
150 13 4

Calum's POV
Jade dragged me to the nearest shopping mall in town. Something about a "makeover"? Like, what the hell is that supposed to mean?

Aren't girls the ones that do that sort of thing?

I know that by the end of the day I will basically have lost my manhood.

"This looks suitable for you." Jade stops dead in her tracks in front of a clothing store. I never normally shop for myself so I'll definitely be in for a treat.

"Come on Cal," She whined, grabbing my hand again while leading the way inside.

The store wasn't too crowded seeing as though it's a school day and people don't normally come and shop. I wander around looking at the different brands of clothing, shoes, etc.

I don't know shit about fashion in general so I'm already puzzled on what I should be looking for in the first place.

"See anything you like?" Jade sneaks up behind me as I browse aimlessly.

I shrugged. "Not too sure."

She places her hands on her hips and shakes her head as if she's already judging my lack of understanding.
"You're way of dressing sucks so I brought you here to fix it."

I'm still getting used to how blunt she really is.

"Excuse me? I'll have you know that I'm a great dresser-upper!" I try defending myself as best as I could.

Jade scans me from head to toe and I could tell she's trying so hard to keep a straight face while doing so. Okay, maybe I wear the same worn out jeans every other day and maybe my vans have a hole on the sole of the shoe but I preserve them. It's something everyone should consider.

"Oh whatever! You're not so put together yourself you-" I fight back by analyzing what Jade was wearing but soon stop when I see absolutely nothing wrong with any of it.

She is wearing a perfectly color coordinated outfit with basically matching everything. I wouldn't be surprised if she were to be the type to lay out her clothes every night before bed so she wouldn't waste time in the morning doing so.

"You were saying?" Jade flutters her eyelashes, smiling in a sarcastic manor.

I rolled my eyes and decided to keep my mouth shut for the remainder of this little spree.

"That's what I thought. Now, follow me."

Feeling like a dog on a leash, I follow her trail, stopping at different clothing racks along the way. After about five minutes, I was holding stacks after stacks of clothing in my arms that Jade insisted I try on.

"Ooo, this too Cal!" She tosses me a hanger with a leather jacket hanging from it and I almost miss it by an inch.
I lift my right leg to kind of balance out the clothes.

"Dressing room please!" Jade demands calling the attention of an employee.

A surfer type looking dude about my age came over to assist us. As he did, his eyes never left Jade and I started feeling uncomfortable to say the least.

"For you miss?" He smiles, fumbling for the keys in his short's pocket, never leaving sight of her.

"No, for my friend here." Jade said, patting me on the back.

The guy nods, looking over at me now as if I never existed like a minute ago.
He then swings the door open once its unlocked and I shove past him and into the dressing room setting the pounds of clothing that was impaling my arms.

"My name is Tony. Let me know if you need any he-" The guy or I guess Tony informs me but was unfortunately cut short by the slam of the door to his face.

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