Chapter 25: I'm sorry

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Violet POV

I walked beside Bofur as we caught up with the dwarves, however I couldn't help but feel a rising anxiety in my heart, body, and mind. As we got closer to the gate I stopped dead in my tracks seeing him. He looking over, directly at me. Something inside me wouldn't let me move.

It was him...Thorin...I knew I loved him. Now my hearts making that quite obvious to me. No matter what he heart feels warmer when he's around. Everything about him makes my stomach get butterflies. His eyes are more beautiful than a clear night sky, his strong masculine face was so handsome I could hardly ever bring myself to look away from him when he wasn't looking. His voice was like silk when he spoke to me lovingly. He was so protective of me, making sure I never got hurt, and when I did he would make a fuss about tending to it. Though he was a jerk some time...quite a bit actually he still cared.

Bofur is a sweet dwarf...he honestly is. However he doesn't know my like Thorin does. He hasn't broken in a door to get to me while I was crying and having nightmares. He doesn't know about my past, about my father. "Violet!" Thorin yelled. I looked directly at him while he asked me to go there however my feet wouldn't allow me to move. My heart was pounding like a rabbit. "Lass come one! Are ye alright?" Bofur asked. In a pinch, I felt my eyes water looking at the sweet toy making dwarf and the great King under the Mountain. I looked to my right and saw a tunnel, I looked back at Thorin once before sprinting down the tunnel. I couldn't be with them both, not now. "VIOLET!!!!" I heard Thorin's voice bellow. "YOU! Get to the gate!!! I'll take care of her! MOVE!" I heard Thorins voice, I assumed he was talking to Bofur. I continued running until I came to another tunnel with a pillar I could hide behind. I hid behind it, masked by the dark. "Violet I swear if you've gotten yourself lost." I heard him growl under his breath as he got closer. I watched him pass me, "Thorin...." I said, completely audible. Which was probably odd to him because I never do that, well...rarely. He spun and looked at me. "Violet! What are you doing?" He asked, he wasn't angry but his voice wasn't extremely nice. "Well...I knew you would follow me, which is what I needed." I said pressing myself against the wall. "I'm sorry..." I said looking at him. He gave me a confused look, "why?" He asked. "For being such a child with my emotions. I've never felt anything like this before...I wanted to make sure it was real...that your my one." I said. Thorin didn't reply, only looked at me. "I'm half elf Thorin, elves can only have one true love one time in their entire life..." I said walking slightly closer to him. "And I finally figured out who it is." I said. He gave me an odd look, "how?" He asked. I reached up and held onto the edge of his armor around his neck. I could feel his body heat on my fingers. "My stupid, indecisive, childish heart finally told me what to do." I said. "And what's tha-" I cut him off as I pulled him down by the neck of his arms and pressed my lips to his. He took zero time to react and kiss be back. His lips where slightly chapped, but they where warm and strong. I heard the sound of a clasp undoing before metal crashed to the ground. I flinched and looked to see Thorin's gloves for his armor. I suddenly felt his strong warm hands hold my cheeks, the same hands that held me so I could sleep at night on many occasions of me waking up crying from nightmares. The same hands I wish I had been holding this entire journey. I leaned into one of his hands and looked at him as I placed my armored hand over his. He looked down at me with a grin on his face. "So, you've decided me then?" He asked. "I...I think I always knew it was going to be you. I just had to think it through." I said quietly, moving back to my shy demeanor. "Well, then may I braid your hair once again?" He asked. "Of course you can..." I said smiling, looking to the ground. Thorin lifted my chin with his finger before grabbing a chunk of long hair behind my ear, separating it from the rest of my hair. He quickly make a tight, neat, beautiful braid. I saw him pull the bead he had given me before and slid it on once again.i reached up and held his braid in my hand, mine was just like his. "There..." Thorin whispered. I looked down at my hands, "I honestly have no idea how to get the gloves off..." I said. Most likely sounding like a child to Thorin. He smiled and unhooked what held them on. I slid them off revealing my small hands. As soon as I set the gloved Thorin took my hands in his. "You have no idea how relived I am..." He whispered. I grinned, "we need to be getting back though, come on." He said. I stood still as he turned. "My love," he said. My heart pounded at his words and my stomach felt butterfly's. "What troubles you?" He asked. "...Bofur..." I muttered under my breath. "I will speak with him. I will have no more of him touching you." Thorin said as he turned. I jumped and grabbed his muscular arm. "No!" I begged. "I-I'll do it..." I said quietly. "Why do you not want me too?" Thorin asked. "Well...I don't think you'll be very gentle." I said looking up at him. He gave me a slightly offended look. "Fine, do as you wish. However if he touches you, I will not hesitate to harm him." Thorin growled before storming off. "O-oh okay." I said standing there speechless. I shook my head grabbed my gloves off the ground before going to find Bofur. "How am I going to tell him this..." I mumbled to myself. I pulled my hair and covered the braid so things wouldn't get heated the second he saw me.

After searching for a small while I found Bofur polishing his sword in what I believed looked like a Medicine room. "Bofur..." I said. He looked at me and sighed. "Lass, I need ta speak with you." He said. "...I do too...b-but you can go first." I said as I bit my finger in nervousness. "Well...lass..." He said standing and coming in front of me. He wasn't as tall as Thorin, so I didn't have to look up at him as much. "Ye know of my feelings towards you, aye?" He asked. My eyes fell to look at his chest. "Yes..." I said quietly. I was regretting letting him go first. "Well...I've decided I don't want to wait anymore for the right moment..." He said. 'Oh no...please don't' I screamed in my head. "Violet...will ye be mine...please?" He asked. I looked at the ground. "Bofur...please know that I care deeply about you...but i can't be with you. I've promised my heart to another....he's had my heart for quiet some time." I said. I heard Bofur sigh. I suddenly felt him pull the braid Thorin had put in my hair into sight. "Thorin..." He said. "Yes..." I said quietly. "I should have known...I didn't have a chance with a lass like you." He said beginning to walk away. I ran to him and hugged him around his chest tightly. "No! Don't say that!" I said. "Your an amazing dwarf Bofur and any woman would love to be with you!" I said panicked. "Thorin wouldn't like ye touching another man Violet." Bofur said lowly. "Why?" I asked still hugging him. "Dwarves are very protective of their women, don't like sharing." He said. " know what I don't care! Hug me!" I said hugging him tighter. "Lass I-" "DO IT" I laughed. I felt a rumble of laughs in his chest before he hugged me tightly. "Bofur your my best friend, you really are. Please don't leave me just because I am with Thorin." I said letting go and looking up at him. He smiled at me. I giggled and hugged him again around the neck, "thank you for unde-" "LET HER GO!" I heard Thorins furious voice boom behind me. I let go and looked back at Thorin. "N-no!! Thorin it's not what you th-" I was gently pushed aside before Thorin grabbed Bofur by the neck of his armor and slammed him up against the wall. "Who do you think you are touching my woman!" He growled ramming him again. "THORIN! Stop it!!!!" I screamed running towards them. "DWALIN!" Thorin boomed. Suddenly Dwalins thick arms wrapped around my waist pulling me back. "Thorin please don't!!! It wasn't his fault!!!!" I screamed but he didn't listen. As I door closed I saw Thorin raise his fist. "NO!!!!!" I screamed before the door closed.

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