8.Giving In

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Jade's POV

"I mean, can you believe him?!" I exclaimed, pacing back and forth in my tight space of a room.

Eddie and Katherine dropped everything to come over and hear me rant for the past two hours on my biggest problem yet. Calum.

"Yeah, tragic..." Eddie mumbled sarcastically as he balled his fist and placed it under his chin to support himself from dozing off.

I would be totally upset that he's acting so uninterested but right now I couldn't blame him. It's more of a girl to girl conversation anyway. Yeah, Eddie's my best friend and all but there's somethings that are better suited telling others. So I ended up calling Katherine and wherever Katherine goes, Eddie goes.

"Could you please have a little compassion?" Katherine tosses one of my pillows at Eddie, a little harder then anticipated and sends him straight off my bed where he was perched on.

A muffled groan escaped Eddie's mouth as he leaned up from the carpeted floor. "I'm okay..."

I giggled, forgetting what I've been so upset about since the incident this afternoon with Calum. The thing that really bugged me about the whole thing was not him telling his little friends about me and the favor I'm doing for him but the feeling of being used.

He intentionally made up a lie to cover up his pathetic excuse of a potential hook up and made me look like a fool.

My reputation is now on the line. And the way that Ashton guy was looking at me, no more like sneering-I feel that he can do everything in his power to destroy me and the little bit of dignity I have left.

Katherine glanced at Eddie, shaking her head in the process and payed her attention back to me momentarily. "Well, he sounds like a whole new level of douche and he should forget about Molly because you're definitely not going to grant him that wish anymore."

I bit my lip debating whether that should really be the solution.

"I mean, what does he even see in that girl anyway?" Katherine wore a look of disgust mentioning what I've been exactly thinking this whole time.

"I know right?! Thank you, finally someone get's me!" I raised my hands up in the air, satisfied with the fact that I'm not the only one who doesn't find Molly the least appealing. How did I even tolerate her once as a friend nevertheless?

Katherine's eyes squint in amusement as she laughs along with me and clasps her hands with mine in a girly manor. It almost felt like we were having a slumber party together with gossip and sharing the same views on things. Now that's something I could never do with Eddie.

"Ugh, women..." Now getting up from the floor, Eddie rolls his eyes and the mattress sinks down from under me as he sits again, joining us.

"You wouldn't understand." I stuck my tongue out at him and he mocked me while doing the exact same thing.

"Anyway, take my word for it and just ignore him for now on. He can handle his own baggage." Katherine recommends, laying her head on Eddie's chest.

I analyze them for a second with the way they're so comfortable with one another. Eddie then places a gentle kiss on the top of her head making the moment seem almost complete. They really are a match made in heaven and I was part of that doing. But if only I could do that for myself.

"Eh, I don't know Kath..." I trailed off, still mesmerized by the two of them. Something about bailing on Calum just doesn't seem right. He's counting on me after all. If I can do him the pleasure of giving him happiness with Molly and seeing the both of them like Katherine and Eddie-then maybe it will all be worth it in the end.

"What do you mean? You're not really still considering anything, are you?" Katherine leans up from the position she put herself upon her boyfriend, sitting cross legged next to me.

"What I mean is that you should see how excited he is about the whole thing. Like at the mall today, he actually made an effort to find something to impress Molly with and may I just say he definitely impressed me because that leather jacket I picked out for him really made his arms look perfectly muscular and-" I raised a finger up in the air in a 'as a matter of fact' way but stopped my commotion, realizing what I'm saying.

Katherine had an eyebrow raised and Eddie had a goofy looking smirk plastered on his face.

"I think the real problem here is that you like hi-" Eddie's unneeded comment was halted as I clutched another one of my pillows in my hand, ready to be aimed at his head.

"Don't." He lifted his hands up in defense, shielding himself.

I rolled my eyes and set the pillow back down in its place on my comforter.

"Hmm, maybe Eddie's got a point for once." Katherine taps a finger against her chin trying to piece this whole misunderstanding together.

"Pfft, I'm right all the time babe." My best friend pops his collar, failing in an attempt to sound the least bit intelligent.

Sighing, I hug my legs placing my head on them, feeling tired and completely over this topic. "You both are idiots..."

Before Eddie and Katherine could defend themselves, my phone went off with a single ring signaling a new text message.

I pick it up, my eyes scanning the bold letters that illuminated the screen.

Cal:Hayyy sorry about today:( I felt really bad about it and gave the guys a little pep talk and I can assure u that they won't say another word about this.

A small smile took fold on my face as I kept reading. The ringer suddenly went off again and another message came in.

Cal:is the plan still on for tmrw??

I then frowned finishing the last choice of words. Is that really the reason he's apologizing in the first place? For a second there, I thought it would be sincere.

"I told you..." Katherine said in a sing-song voice, her breath hitting me on the crook of my neck. I squirm away, scolding her in the process. "Don't be nosy."

Not wanting Calum to think I'm ignoring him for taking so long to reply to him, I type away on the screen.

Me:What's in it for me?

I press the 'send' button and wait anxiously for one of his persuasions.

Not a second passes when he messages me back.

Cal:A happy Calum;)))

Smooth, very smooth.

I was grinning from ear to ear. He left me with no choice but to unfortunately give in.

Me:ugh, fine!-.-

I look up at my bare ceiling not really sure if what I agreed to is in my best interest.

"Who's the idiot now?" Katherine says disapprovingly and Eddie's arms were crossed together, clearly judging me but I was too busy to care with my clouded thoughts taking over.

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