Chapter 16 - Ace

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Oh shit I haven't updated in a million years T-T I'm sorry , I was just getting bored of writing so much and I had tests blehhhhh
Hopefully I'll be able to upload more

Here I am.
With a wild Hanji.
I had to leave early this morning in order to meet with Hanji , and I left Loki with Levi.... they needed some serious bonding time.

As if Hanji would let me slip away after the weird encounter with a Titan thing? Hell no. This is Hanji we're talking about, not a sane member of society.

I was here , in her office (it oddly smelled of Rosemary ) talking.... well.... I wouldn't describe it as talking. More like , very dynamic verbal expressions from one of the insane that should be in a mental hospital.

"SO ?!? DO YOU KNOW WHYYYYY ACE WAS OBEYING YOU?" Hanji chuckled with a suspicious (and worrying) glint in her eye. To Hanji , there was no such thing as personal space , she was practically in my face like a cat that gives no fucks.

Girl... she's a madwoman

Tell me about it

"Uhhhhhhhh..... that's why I'm here...?" I nervously replied , trying turn my head away so she doesn't end up accidentally kissing me or some thing, that would be awkward..... for Levi.

"CORRECT !" She screamed with a victorious look on her over-excited face whilst putting one foot into her report filled desk and pointing to nowhere in particular. I sweat dropped , 'oh god , please release me from this torture' I begged to any godly presence here.

"H-Hanji san..... I think you're scaring the poor kid" one of her male assistants pointed out , seeing my uncomfortable expression. Hanji looked at me in sudden realisation in what she was doing.
"OHH!! I'M SO SORRY ANEI-CHAN!" She apologised enthusiastically whilst sobbing , hugging me chest..... her face in my boobs. "D-don't add the 'chan' !!!" I complained , stuttering slightly and flustered to the bone. As I struggled to rip her off of me , the assistant was watching, some blood dripping down from his nose.

I shot a glare that could make an army piss themselves , he immediately stumbled for the door in fear. All of a sudden Hanji became serious , "great, now that he's gone .... we can talk seriously Anei" Hanji spoke with such profession that you would've mistaken her for a business manager.

"We need to know how you made Ace do what you wanted , Erwin and I talked about it and we had the idea that if you made a bond with Ace , he could fight for humanity ..... and if you could control Ace... maybe you could control other Titans too" Hanji explained deeply , it sounded crazy.... me? Commanding Titans ? But this is a good opportunity. I fiddled with my hands , mentally arguing with myself.

"Oh but don't worry Anei , all you have to do today is to make your bond with Ace better , this is a slow stepping process , no need to get worried" Hanji kindly reassured me placing a hand on my shoulder which made me flinch slightly.

You're so fucked if that Titan doesn't obey you

Stop reminding me

She signed for me to follow her to concealed field , none of her helpers were there.... which was a clear sign that this case was serious.
Ace looked.... tired, his blue eyes were as dull as ever and his ebony black hair was still long, Does Titan hair grow?
Anyways, it was odd.... but if Ace was human, he'd be pretty good looking. But too bad he's a creepy giant that eats people for a living.

I gulped at the sight of him , even though he was pinned down .... I still felt threatened.
Hanji pushed me slightly and gave me an 'encouraging' thumbs up. I sighed , there was no point trying to convince her.

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