Chapter 22 - Follow your dreams

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"I don't want to hurt anyone" I sniffled as my head rested in the comfort of Cindy's lap. I don't know what to live for, I had a goal at first. Take revenge, but now... I'm not so sure. I'm feeling lost. "I know you don't, love.... It's okay, you didn't hurt anyone" she consoled tenderly as she stroked my hair. "That's a lie" I confronted, "I hurt Eren, Mikasa, Armin and Levi". Cindy stopped stroking my hair, thinking. "But you haven't hurt me, you saved me Anei", Cindy added sincerely as I looked up at her, a glowing smile on her face.
"But you'll end up being hurt if you're with me, I don't know what I'll do to you",I confessed honestly, pursing my lips. I was worried, I didn't know how long I could control myself. Nor do I know what's coming...

"I'll handle it, you're me and I'm you, right?",She hummed supportively as I nodded in response. "Maybe you're right Cindy... But we'll have to wait and see",I advised wisely as we locked eyes.
The BOOM of thunder made me turn my head. The sky in our mind palace quickly became grey as clouds gathered together in crowds.
"He's here",Cindy hissed. "Anei, you need to go... Now!" She roared as a figure arose from the chaos of lightning at the horizon.
"Cindy, who is that? What's happening?",I queried hurriedly as I shook her arm, but she continued to glare forward at the mysterious figure that seemed to approach us.
Cindy, was silent, until she looked at me. "You need to go now",she commanded as she held our foreheads together.The touch burned, making me hold my breath as I felt myself returning.

"Cindy!",I gasped fearfully as I sat up in my bed in panic. Cold sweat dampened my neck as I felt my lungs struggle to breathe. My head was pounding with pain as the gentle pitter-patter of the drizzle outside eventually calmed me down.

I took deep breathes as my eyes wandered outside, the sky was a dull grey as the rain started slow then heavy with gusts of wind hitting the building. The trees swayed in a rain dance as the animals sprinted for shelter.

"A dream?",I mumbled to myself as I got up for a new day. Someone was in our mind space... Who was it? I couldn't see him properly so I don't have a clue on who it is. 
I closed my eyes again as I laid down. I tried to return back to my mind scape but I couldn't. It was as if someone built a wall to prevent me from entering, it was probably Cindy.... But why isn't she telling me anything? She comfort me all the time but it always feels like she's hiding something from me.

I shouldn't lay here all day... Hmm... I'm pretty hungry so I'll get up now.
I rotated my body to the side of the bed, putting on my slippers as I got up. Everything was fine and functioning. Until I took a step.
My knee cap gave out as I stepped forward, making me land on the floor face-forward. I spat curse words to no one in particular as I held my face in pain, rolling side to side as I tried to regain my strength.

I tried standing up, but my knees wobbled at the slight pressure I put, making me fall on my floor. Shit...
I sighed to myself deeply, giving up. Well, I have one last option.....

"HANJI! OI HANJI!",I called out as I slowly sat up, wincing as I felt my body straining. The panicked patting of footsteps bought relief as Hanji bursted through the door. "What happened?!" Hanji screamed dramatically as she saw my weak state. "Well, I can't stand up" I explained bluntly, pouting in annoyance.
It just had to be today that I can't stand up.
"I don't know anything about first aid!" Hanji panicked as I just sat there. "You don't need to treat me or anything, I just need someone to push me around in a wheelchair or somethin' " I added, shrugging my shoulders. I've been in worse anyway, even though I could be paralysed in lower half.

Soon enough, the hustle calmed down and Hanji found an old wheel chair that I could use to move about. I pulled a face when I tried to push myself, the wheelchair emitted a screeching noise which ached my eardrums.

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