4.No Escape

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Jade's POV
"You're right J, we can definitely work this out." Eddie finally agrees with my genius and I watch as he intertwines his fingers with Katherine's.

"Yay!" I cheer and join the two in a group hug. With Katherine's head on my shoulder, she whispered for only I could hear. "Thank you for doing this."

I smiled and whispered back, hoping Eddie wouldn't be slick enough to eavesdrop. "Anytime,"

We all let go shortly after and the happy couple scurried off to class in a hurry seeing as though the bell had rung moments ago. I bit my lip, now worrying that I too would be late to class. Dialing my combination, I open my locker and put my Calculus book inside while taking out an AP Literature one instead. I heard my literature teacher is very punctual and he'll so much as write you up for getting at least three tardies.

As I held my book in hand, I close my locker swiftly but only to see the same guy from this morning. I shrieked at his presence that badly startled me. His eyes grew big at my reaction.

"Shhhh," He put a finger to his lips in order to calm me down. Who the hell does he think he is standing next to my locker like that?

"Are you stalking me?!" I asked frantically, while backing up, away from him. His eyebrows scrunched up in confusion and shook his head. "No, what the hell, I just need to talk to you."

Now I was the one confused. "Well, you could of waited for a more appropriate time rather then popping out like that."

The guy now looked rather embarrassed as he attempted an apology. "Yeah, sorry about that."

I nodded and looked down to the tiled floor as if that was far more interesting then anything this guy had to say to me.

"We haven't met on the right foot now, have we?" He stuck his hand out. "I'm Calum Hood."

Now curious, I walk a little closer to him to meet his hand and shook it.
"Jade Finnegan,"

Calum smiled genuinely and shoved his hands in to his jean pockets. "So Jade, I couldn't help but listen in on your conversation with your friends."

I rolled my eyes and start walking in the other direction, heading where I'm supposed to be anyway. Class.

"Ah, you're one of those guys?" I turn my head around just a little to see Calum following my tracks. "Didn't your mother teach you that sticking your nose where it doesn't belong isn't a polite thing to do?"

"Yeah, but she also taught me that it isn't right to meddle in to other people's relationships." Calum said from behind me in a 'as a matter of fact' tone.

I scoffed and stop to turn around to face him again. He had a sly smirk on his face, obviously impressed with himself.

"That's what you think I was doing?" I put my hand on my hip and with the other, clutching my heavy ass book to my chest.

Calum shrugged. "Don't no and don't care. All I care about is what I want you to do for me."

I couldn't help but laugh at how forward he's being and a little taken a back by it. First, he bumps heads with me in the morning and pretends he didn't see me. Then, he's all of a sudden thinking I'll do some kind of favor for him in return?

"Whatever it is, I don't want anything to do with it." I make myself clear as I kept my head held high, not at all phased by him. Besides, I don't know how I can benefit his life in anyway.

"C'mon, I saw what you did for your friends. You have the power to bring people together. You're like some sort of wizard." Calum dramatizes.

I smirked and flipped my hair a little with my free hand. "I am awfully good at what I do I suppose..."

"You are good, more like brilliant. And, if you could to that for me and this girl, you'd never know how much I'd appreciate it." This kid was desperate alright. He came across a bit of a bad ass, as a 'you'll do what I want' kind of guy but now he's basically begging for my services.

Looking up at the ceiling, I figured I'd regret what I was about to do. "Ugh fine, I'll do it."

Calum's mouth turned in to the shape of an 'O' and runs over to me and picks me up in his arms. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

I started to kick my feet in to his pelvic area for him to let me down. If this partnership is going to work, he'll need to know his boundaries first.

"Sorry," Calum released me and exaggerated a cough as if to say 'he lost his cool there for a second'.

Sighing, I smoothed my now wrinkled attire. "So, who's the lucky girl you want me to put a trance on?"

Calum chuckled and his cheeks turned a crimson color. "Molly Ritt."

Oh, you've got to be kidding me?

My face hardened at the mention of the she-devil herself. I really can't escape her, can I? She has everyone wrapped around her finger and now I have to perform a miracle in order for this kid to be granted this ridiculous fantasy of his. No such thing can be done.

"Um, I-I don't know if that's possible, you see-" I stuttered my way of getting out of this mess but Calum interrupted.

"I know that it's a long shot but you can definitely help me out here. You're my only hope really."

Damn, this kid is good. I'm a sucker for saps like him.

"Aww," I pinched his rather chubby cheeks. "I'll see what I can do."

Calum then slung his arm around my shoulders and we start walking together down the hallway.

"That's the spirit Jade. Now, where are you off to?" He asked.

"Ap Literature," I answered him, weary of the fact that I'm late and might as well not go at all.

"Hey, that's where I'm going too!" Calum said enthusiastically and his grip on my shoulders tightened.

Oh boy, there is no way of escaping this one either.

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