3.Female Species

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Calum's POV
The day was not nearly over and I'm about ready to completely drop out on my first day back.

Luke, Michael, and Ashton were all eating away at what was on their plates that this institution insisted was food. I can't even touch the hairy looking meatloaf that was staring at me from my tray. Instead, I payed better attention to the best view in the house. Molly.

She was lounging on top of a cafeteria table with one of those long legs of her's beautifully folded on top of the other one. Molly almost looked as if she belonged to royalty with her peasants that she called friends all around her, waiting on her hand and foot.

As I kept staring, something hit me lightly on the back of my head. A rolled up piece of a dirty napkin landed on the floor. I rolled my eyes at the childish display and leaned over from my seat to pick it back up from the floor and aimed it at Ashton.

"Real mature." I shot daggers at him. He lifted his arms in defense. "Why do you think it was me?"

Michael and Luke snickered quietly from next to each other. My best bet is on Michael but I just wanted to blame Ashton for it since he's been nagging me all day.

"You're just upset that I keep catching you make goggly eyes at little miss perfect over there." Ashton glances at me and then to Molly.

"Whatever man," I decided to dismiss what was going to become a quarrel between us and slumped in my seat.

It's hard enough me, kind of, accepting the fact that a guy like me would ever get at someone like Molly Ritt. But, only one can dream. And it certainly doesn't make it any more of an upbringing on my self esteem when your best mates think less of the idea anyhow. I'm thinking of the pros and cons here.

Pros: I'm a pretty decent looking guy if I do think so myself, I don't hang out with total losers (ok maybe I do but they can easily be replaced) and lastly, I'm funny sometimes.

Cons: I have no experience in the female department whatsoever.

Like, what goes on with girls anyway? They're emotional, stuck up, high maintenance, dramatic, etc. The list is endless. Maybe I am stereotyping it a bit but those things can't be farther from the truth. All I need at this point is a shove in the right direction. A clear visual and understanding on how the female species works.

Without further notice the bell rang to dismiss us to our next period and I left my friends without a goodbye. I scrambled between the mob of people out of the cafeteria and in to the hallway. As I was about to take a sharp turn, ahead I see the same girl I practically ran over this morning. She was talking to a guy and girl next to what I assumed was her locker.

What they were talking about seemed to be quite a debate because there were a lot of hand motions and serious expressions passed from each one of their faces. My nosiness gets the best of me and here I go, getting a better listen.

"You two are meant for each other," The girl places her two hands on each one of their shoulders. "Katherine, with your patience and ambition to make things work with Eddie will be good for him to make him want to work things out between you guys too..."

Her attention soon shifts to the guy as what I heard, his name was Eddie. "And for you Ed, you really have to give this girl a break. With your stubbornness and lack of compassion, you're only pushing her love for you away. That text message was the lowest of the low but I believe both of you can set your differences aside and have the spark in you two blossom once more like it did over Summer."

I was completely stunned at the girl's choice of words and wisdom in getting these two to fix whatever they screwed up. Not knowing the whole backstory, it seems that with her help, they can patch whatever bump in the road they have going on in their relationship. It hit me that, that's the kind of shove in the direction where I needed to go with Molly. And this girl was the answer.

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