9.The Day

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Calum's POV
I combed my fingers through my ridiculously long hair that really needed a trim but have been too lazy to drag myself to the barber.

As I got my hair how I wanted it after the billionth try this morning, I took a good long stare at my reflection in the mirror.

"Today is the day Calum," My conscious tells me. "The day you shed the boy persona and become a man."

The day I've been waiting for, for so long has finally arrived.

"Today is the day I win over Molly." I say aloud, proudly at that.

After the incident with the guys and Jade yesterday afternoon, I thought for sure that would of cost me this important event. But I thank the good Lord above for Jade's compassion and forgiveness to keep moving forward with the plan.

I made my way over to my bed to grab the finishing touch for my look that consisted of a plain-white muscle tee, skinnies, new chucks, and a dog tag as an accessory. The only thing needed was the leather jacket Jade wisely picked out. It has got to be my new favorite clothing article.

Without hesitation I threw it over my shoulders, and my arms went in through the sleeves. Looking like an absolute tool checking myself out in the mirror, I shook my head realizing it just now and sighed.

"Calum, you're going to be late for school!" I hear my mum's persistent voice shout from downstairs.

I grew nervous now, slinging my backpack over my shoulder and heading out my bedroom door. Slowly I went down the steps, savoring what my mum, who's opinion means the whole world to me, will say. I think she'll be proud of the fact that I dress, I don't know, better?

Walking in to the kitchen where she was busy fixing my lunch, I stop hesitantly before her.

"About time Cal. Alright, here's you're lunch and don't forget too-" My mum doesn't even finish her sentence before taking a good look at me, her eyes widening.

Feeling uneasy, I clench my teeth together while managing a smile.

"My God," She clasps her hand over her mouth, dropping the brown paper bag that contained my food, on the floor.

Damn, I must really look good.

"Good morning?" I greet her coming out more like a question.

"My boy has finally learned how to dress himself!" The small, fragile little lady I call my mother squeals over excitedly and brings me into a rather tight hug.

I pat her back and I couldn't help but chuckle from her reaction. "What is that supposed to mean, mum?"

"It means that you're one step closer to growing up and-" She suddenly lets go from the embrace and stares up in to my eyes, her's becoming glossy. Is she going to cry?

"You're just so handsome and I've never been more proud of the man you are becoming." Her sniffles between that sentence washed a sort of relief and comforting feeling inside me. She's always known what to say and when to say it.

"Thanks mum, it all has to do with-" I started to explain but was cut off.

"Tell me it's that Jade girl you were telling me about. Is she the one you're trying to impress?" Her eyes lit up mentioning Jade's name and so did mine but it soon vanished realizing that's not at all the case here.

"No, mum, she's just a-" I begin to explain again but I can see a confused look take over my mum's complexion.
"I mean she helped me with this and all," I motion with my hands to my outfit but it still seemed as though I'm not getting through to her.

"Oh, whatever it may be with Jade, I just know she has made a good impression on you, son." My mum smiles, picking up the bag with my food sprawled everywhere.

She hands it over and I take it in my hand. Not knowing what else to say in this uncomfortable conversation, I excuse myself to school.
Alright, you know what do right?" Jade whispers from next to me. We were ducked down behind the cafeterias entrance door, basically stalking Molly's table where she was lounging at as per-usual.

I nod my head. "Erm, I think so..."
My palms are beginning to sweat and the collar of my jacket chaffing. It almost felt intoxicating to say the least. I wipe my hands on my jeans and loosened my collar. "I can do this, I can do this." I say to myself as I peer through the little glass window of the door, peering at Molly's intimidating perfection.

"So I'm going to go over there, explain everything to Molly slowly and rationally to try to get her over here without a dispute between us and..."

I couldn't listen clearly to her plan, the words were coming out too fast and in a hurry.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jade lays a hand on my shoulder, her voice concerned.

"Yeah, yeah don't worry about it." I gulped in a sheepish manor.

She suddenly stands up from her place on the tiled floor and brings her hand out for me to grab. I do and I dust myself off in the process.

"You're the one that doesn't need to worry. I mean, you still want this right?" Jade questions, her dark eyebrows knitting together.

Is she kidding? Of course I do. I won't let my cowardly ways get the best of me.

"Duh," I sarcastically respond.

She puts her hands up in defense. "Alright, alright, just checking before you spontaneously chicken out."

I chuckle and dig my hands in my pockets. "Nah, I don't think so. Not this time anyway."

Jade purses her lips and nods. "By the way, you look good." Her intense stare down and compliment totally catches me off guard.

"If Molly doesn't fall for you right away, she's a loser." Jade cheekily says, sending me a wink before walking towards the cafeteria.

"Thanks." I grin and turn around to see her already inside, making her way over to Molly.

Holy shit. Holy shit. It's happening.

"Stay calm Calum, stay calm." My conscious pleads as I already have the urge to make a run for it while I still can.

I watch as the girl stops in front of the table, Molly instantly shunning her presence. Both are suddenly talking to one another, civilly I'm hoping.

Expressions change, the atmosphere changes. The world all of a sudden feels as if it's revolving at a whole different speed.

Jade turns to look at me, her hand motioning to back away from where I was standing I'm thinking. Maybe she didn't want me to be seen right away?

Not moving or simply can't from being frozen to the ground, I see Molly shaking her head no and shooing my friend off as if she's some kind of animal.

This can't be happening. Whatever it is, it read on Jade's disappointed face as she walked back over to me.

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