21.Party/Thank You!

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Jade's POV
"You aren't serious Jade?" Eddie interrogates for the hundredth time since I told him about my little encounter with Molly and her rather kind yet suspicious invitation.

"Dead serious, Ed." I sigh, rummaging through my closet for something suitable to wear for tonight.

"And you're just going, just like that?!" He exclaims.

Katherine groans as she picks out a hanger with a shirt hanging from it. "Will you give her a break babe? This doesn't happen every day, y'know?"

Yeah the whole situation seemed a little fishy and I don't particularly blame Eddie for going all He-Man on me but it can't be all that bad. Part of the reason I accepted the invite anyway was to prove something. Calum was not, and I quote, not going to tell me where to come and go whenever it seemed beneficial for him. Not anymore.

"This is cute," Katherine tosses the shirt at me along with a jean skirt and a sweater. "And pair it with that."

"Good eye!" I compliment with a wink and she grins with a shrug. "I know."

"Ugh, you two are the epitome of insane..." Eddie murmurs and collapses on my bed comforter. "I mean, you don't see anything at all weird about this whole thing, Kath?"

"Why should there be? Every living and breathing teenager should have the experience of being invited to parties and going to them. Geez, what are you a cave man?" Katherine nags at her boyfriend while folding a few of my clothing items she had previously taken out to put back neatly.

I chuckle at the both of them arguing like an old married couple already. And that rode can't be too far down. Just as long as I get to be a bridesmaid. Or preferably the maid of honor.

"Yeah, Yeah, I'm just saying this could end up real bad." Eddie argues.

"How?" I raise an eyebrow at the delusional kid I call my best friend.

"Just ignore him. He never knows what he's talking about." Katherine insists while plugging in a curling iron into my wall. "Now c'mere, let's do your hair."
I obey and sit myself down so she could begin.

"I do too know what I'm talking about!" Eddie scoffs, sitting himself back up on my bed. "And I'll have you two know that this could all end up like that one scene in that movie Carrie with all that bucket spilling of pig's blood in front of everyone and-"

"Are you saying you want me covered in pig's blood?" I send him a look of disgust. Katherine giggles as she combs through my hair.

"N-No that's not what I'm saying, I-"

I roll my eyes. "Molly is a lot of things but definitely not that diabolical. Anyway, she'd never know where to get pig's blood."

Katherine's laugh chimes in with mine and we just crack up.

"Great, now you two are making fun of my theories..." Eddie frowns, folding his arms over his chest.

I shake my head. "No, we're laughing at the obvious facts. Molly isn't bright for one and two; Carrie is just another one of those cliché high school movies that never happen."

"Very true. Score one for J, zero for Eddie." Katherine agrees and picks fun at her boyfriend again. He only huffs and remains quiet for a while before he continues.

"But you'll be all by yourself over there."

"No I won't, I have dates." I smirk. "You two."

Eddie opens his mouth to protest but Katherine has the first word. "Oh my gosh, I'm so in!"

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