25.Out of Reach

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Jade's POV

"Pick up the pace you two. We're already late!" Katherine heads straight ahead of us in a hurry.

"Alright woman." Eddie catches up, only to intertwine his fingers with her's and making their way inside the school's gym.

I, on the other hand, take my time while having to pick up my heavy ass gown and dragging it along with me. I don't know what to expect when I walk into the place and see all these twinkling lights and my peers lingering about.

My eyes roam around but they stop instantly. My lips parting as I'm left numb by the one person who could make this moment complete and like the fairytale I made up originally in the back of my mind.

Calum stands in front of me blocking any kind of exit, shortcut, or just anything to escape him to honor my vow to stay completely away from him. But it makes it all the more difficult looking the way he does. Handsome in a black tuxedo and wishing nothing more to have been the one to accompany him tonight.

We stay staring at one another. Maybe for too long at that because his friends are busy trying to bring him back to life. But the two goons get the picture when they eye me only once to know why Calum is stuck in a trance.

I gulp, my eyes narrowing down to the floor feeling self conscious. Maybe he's only that way because I look awful or something? The color of this dress really doesn't suit me to begin with and-

The sound of footsteps move gradually towards me and stopping at the foot of where I'm standing, I look up to meet the same welcoming brown eyes that I know and love.

"It's a pleasure to be in your presence tonight looking breathtaking beyond belief Miss Finnegan," His words come out smoother than butter as he takes my hand and places a gentle kiss on top of it.

I decide to play along.

"Well you don't look so bad yourself, Hood." I compliment, crediting him for his effort tonight which shows extremely.

"I did learn from the best, haven't I?" Calum pops his color, bringing forth his arm for me to grab onto and we start walking side by side.

"Eh, it was nothing." I grin, hugging his bicep tightly as we approach the inner circle of the crowd. I catch a glimpse of the principle at the podium next to three girls, one of them being Molly with a rather large crown on her head. One of many of her dreams that she would ramble on to me about ever since we were little has come true.

I tilt my head to whisper into Calum's ear. "I seemed to miss quite a bit tonight, huh?"

He scoffs. "Nothing important. They're in the process of announcing prom king right now."

"Ah," I nod only slightly to come to find myself caring less for the situation.

"I really didn't expect to see you tonight." Calum murmurs with his eyes fixed up ahead.

"So did I." I say truthfully.

"Why is that?" His face scrunches up as his gaze lands on me now.

"Well I didn't think you'd want to see me and-"

I'm interrupted when our principle's voice booms into the microphone and his voice bouncing off the walls. "Your prom king nominees are..."

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