26.Here's to the Future

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Calum's POV

I stare blankly at my reflection in the mirror. Wearing my graduation gown and a loosely fitted tie that I can't seem to manage, I oddly don't care.
I grab the last thing needed for this event; that being my graduation cap and I falter my way downstairs to meet my folks who might share a more cheery attitude than mine over this.

When I reach the last step, a camera is rammed into my face and a bright flash goes off.

"There's my boy!" My mum coos.

I groan and shield my face away with my hands. "Mum, no pictures..."

She frowns. "Why is that- Oh goodness, David hold the camera so I can fix that mess of a tie."

My dad barely catches the devise that is tossed over to him and sighs in relief when he does.

"Calum, I've taught you this before!" The woman scolds. "Cross the wide end over the narrow, then slip the wide end up between the tie and the collar, then simply drop it back down to-"

She lost me at 'cross' and I couldn't help but zone out from the many things on my mind and not one of those things being a lousy tie.

"Are you listening?" My mum scowls, placing her hands on her hips.

My eyes flicker from the floor where they drifted off to and back at her. "Hm? Oh-erm yeah, cross the thing with the thing and-"

"What's wrong, son?" My dad questions, owning a concerned look.

I lie. "Nothing, just nervous is all."

"I don't buy it!" A different voice, not belonging to either of my parents, but that sounded familiar shares their opinion on my obvious fib. I'm shocked and utterly speechless when the person who knows me better than anyone walks into the family room.

"Mali!" I squeal too much like a girl and pick her up, twirling her around.

"Hey little bro," My sister giggles, squirming in my arms as I let her down.

"W-What are you doing here?! You told me you wouldn't be able to make it on such short notice-"

"Are you kidding, you actually bought that? I wouldn't miss this for the world." She explains, ruffling my hair.
"Also, think of this as a graduation present since I'm broke and can't afford to get you anything else..."

"You're what?!" My mum exasperates.

"But Mali, we sent you loads of money last month." Dad wags his finger menacingly.

"Spent it," Mali simply shrugs, dismissing the whole thing and shifting the attention to me now. "So why are you nervous, exactly?"

I fiddle with my fingers, attempting to avoid this conversation.

"Ah, could this be about a girl perhaps?" My sister smirks, nudging me on the shoulder.

And when I previously said that she knows me better than anyone; she really knows me better than anyone.


"Hey Cal," I hear someone call from behind me while I await in line with my class to be handed my diploma.

Turning around slightly, Luke along with Michael wave from the back of the line. I grin, waving back but frown instantly when Ashton joins the two and stares back at me intently.

The last time I've spoken to the guy was at prom and have not made any plans to do so ever again.

"Calum Hood!" Another voice rings, that being the principle's, and I pay my attention back only to scurry on to the stage in panic.

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