Chapter 18 - Squad

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"Uhh..... Lemme sleep...."


"Wha-whaaaaa?" I woke up abruptly from the annoying screeches of Loki's calls in the morning. Huh? Trees? Oh yeah, I was napping in the forest.
Oh and that's a dead baby bird next to me.... Wait what.
"AAAHHHHHHH! WHAT THE FUCK LOKI?" I screamed crawling away from the dead bird, horrified. Loki just turn his head as if it was normal...
"Oh so you're basically saying that I suck at hunting and that's why you're hunting for me, is that it?" I complained as I got up and brushed off the wet grass off of me.
Loki screeched in response.... "Rude" I mumbled as I picked up the bird. It was so small, about the size of my hand. And you just had to kill a bird? Sigh.... I took off the necklace that Levi gave me and put it in my pocket incase it snapped off my neck, I can't afford to lose something that precious.

Why was I out here at 8 am you ask?

One word. Hunting.
I've always wanted to hunt, but with my dad being an asshole and keeping me inside and all... You can see why I never got to do anything.
I cracked my knuckles and my back which made me groan in content. "Alright! Let's go on a adventure ! WHOOO!" I cheered as I picked up my bow and arrows that I nicked from the weapon supplies because I can do what I want.

I marched on with Loki following me through the trees with the light that seeped through the branches to light my way deep into the forest.

Then I realised something, I wasn't wearing my eye patch. "Loki, did you take my eyepatch?" I called out to the group of trees where the sound of fluttering wings could be heard. Loki popped out of the tree with my eyepatch in his beak.

He's trying to tell you that you don't need it anymore, I'm pretty sure you can control your eye power now. Even if it is bloody weird.

You're right...Thanks for the breakdown, but hey, you're just as weird.


I waved my hand at Loki, he seemed to get the idea as he chucked away the eyepatch. I didn't dare doubt myself this time. I shut my eyes, concentrating deeply.I can do it, focus my energy to my eyes....
I opened them, my sight was sharper than before, my sight was more flexible... I could see the next move of an ant , I could see the energy running through the tree to the leaves, I can see leaves falling in slow motion... It was amazing.
With this eye sight, I could spot a deer miles away!
It wasn't long before I spotted a stag grazing in a patch of meadow. I ran to where the mammal grazed peacefully. I was crouched behind a bush, astonished at the sight... This is the first time I've seen a stag in person.
He was beautiful.
I stopped the power of my eyes to have a true look at this magnificent beast.
His coat was pitch black like the night sky and his oak coloured horns stretched out like a tree...
"Pwetty...." I ushered to myself as I placed the arrow on the bow, stretching the line. I scooted a little to get focused, but I ended up snapping a twig which made the stag look at me with a frozen stare.
I couldn't kill him...

So you can kill a human but you can't kill a deer? Because that makes sense

Hey, animals are better than humans. Moral to live by. Oh, so you aren't dead.

Why should I be?

No reason.

I put my weapons down on the ground slowly moving into a hunched position so I wouldn't frighten the stag. Stepping out of the bushes gently, I cautiously made my way towards the beautiful creature. Unexpectedly, he started to move to me as fascinating.
Before I knew it, we were face to face with each other... Not in a battle, but in meeting. Instinctively, I put my hand out to him. He looked at me, questioning my actions ,but soon enough, he rested his nose into my palm.
I smiled at this, it's not a big thing , but I felt happy. Content. Satisfied.

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