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Calum's POV
"Come to Molly's party this weekend, it'a going to be quite an event!" I announce wandering up and down the school's hallway, passing a flier to randoms that happen to walk past me.

It's a little offer I made to Molly in order to make up for my little hit and run at her house the other night and she gladly accepted seeing as though she needs all the help she can get as far as promoting and making sure people show up. I don't even understand why she would want the whole student population at her party if I'm a hundred percent sure she has never associated with less than five percent of that. But you'd be an idiot not to accept a free pass to what's supposed to be the hottest party of the year, and I wasn't bluffing when I said it'd be quite an event. And so far no one has declined.

"Hey mates," I wave at Michael, Luke, and Ashton as I inch closer to where they stood chatting by a pair of lockers.

The guys glance over at me once before immediately resuming back to their conversation. I stop amongst them, getting a listen to what all the fuss is about.

"What are we going to do about the band?" Luke sighs, running his fingers through his bed head.

"I don't know, we really need to book something and fast." Ashton states.

Michael nods, "I agree."

My eyebrows knit together, confused on the topic and why I haven't been alerted.

"Excuse me? Bass player of the band is present here, now what's going on?" I meddle in. Yeah, it's been weeks since I've met up with the lads to rehearse and what not but I'm still very much involved whether it seemed like it or not.

Ashton scoffs, "Former, Calum. Former bass player."

My eyes widen. "I didn't seem to get the memo and even if I did, what the hell?!"

"We kinda all agreed that since you haven't been around that it's best if you're just not in it at all and we'll find you a replacement. Sorry," Michael babbles, rubbing his forearm.

But that's the things with Michael. He let's people step all over him and goes with whatever little thing as if it's the right thing in the end. Well I won't have it.

"Bullshit!" I snap, "No one is going to decide for me."

"But it already seems that you have." Ashton chuckles. "You've decided on your business with Jade. Funny, this whole charade wasn't even about Molly to begin with."

"Don't you dare bring in Jade as if she's to blame for all of this. If anyone is to blame it's me." I defend, pointing a finger to my chest. Ashton has always had something against Jade so this isn't at all surprising.

"See, there you go, defending the helpless girl when you should be defending your girlfriend Molly. Or is she just doing you a favor like Jade has?"

"That's it!" I growl, letting the stack of fliers hit the floor in a scuffle and waste no time to lunge at Ashton's throat.

"Woah, woah easy Cal," Luke grabs a hold of my waist and Michael does the same.

I wiggle out of their grasp and find my chill again. Me killing Ashton on the spot won't help anything anyway.

"Sorry," I mumble, kneeling down to the floor, picking up paper after paper. Luke and Michael join together to help me out and a small smile forms on my lips. Despite everything, we always seem to go back to each other in our times of need.

"To make it up to you guys," I start saying while shuffling the papers back in to the neat stack from before. "Party anyone?"

I hand an invite to Ashton and he raises an eyebrow. Seeming a bit interested he rips it out of my hand and his eyes wander over it.

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