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Calum's POV

I shuffled through the various envelopes that came in the mail but only urging to find one in particular.

"Find anything?" Ashton asks, propping his elbow on the kitchen counter.

I sigh, "Not yet but something should be here by now, I know for sure-"

My sentence was cut short when my eyes boggle down at what I find to be the single most important thing I will ever receive and have been waiting too long for.

"Oh my gosh, Ash! I got one, I actually got one!" I shout in utter excitement, waving the thing in mid air as if I won the nobel prize or something. Secretly for the past month, I've been mailing in tons of applications in return for something, but of course I thought it would be worth a try more so than anything else.

Luke and Michael share the same excited expression while Ashton attempts to calm me down.

"I know, I know, but you gotta open it first before you get your hopes up." He explains, putting his hands on my shoulders.

I nod frantically, gulping at that. "Right, you're right." With that I start ripping the thing open to shreds and what's left is a single letter. The single letter that could make me or break me. Before I could even get to reading the fine print, someone conveniently yet obnoxiously decides to knock at the front door, interrupting the moment. I groan and set the thing aside to make my way to answer it but only for my path to be blocked by Ashton.

"I'll get it, mate. Just don't do anything till I get back." Ashton offers and heads straight for the door while I trudge back into the kitchen with the other guys.

"Who do you think that is?" Luke raised an eyebrow.

I shrug. "I don't know but whoever it may be, can't be more important than this right here." My eyes wander down at the letter once more and desperately just want to know my fate in all this.

"I still can't believe you decided to go along with this whole college thing in the first place..." Michael says while scratching the back of his neck. His comment makes me shift my attention from what could be an acceptance or rejection letter and over to them now. Luke is busy nibbling at his finger nails, looking cautious when he too speaks up. "What's going to happen to the band if you are accepted and leave to who knows where?"

Being put on the spot never feels good and worse when it has to do with my future relationship with my best mates. But I should of known that it would come down to this point; making decisions in all regarding the band and them. It's like I'm finally fitting into this whole adult persona and I just don't know if they'll be willing to go along with it. The whole situation is now relating so much more to what Jade told me about her and Molly and it terrifies me that, that's what could potentially happen here.

I begin to open my mouth to say something that could ease their nerves but Ashton comes in suddenly from answering the door that took him quite some time I realize.

"Eh, just some sales person. Don't think they'll bother you again." He assures me with a nod when he approaches all of us.

"Ah, those guys can be annoying. Thanks Ash," I chuckle and bring my attention to the letter once more as I lift it in my hands and unfold it.

There are in fact various paragraphs written and I've never been much of a reader for fun or of educational purposes so I skip to the important portion and only to be surprised.

Dear Calum, congratulations and welcome to California State University, Chico! We are pleased to admit you for the fall 2015 semester.

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