5.Little Distraction

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Calum's POV
"One, two, three, four," Ashton shouts as he taps both his drum sticks together.

"You call me up, it's like a broken record, saying that your heart hurts..." I start singing the first few lyrics of the song.

"That you never get over him getting over you. And you end up crying and I end up lying, cause' I'm just a sucker for anything that you do."

Luke and Michael than take it away and I was left standing with my bass in hand waiting for my cue in the next verse.

As I wait, my mind goes elsewhere thinking of Jade, surprisingly. I've been ecstatic ever since she agreed to help me out with Molly. It seems like everything is finally piecing together and things will finally go my way. For once, just once.

"Cal, Cal your solo-" My thoughts were cut short when I hear Luke. I look at the guys a bit bewildered and resume playing.

I frantically strum a chord, the sound coming out awful and I felt as if I was suffering from internal bleeding. Luke and Michael cover their ears with both of their hands. Than I catch a glimpse of Ashton balled up next to his drum kit, ears covered and eyes tightly shut.

Without further hesitation, I unplug the amp chord from my guitar and throw the instrument to the floor. That would of been cool if I was some famous rockstar but that's unfortunately not the case here.

"Thanks Calum! Pretty sure I'm half deaf now." Michael spat sarcastically, while massaging his ears.

"Yeah man, what the hell was that?!" Luke had his hands on his waist very sassy like, almost hard to take him seriously.

"Never. Do. That. Again." Ashton said, rocking back and forth in a fettle position.

I rolled my eyes at all of their hysterics combined. They can act like real girls sometimes. Going over to Ashton, I helped him up. "Sorry, I got a little distracted..."

Ashton scoffed, "A little? Mate, you were staring into thin air."

I furrow my eyebrows at his comment and than Luke stepped in. "What was so distracting for you to almost miss your solo and come up with a God awful sound that could kill off the whole population?"

"Yeah, that sound reminded me of a dying cat struggling for it's life!" Michael being over dramatic as always, stated in a squeal.

I rubbed my temples with my fingers trying to get rid of a headache that's starting up. If girls are annoying, than I don't even know what these three are.

"If it had to do with Molly, I swear-" Ashton pointed a long finger at me, with a threatening look on his face.

"Actually it wasn't," I hissed as I pushed his finger away from me. "It was someone else."

All six pairs of eyes belonging to these idiots widened and I could almost swear they would fall out of their sockets any second.

"If not Molly, who?" Luke asked now curious.

Sighing, I give them an answer in hopes that will shut them up. "Her name's Jade."

Their expressions changed from curious to a scary, excited one. I was soon involved in a group hug and with Ashton basically cradling me in his arms.

"I knew you would get over that no good Barbie brat sooner or later-"

With that, I had enough. I squirmed out of his embrace. "No, no you guys don't get it."

They now owned confused expressions on their faces.

"I'm not over Molly nor will I ever be, probably..." I explain but not fast enough because the guys start walking away from where I was standing, obviously uninterested at what I had to say about my embarrassing crush.

"Will you guys just listen! Jade is a girl who just so happens to be helping me out with Molly."

They all stop what they were doing such as polishing drums and tuning guitars to pay attention to me again.

"Ok, ok let me get this straight," Ashton chuckles. "You're having some girl try to get Molly into liking you?"

Luke and Michael were next to end up in a fit of laugher. Ashton is making the idea sound completely insane. Now I feel insane for even thinking it.

"How did you even get this Jade girl to agree to perform this miracle, let alone talk to you?" Michael sneered.

Well, I wasn't going to come out and say that I basically threatened her into it but she didn't technically offer either.

"Erm, she does it as a public service kinda thing." I lie aimlessly, not bothering to make eye contact as I did.

Michael, Luke, and Ashton didn't necessarily look like they've boughten it quite yet so I keep going.

"I'm sure you guys have heard of her work yeah, she's gotten tons of people together not only at school but everywhere really," My attempt at this is getting more and more unbelievable that I can't even believe it myself.

"No we actually haven't but be sure to introduce us Monday," Ashton pressed and it only made me nervous on a whole other level. Literally, my palms are sweating and I try to dry them off by running my hands up and down my pants.

"Ooo, do you think Jade can hook me up with that one chick Cassan-" Michael clearly interested in Jade's "work" started to ask but was interrupted by a slap in the gut.

"Ow!" Michael whined, rubbing his stomach.

"You will not be hooking up with anybody, especially by the help of a stranger." Ashton scolds.

As crazy as this might sound to him, now I was starting to believe it. Jade is a stranger. A stranger I've met only yesterday morning. But than there are the possibilities that maybe things could work out for the best. And I shouldn't let one irrelevant opinion make me think less of the situation.

"Boys, lunch is ready!" My mum's faint voice could be heard from upstairs.

Michael is obviously the first one out the door, basically leaping with joy while shouting repeatedly "Food, food, food!"

I was the last one out before shutting off the amp and than making my way out of the basement.

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