10.Change of Heart

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Jade's POV

The closer I approached Molly, the more I'd rather drop dead. I mean, you can't blame me seeing as though I haven't said a word to this girl in four years.

It's like she could sense my presence from a mile away once I'm in clear contact with her. Molly stops her conversation she was having abruptly as her cold eyes land on mine. Her posy gasps and sneers at me as if I'm actually a threat to them.

I stop at the edge of their table and wait for the insults to come pouring out.

"Are you lost?" Molly raises one of her perfectly arched eyebrows.

I shook my head.

"Clearly you are or else you wouldn't be standing here now, would you?"

"Want me to get rid of her?" One of Molly's little minions stands up from her seat. As funny as I found that, I'd like to see her try.

"Touch me, and you'll see what happens." I raise a finger at the try hard red head and she sits back down clearly phased.

"Ooo, so Jade Finnegan actually learned how to defend herself after all these years..." Molly mocks.

"Actually, yeah I have, but that's not why I'm here." I say.

Molly flips her hair and starts turning her back on me now, not that I expected her to listen to anything I had to say. She plays by her own rules.

"Well, whatever it is I don't want to hear it. Now if you'll excuse yourself-"

"Oh, cmon Molly, quit it with the high and mighty persona and listen!" I've grown impatient now and my tone of voice rose coming out as a snap.

Molly looked taken a back and embarrassed as the whole cafeteria went completely silent to listen into our little spat.

"Fine, make it quick. I'm loosing my appetite with you even just standing here." She says through gritted teeth, looking around the cafeteria.

I sigh and begin. "So, I have this friend that just so happens to have this little- no huge crush on you and..."

"Hmm, doesn't surprise me, I mean look at me." Molly smirks.

"Yeah, anyway..." I scoff, already annoyed by her self-centered attitude that really makes me question if anyone really likes her or just tolerates her.

"And I was wondering if you could maybe consider giving him a try and-"

Molly interrupts me. "What's his name again?"

"Calum Hood."

"Never heard of him so he's obviously not worth my time." She shrugs and turns herself around in her seat again.

I find Calum now waiting by the cafeteria entrance looking hopeful and eager and making me feel hopeless and like complete shit. Motioning for him to back away from the door, he obeys.

"Please just give him a chance-" I'm basically pleading now, something I thought it would never come down to.

"No, now leave." Molly orders and I've never felt smaller and defeated. Only she can have that effect on someone.

I tried Calum. I really tried.

Backing away from the table, I manage to keep my head held high as if nothing ever happened. I'm not disappointed over the fact that she turned Calum down but more so the fact that our first conversation in the last four years went down like that. My best friend really has changed and not for the better.

"What happened?" Calum jogs over to me with a worried look in his eyes.

Now, how the hell am I going to let him down easy?

"I- ugh, don't know how to tell you this but..."

Before I could rain on his parade, the sound of heels click-clacking were coming towards us.

"Oh my gosh, she's coming! She's actually coming over here Jade!" Calum squeals in delight, grabbing onto my shoulders and shaking them repeatedly.

I became confused and look over my shoulder to find Molly oddly enough making her way over here.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Calum bring me into his arms. I didn't really do anything though. Whatever brought Molly to her senses was all her. Like, she actually has a soul I guess.

"Ok, ok I'll be over there if you need me." I say, squirming out from under him. "Keep your cool."

"Right, keep my cool!" Calum nods and fixes the collar of his jacket.

I giggle, shaking my head and walking off to find a place where I can easily eaves drop and basically stalk the two.

I stop at a corner by a couple of lockers, biting my lip while nervously watching Molly enter the hallway.

She instantly comes across Calum, almost bumping in to him by accident. "Hey, have you seen a dark-haired girl with an extreme need of a makeover pass by here?"

I rolled my eyes at her unnecessary way of identifying me but dismiss it to keep listening.

Calum looks over at me unsure and responds, "Ugh, I think you're talking about Jade. She had to go-"

"Wait, are you Calum?" Molly questions.

Calum nods, running his hand through his hair. He does that when he's nervous, I can tell.

Molly's eyes scan up and down Calum's appearance like one of those check out machine's used at a grocery store. Now I'm the one feeling nervous because this could either make him or break him.

"I'm really glad I decided to take Jade up on her offer."

My mouth drops in dismay. Her finger slithers on to Calum's shoulder.

"R-Really, w-why is that?" Calum's body grew tense now as he stood still processing her single touch. I'm very entertained by it all, really.

"She asked me to give you a try and now looking at you, I'm definitely up for it."

Molly then laces her fingers with Calum's and she drags him away. He looked as if he was in complete euphoria and I've never been more satisfied because of her change of heart.

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