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Jade's POV
It's a few weeks before finals and I've been busy cramming my head in to book after book with all the materials needed in order to ace every single exam.

Procrastination really isn't my thing but ever since the whole "get Molly with Calum plan", I've set my priorities aside just for that. It really isn't like me at all. But now that, that's over, it's time to get back on my grind.

I jot down a few notes from what I previously read out of my text book. The harder I press my pencil down on the piece of paper, the more my hand cramps up. My hand is ready to give out any second now but I just won't allow that.

My phone suddenly vibrated on top of the wooden table signaling a text message sent to me. I glanced at the librarian who was sat behind her desk, hoping she didn't hear it. She was typing away at her computer, not really paying attention to anything other than that.

I put away my phone in my pocket of my sweater not wanting to get caught with it.

Picking my pencil back up, I resume writing but only to be stopped again by the vibration inside my pocket. I groan and dig it out, eyeing the notification.

Cal:Hayyy what r u up to???

Of course. Who else lives to bother me?


I only sent him a one word reply in hopes that he'll get the clue and leave me alone to my business. But knowing someone like Calum, that would only last for so long.


Cal:On a Friday night?! You need to get out more:/

Me:Excuse you! I'm perfectly fine here with my books to keep me company.


Cal:Doubt it...I'm wayyy better company and you know it!

I let out a rather loud laugh reading that one. Who is he trying to kid here?

"Shhh!" The librarian presses a finger to her lips, shushing me. I cover my mouth with my hand trying not to let a single giggle out by accident. Even when Calum's not here, he still manages to stir trouble.


Cal:Ik I'm funny but try to contain your laughter so the old lady doesn't kick you out!

My eyebrows knit together, confused on how he knew I laughed because of his message.

I look around the quiet and subtle library, not a Calum in sight. He can't be here, can he?

As my eyes wandered around, something or someone laid a hand on my shoulder making me jump in my seat. Before I could let out a frightened scream, a hand covers my mouth. I manage to look up and see Calum towering over me, smiling.

I rolled my eyes and the tenseness in my body vanished knowing it was just him and not some kidnapper. It sure felt like it at the moment. But Calum probably wouldn't even pick off flowers from an old lady's garden and run off with them.

"Oh, it's just you." I come to realization and pick up from where I left off taking notes.

"Nice to see you too?" Calum pulls out the seat next to me and sits down.

Not taking my eyes off of the paper I mumble, "How did you even know I was here, you stalker."

"For one, I am not a stalker. I thought we've already been over that. And two, c'mon any idiot could guess you'd be here. You're like antisocial."

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