Chapter 4 - FREAK

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"Oi, prisoner! It's time to get up! we got you food!" a rather ruff , hoarse voice shouted .
My eyes fluttered open , a major headache knocking my head.

I got up rubbing my numb head, I looked up to an impatient soldier waiting at my open cell door with a tray of food and a drink in his hands.

"Oh.... sorry.... I'll get my food....." I apologised , muttering quietly. I got up from the wooden material, checking for no cuffs. No cuffs today... They think that I'm not a threat to them...yet.

I walked towards the door of the cell and took the food as drink from his hands. I sat down with my food and crunched on the tough bread , the soldier locked the door and stood outside my cell quietly.

I took a spoonful of the bland cold soup , and chugged down the glass of murky water. I finished my small meal, and rested my eyes. All of my senses focusing around me.

A loud shout was heard from down the stone halls , which caught my attention.
My vision went through the thick walls and spotted Berthdolt getting kicked hard by a senior into a corner.

Berthdolt was on the ground , getting kicked at full strength at the side countless times.
"Mind where you're going brat! Ya got eyes for a fucking reason you know?!" the rather tipsy man shouted , his face beet red from the strong alcohol.

My sense of smell could sniff the reeking stench of alcohol from the seniors breath.Berthdolt had his eyes glued shut , his face showing the temptation to scream.

Berthdolt didn't do anything wrong. This drunk man doesn't have a right to live. my thoughts drew into the bubbling anger that rose within my veins.

I wanted that man to stop.hurting Berthdolt.

I used my telekinesis to make the senior go stiff in his place.
"Eh?! I can't move?!? what the heck?!" the senior exclaimed , his face full of panic. A satisfying psychotic grin grew on my face as I saw the fear in his eyes.
This is getting good...

I focused on his legs , tearing each nerve and muscle making him scream in agonising pain.
"M-MAKE IT STOP! AHHHH!" He begged ,falling onto the ground.Berthdolt seemed to have a fractured rib because he winced and held his rib cage as he slowly ,but steadily walked away.

Good.Berthdolt is alright now.
I stopped torturing the man, which made me pout slightly. I wanted him to die... well , maybe next time I guess.

I saw Berthdolt slowly walking to the direction to my cell.

He must be on guard duty for me. I'll heal him when he gets to my cell.

But what if he doesn't like the way I look? I wondered , the thought pondering in my blank , confused mind.

I touched the scar down my left eye and around my neck.I stared into my steel cup , my reflection looking back into my soul.

My eyes made me look like a weirdo, a girl with a blue and red eye. They'll think that I'm the devil's child or something.....

"Berthdolt ! are you alright?"
Berthdolt's name caught my attention from my appalling image on the cup.
Berthdolt was leaning on the bars of my cell , with beads of sweat on his forehead.

I immediately rushed to his care , my hands on the cold bars.
"What are you doing prisoner ?!" The other guard shouted at me.

"Are you alright...? I saw you get kicked over there, please let me heal you" I pleaded,ignoring the other guard's comment.Berth would be as dumb as a rock if he refused to be taken care of.

"What did you see huh?! You were in the cell all this time ! you can't see through things!" the other guard screamed at my face , I was used to this so I just ignored him.Blurred him out of my attention.

Berthdolt nodded slightly , confused to what I was going to do.
As usual , my hands started glowing a gentle white and the glow started to circle the wound and sink into Berth's skin.

I watched as the glow was seen healing the ribs through his t-shirt , once the glow finished it returned to my hands and disappeared.

"Is it alright now?" I asked , checking if the job went well.
"Y-yeah.... thank you.....but, how did you see me get beat up?" Bertdolt asked with curiosity, standing up.
He was really tall.... but that didn't really bother me.

"That's for me to know, and for you to find out" I smirked , tapping the side of my nose.
The next thing I know , I'm on the floor. I was pushed at my side by the panicked guard that was shocked.

"YOU FREAK! YOU HAVE THE DEVIL'S EYES! HELL'S DAUGHTER! SHE'S NOT HUMAN! HUMANS CAN'T SEE THROUGH SOLID OBJECTS!" The soldier pointed , backing up into the corner , trembling in fear.

I ignored him , trying to calm myself. I was walking back to my 'bed' until Berth interrupted me.
"W-what's your name? We w-were told to guard you .... but they never told us your name" Berth questioned , this boy sure was curious.

"My name's Anei , what's yours?" I requested , playing dumb.
"Uh , my name's Berthdolt ! nice to meet you" Berthdolt grinned brightly , I couldn't help but return it with a small smile.

I know that he's the Colossal titan and all , but he's a really nice guy.

"Nice to meet you too Berthdolt" I answered , getting into bed once again.
Once I laid my head down on the wood, I shot back up and caught the flying knife with two finger right at an inch to my nose.

I looked at the culprit, who was the guard. I glared at the man , and he fell to the floor , unknowing what to do.

"You can't kill me that easily, I'm not an easy hunt" I growled , I threw the knife to the wall beside me and the knife stabbed deep within the wall.

I was about to lay down again ,but Berth interrupted.
"Y-you have......beautiful eyes" he spoke , it was barely a mumbled , but I heard it as clear as a shout.

But why would he compliment a girl with scars? aren't scars ugly?

I stared at a embarrassed Berthdolt ,with a soft expression as he looked down at the ground , glancing at my sometimes.

"Thank you, You have a charming smile" I thanked him with a faint grin , my looked up with a wondering expression on his face as I laid down.

My thoughts sprang to Levi.
What does he mean by 'do you remember me'?
I've never actually met the guy....

I've never been this confused in my whole life....

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