Chapter 14: Beorn part 2

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I felt that I was awake though my eyes where not open. I felt Thorin was laying on my right shoulder and arm, causing it to fall asleep. I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. I pushed him with my other arm. "Heyyyyy get off. I can't feel my arm." I said. He grunted and rolled over. I sat up and stretched. I looked and saw that Fili and Bofur where awake as well. I crawled across the floor and saw next to Fili. "Goodmorning lass~" Bofur said smiling at me. I grinned and leaned against Fili, my head on his shoulder. "Did you guys meet Beorn?" I asked quietly."no, you?" Fili asked. "Yeah...I think I talked to him half asleep last night. I'm not sure if it was a dream or not though." I said. Bofur chuckled and smoked his pipe. I closed my eyes and stayed silent. Suddenly someone poked my sides making me squeak. I looked around irritated and saw Kili with a goofy smile. "Morning~" he said before sitting on the other side of me. "Jerk." I deadpinned and scooted closer to Fili. "Sorry sorry." Kili said with a laugh. I rolled my eyes and scooted back. Both the brothers pulled out their pipes and I sighed. "I wish I had a pipe..." I muttered. Suddenly a nice wooden pipe was tossed in my lap. "There ya go lass. It's my extra but you can have it if ya take care of it." Bofur said with a smile. I smiled and jumped up and hugged him. "Yay! Thank you!" I said happily.

I lit the pipe and happily sat smoking with the dwarves, one by one dwarves joined us. I looked back and saw Thorin was still in a limbo of asleep and awake. "I'll go wake him." I said before standing. I kneeled down infront of his and shook his shoulder. "Thorin, it's time to wake up..." I said sweetly. He shrugged me off, "leave me be Violet." He grunted. "No you gotta wake up." I said. "I said no. Go back to the group child." He said, his expression was irritated. I frowned and took a large inhale from my pipe. I blew the smoke in his face when he inhaled. He coughed and sat up. He glared harshly at me. "Why did you do that?!" He asked. I giggled, "because you wouldn't get up." I said with a smile. He sighed and shook his head. "Okay." He said before standing. I stood up next to him and went back to the company. "Well, he's awake. Not happy, but awake nonetheless." I said siting back down.

Soon enough we heard Gandalf speaking with someone. We all looked back and saw him speaking with a large man. We where all welcomed to sit at the table and eat. I kept glancing up at the man and every time I did he was already looking at me. Though we quickly averted his gaze when I looked at him. Bofur seemed to notice. "Why is he looking at you?" He asked. I shrugged. "I have no idea..." I muttered. Beorn gave us all food and something to drink. "So, you are the one they call Oakenshield. Tell me, why is Azog the Defiler hunting you?" Beorn asked. "You know of Azog? How?" Thorin asked. "My people were the first to live in the mountains, before the Orcs came down from the north. The Defiler killed most of my family, but some he enslaved." Beorn said. This was the moment when I noticed broke shackles around his wrist. "Not for work, you understand, but for sport. Caging skin-changers and torturing them seemed to amuse him." Not for work, you understand, but for sport. Caging skin-changers and torturing them seemed to amuse him." Beorn said. I tightened my fists and looked at my lap. "That's horrible..." I whispered to myself I stood and went off to look through my bag. "Are there others like you?" Bilbo asked. "Once there where many." Beorn said. "Now there is only one." He finished. "You need to reach the mountain before the last days of autumn?" Beorn asked. "Before Durin's day, yes." Gandalf said. I started to tune out while I looked for my pipe. "But orcs I hate more, what do you need?" I looked up in confusion as I just started listening again. "Hm?" I asked.

After a while I finally found it and went back to the table. "So that's what well do?" Bofur asked. "Yes, it is." Gandalf said. "Wait what are we doing?" I asked, though I got no answer. Quickly we all bustled around and went out to the stables. "Where are we going?!?" I asked. "Erabor!" Bofur said. "No I mean like where are we headed?" I asked. "Where ya not listening lass?" Dwalin huffed going by me, "n-no not really!" I squeaked. Suddenly Thorin grabbed my wrist gently and lifted me up, onto the horse before getting on in front of me. "Thorin?!" I asked loudly and irritated. "Sh, hold on." He said. "Go now, while you have the light. The hunters are not far behind." Beorn said. I sighed and hugged Thorin's waist, resting my forehead on his rather muscular back. Soon enough we took off fast. Riding across plains and hills. "You still haven't answered my question." I said. I wasn't looking ahead of us. I suddenly heard Gandalf speak up as we all stopped. "The Elven gate." He said. My heart stopped and my blood froze. I looked up and saw the gate to...Mirkwood. "W-why are we here..." I said, my voice was scarce. "Violet where is your head my dear! We are going to go through the Mirkwood forest." Gandalf said.

Thorin POV

I looked down and saw Violets hands where grabbing fistfuls of my jacket, her knuckles where as white as snow. "Violet calm down, I don't like elves ether but you need to calm down." I said calmly. Suddenly she shrieked and jumped off the horse and booked it the other way. "VIOLET!" I bellowed. I watched as Kili chased her down and tackled her. He lifted her up over his shoulder and carried her back though she was violently kicking an screaming. "Violet! What ever is the matter?!" Gandalf asked. I then saw her look up at us, her face was covered in tears and red. Her expression was desperate and terrified. "He's going to kill me!!!! He'll kill me!!!!" She screamed. "What?!" I asked utterly confused. "Who is going to kill you?!" Fili asked.

"Thranduil!!!!" She cried.

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