Chapter 13: Beorn part 1

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Violet POV

Before we even knew it we where sprinting as fast as we could across the plain, following Gandalf. I was panting and my legs where starting to cramp and my lungs hurt. I however was running off the pure fear of the massive bear chasing us. I was however extremely surprised when Bombur went sprinting past all of us. "What the he-?" I breathed as I tried to keep up with him. We ran through a gate of a rather large yard and house and started ramming the door. "It won't open!" I said worried. All the dwarves started to ram it until Thorin came running and unhooked the lock sending us flying through. I was furthest away from the door and shrieked slightly when the bear tried to come through the door. I covered my mouth as they finally got the door shut and locked it. I then felt Thorin's hand on my shoulder and his concerned gaze on me. "Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded. Panting still and trying to catch my breath. "what is that?" Ori asked. We all looked at Gandalf, awaiting his answer. " our host." He said. " doesn't seem like he wants us here." I said quietly, though the dwarves agreed. "His name is Beorn, he is a skin-changer." Gandalf said. "Oh, I've heard of those... They can form into animals can't they?" I asked. "Yes my dear Violet that is correct. Sometimes he's a huge black bear; sometimes he's a great strong man. The bear is unpredictable, but the man can be reasoned with. However, he is not overfond of dwarves." Gandalf said. I looked at Bilbo, who looked ever so slightly relieved that he wasn't a dwarf in this situation....I'd be lying if I said I wasn't as well. "He's leaving!" Ori said looking out the window, only to be pulled back by Dori. "Come away from there! It's not natural, none of it. It's obvious: he's under some dark spell." Dori said. "Don't be a fool; he's under no enchantment but his own. Alright now, get some sleep, all of you. You'll be safe here tonight." Gandalf huffed, the dwarves scattered however I stayed near Gandalf, he looked down at me with a slightly concerned expression, "I hope..." He muttered. I sighed, 'of course he says 'I hope' it's always a mild guess.' I thought to myself before walking off.

Beorn's house was nice, very large, but nice. I looked at various things around, climbing onto a chair was slightly difficult for me...but whatever. I looked up at the ceiling that had large wooden rafters holding the house in place. I noticed that they where plenty big enough to sleep on...and I would rather not sleep on the ground for once. I grabbed two of my daggers and walked over to the wooden pole connecting to the one I was trying to get to. I stabbed my dagger into the wall and started to walk myself up the wall. I looked down, I was halfway up the wall when I got Dwalins attention. "What are you doing Violet?!" He asked. Thorin looked up at me and got scared I was going to fall. "Violet! Come down here!" He yelled. Though I had already managed to get the rest of the way up and sat on the Wooden plank. "Nope, I already put to much effort into getting up here." I said with a slight smile. Thorin sighed and waved his hand. I giggled and leaned my back up against the wall, closing my eyes and drifting off.

I woke up with a shiver down my spine. I then realized I was absolutely freezing. I looked down and saw all the dwarves asleep, I also found Thorin, looking quite warm. '...maybe he won't care if I sleep by him...' I thought, I slid carefully back down the wall and tiptoed over to Thorin. I couldn't tell if he was asleep or in the limbo between sleep and awake. I layed down next to him and used part of his coat that he had taken off as a pillow. I was undeniably warmer next to him...all of the dwarves where like walking heat. It was awesome. I closed my eyes though not quite being able to sleep.

Thorin POV

I opened my eyes to see it was still dark out, though went I went to roll over on my side I almost squished Violet, who I was unaware was there. "Please don't crush me..." I heard her squeak. I turned and looked at her, she had a grin on his face. I couldn't help but smile at her cute little face. "Why are you down here?" I asked quietly, as the company was still sleeping. "It was cold up there..." She whispered. I smirked, "oh, but I thought you put to much energy into climbing up to come down?" I asked. She playfully smacked me, "what's part of 'it was cold' don't you understand?" She asked flashing me a smile. I shook my head and laid down on my back, throwing my arms under my head. I looked at the ceiling then felt Violet scoot closer to me. I glanced and saw her head right next to my chest. I moved one of my arms back and let her rest her head on it. I had my hand rest on her lower shoulder and patted her lightly. "Hm?" She sounded looking at me. "You know...I've wanted to tell you this for a while." I said. "What's that?" She asked. "I'm very proud of you...and I'm very happy you decided to join my company. Your defiantly one of the most impressive fighters I've seen, a-and I'm happy to have met you." I said. 'Why did I stutter?!?!' I yelled in my head. "Thank you Thorin...I'm happy to have met you too." Her soft voice said, I heard her squeak as she yawned and turned her back to me, though she pulled my arm and hugged it to her chest. "Goodnight~" she said. "Goodnight" I said back, before closing my eyes and falling asleep once again.

Beorn POV

I formed back into a man and panted. "Orcs. Disgusting." I said to myself as I walked back to my house. I closed the door behind me and looked around the corner to see dwarves asleep on the floor...great. I walked away into my bedroom and sat down on my bed. "Why would Gandalf bring them here..." I mumbled to myself. Suddenly I felt something tap on my leg. I looked down to see a...a girl, who looked half asleep. "Excuse me?" She said, deffinantly half asleep. "Yes? Can I help you?" I asked. "I hate to bother you...but do you have any water?" She asked rubbing her eyes and looking up at me, I could now see her bright beautiful eyes. "Um...yes...I do. Come with me." I said. I stood and started off. I glanced back and saw her running behind me trying to keep up. I slowed down a bit as I approached a jug I kept water in. I grabbed the smallest cup I had and filled it. I handed it down to her and she smiled and chugged it. 'Hm...she must be dehydrated.' I thought. "Do you want more?" I asked. She nodded and held her cup up, "yes please" she said. I refilled it and she drank it slower than before. "What is your name?" I asked. "Oh, it's Violet. Yours?" She asked. "Beorn, nice to meet you." I said. Violet held her hand out...I shook it and nodded. "Well, I'm going back to sleep. See you in the morning?" She said. I nodded, "see you in the morning, goodnight Violet." I watched her waddle back over and lay down next to a black haired dwarf who's face I could not see. 'Shes cute...why on earth would she travel with so many men?' I thought to myself before going back to my bedroom.

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