Chapter 15: The Truth

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Thorin POV

"Thranduil!!!!!" She cried.

"W-what? What business do you have with him that could possibly make him want to kill you?!" Gandalf asked. "I-I....I can't tell you but please please can we go some other way?!" She said, actually dropping to her knees begging the wizard. "Violet! Pull yourself together!" Bilbo said worried as he ran to her and pulled her up. "Bilbos right. You need to pull yourself together. We're going in and that's final." I said. Violet looked at me in pure horror. "N-no Thorin you don't understand!" She cried. "Then tell us dear." Balin said kindly. She jumped back and grabbed a fistful of my hair. "I CANT!!!! YOU WILL HATE ME IF I DO!" She screamed. "THATS ENOUGH! VIOLET I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS NOW KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT AND GET YOUR ASS INTO THE FORST BEFORE I KICK IT IN THERE!" I growled at the shaking girl. The whole company then ran along with Violet, save for Dwalin who I didn't scare one bit. "I thought you didn't want to come?" I heard Kili ask a shaking Violet. "Y-yeah but Thorin scares me more than Thranduil." She wimpered. "You sure?" Bofur asked. Violet glanced back at me then nodded. "Y-yes...I'm sure." She squeaked.

I sighed then noticed Gandalf turning around to catch Dori before he let his horse go. "Not my horse I need it!" He yelled. "Are you leaving us?" I asked. Gandalf nodded, "I have business I need to take care off. Do not stray from the path." Gandalf said. I sighed then noticed Bilbo beside me, "your leaving us?" He asked. Gandalf nodded, "I'll be waiting for you at the overlook, before the slopes of Erebor. Keep the map and key safe. Do not enter that mountain without me." Gandalf said before riding off. "Um, Thorin." Bilbo said. "What?" I asked. "You shouldn't have yelled at Violet. Shes extremely shaken up now. Obviously someone terrible has happened to her, that of which I do not know...but your the last person she wants to disappoint." Bilbo said. "Wait what do you mean I'm the last one she wants to disappoint?" I asked. Bilbo had an uncomfortable look on his face. "W-well I can't exactly tell you." He said before following the company into the forest before I could respond.

Violet POV

It felt like hours that we where wandering. "Are...have we been here before?" I heard Dori ask. "Air...air, I need air!" Bofur said. "My head is spinning..." Oin said. "I-I....I feel like..." I mumbled placing my hand on my head. My head felt light and my feel felt heavy. "Violet...Violet what's wrong?" Fili asked. "I think...." I slurred before I felt myself hit the ground and my vision go black. "Violet!" I heard the dwarves yell.

I woke up...feeling cold stone beneath me. I cracked open my eyes and saw I was in a cell of some kind. "...where am I?" I murmered. "Your not going to like it but your in Mirkwood." I heard Bofur say to me. I looked and saw him sitting up against the wall. "W-what?" I said. I sat up and held my pounding head. "Yeah. After you blacked out...spiders attacked us, massive ones. I thought we where going to die before some blonde elf and a redhead came and saved us. The blonde was looked utterly shocked to see you. Even knew your name." Bofur said. I thought for a moment, "could it have been Legolas?" I whispered to myself. "Hm?" Bofur asked. Suddenly the cell doors opened. "Violet. The king requests your presence." The guard said. "O-okay..." I whispered and stood. I walked out of the cell and past the other dwarves. "Don't hurt her!!!" I heard Kili yell, though I kept my eyes straight.

We went through the halls I knew all to well. We came upon the thrown room...and there he was. Thranduil, the great elven king. "Violet, what brings you here?" He said, a devious grin on his face. "T-traveling..." I said. "Traveling? With Thorin Oakenshield, I don't think so. Where are you going?" He asked. "I-I don't know if I'm aloud to tell you." I said. "I don't think your in the right position to do such a thing. I'm surprised you would let yourself be shown in my kingdom." He said crossing his leg. "I had no choice..." I said. "Well, then I supposed the dwarves should know they've led you to your possible demise." He said. My eyes widened. "N-no! Please I haven't done anything wrong you can't do anything!" I screamed. He glared at me before jumping off of his thrown. "You where born. I find that to be a good enough reason." He growled in my face, pressing the tip of a dagger he pulled from his robes to my throat. "Don't touch her!!" I heard a familiar voice say, Legolas. "Legolas!!" I said. "Leave us! I did not ask for you to come, this doesn't concern you." Thranduil said. I was suddenly jerked back away from that daggers tip. Legolas pushed me behind him. "Anything concerning my sister, concerns me." Legolas said. "Don't say that disgusting word. She is NOT your sister." Thanduil said with venom dripping. "We share the same mother, does that not make us siblings?" Legolas asked. I looked up at him concerned, "you don't have to do this..." I whispered. Legolas looked down at me, before bending and kissing my forehead gently. "You are my sister, I will not let him hurt you." He said. "Take her back to her cell while I speak with my son." Thranduil said. I was harshly pushed back through the kingdom then shoved back down to the holding cells, and thrown back into the cell with Bofur. "Violet! Are you alright?" Bofur asked looking at my face. I felt my eyes water and I nodded. "What did Thranduil tell you?" Balin asked. 'I need to be straight with more secrets..their going to hate me...' I thought. "Well...he told me you all have led me to my possible demise." I said. They all looked rather shocked. "Violet. I'm telling you this as a direct order. Tell us what is going on." Thorin said in a low voice, not even bothering to look at me. I looked at the ground and sat down infront of the bars.

"Well...I suppose I should start by telling you who my mother is." I said. "My mother was Thranduil's wife...who strayed from their marriage and had an affair with my father, shortly after she was pregnant with me and Thranduil was absolutely furious but let her stay here until I was born. When I was born I became very close with my brother Legolas however Thranduial made my life mother hated how he treated me so she sent me to live with my father and away from Thranduil." I said. " why does he want to kill you?" Fili asked. "I'm getting to that," I said. "When I turned twenty I came see my mom. I missed her, I still do. When I came back she was so happy to see me and Thranduil looked at me with pure hatred...because I wasn't his. I was the product of his wife's affair." I said. "So...he wants me dead but is waiting until a good reason to kill me because no matter what I am his wife's child so he doesn't want to just kill me off." I said. Thorin glanced at me from his cell next to me. He motioned me to come closer. "What you told me in Rivendell...about your father. Why did he do that?" Thorin asked. "Thranduil had forbid that my mom ever saw him again...I however was born looking exactly like her only brown I look like the woman he fell in love with." I said quietly so only Thorin could hear. Thorin didn't say a single word, only nodded and turned away. "Your mother was Thranduil's wife?" Dwalin asked. I nodded, "who's your father?" Balin asked. I felt sick to my stomach even thinking of his name, so I didn't say it. "A dwarf, from the blue mountains." I muttered. "Wait what?!? Your half dwarf?!" Kili asked in shock. "Y-yes...what did you think I was?" I asked. "Well I thought you where half hobbit and half elf." Ori said. "N-no...I'm half dwarf. I also wear shoes if you didn't notice." I said quietly. Suddenly I heard steps coming rapidly towards us. "Violet," Legolas said appearing in front of my cell. He quickly opened the door and hugged me tightly. "I missed you so much." He said. I hugged my brother just as tight, a tear ran down my cheek. "I missed you too. I never thought I would see you again." I said. Legolas let me go and took my hand. "Come with me." I nodded and followed, not even questioning.

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