I yelled before they both sighed and went back inside. I kneeled down beside the bloodied man, I saw about eight of his teeth where gone. "Jeez Thorin...brutal..." I muttered. "Sir? Do you know where we can go to get you fixed up?" I asked. He nodded weakly. I helped him up and tossed his arm around my shoulder to support him. As we walked I held onto the man while he gave me directions. Though out of nowhere the man swung and slammed me against a wall. "Aren't you a pretty thing?" He slurred, blood pouring from his mouth from his missing teeth. "L-let me go!!!!" I yelled. His hand traveled up my skirt and I shrieked, "what...are your little dwarf friends going to hurt me again?" He asked. I felt terrified that I couldn't even move. It was when I felt his hand go near my private regions that I panicked, sudden flashes of my father coming to mind. I felt tears run down my cheek as I punched him in the jaw and screamed the first name that came to mind. "THORIN!!!!!" I screamed as loud as I could. He held his jaw and looked back to me with a deadly glare. "Ya bloody broad...maybe you are dispensable. Woman should do as men wish." He slurred as he came closer. "T-Thorin..." I wimpered. Out of nowhere Thorin hooked the corner and rammed his fist into the mans throat. I pulled my knees to my chest and hid my face shaking. I heard the sounds of punching and kicking and angry dwarvish curses and pained grunts. I suddenly heard a metal sound and looked up to see Thorin ramming the mans face into a light pole. My eyes widened as he then dropped the man and kicked him into the water. I sat ther crouching before Thorin reached down and got the blood off his hands in the water and came to me. "Violet, are you alright?" He asked placing His hands on ether side of my face. I could say anything I just looked at Thorin's concerned face. I felt my eyes well up with tears before I reached out and hugged him tightly, trembling. He hugged me warmly before he hooked his arms under my butt and thighs before lifting me up, holding me to his chest. I noticed he carried me back to the Inn. "Where is your room?" He asked. I leaned back and looked at him, "c-can I stay with you?" I asked stuttering. He looked at me...lovingly and nodded. "Of course." He said before taking me to his room and setting me on the bed. I immediately crawled under the covers and curled up, still trembling from what happened. Thorin got in the bed beside me and pulled me close to him. I hugged around his middle and laid my head on his chest listening to his relaxed heartbeat. "I will never let anyone do that to you again..." He said before pulling me closer. His warm embrace was the most comforting I'd ever felt. Though Bofur was sweet and funny, I couldn't lie...I was in love with my protective, territorial, defensive strong, feisty, handsome, loving if only I could bring myself to tell him.

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