Chapter 6 - Court

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A soft voice calls my name.....


What's Erwin doing here?

"Anei.... wake up....."

The voice calls to me again, in a increased tone of volume.

No......... I want to sleep...what does he want anyway?

"Anei, you're going to court today, you need to wakeup"

What court?!

I hesitantly open my eyes to the calm dimness of the cell.

I slowly , got up from the wooden bed and stretched my neck , hearing satisfying clicks.I groaned as I stood up , my balance slightly off. I knew that at some point , they would summon me to court...

I don't know what they'll do with me...

Considering my abilities , most might see me as a threat , a lab rat, a freak.But they might use my experience with pain and experiment on me on my further abilities.

Or I would educate engineers or scientists on our type of technology back in my world. Perhaps they would execute me , for seeing me as a threat...

I have no idea what's coming for me.

I smoothed down all the creases on my new dress and combed my fingers through my sweet rose smelling hair to make myself look presentable.

I wasn't hungry , I hardly ever ate in the lab. I ate a little snack every 3 days or so.... and my body adapted to making the most out that piece of food.

I stepped out of the cell , my bare footed feet tapping against the lime stone as I walked to the open cell door.

"Sorry , but I have to put hand cuffs on you" Erwin apologised as he securely cuffed my wrists.

"it's fine, I'm used to them" I mumbled , going along with their orders.

He merely nodded and got two soldiers to escort me to the court , leaving before me.

Each of the two held onto one arm as they led me forward through the halls which echoed our footsteps as I thought deeply to myself.

This may sound insane.... but I'd rather die.

To get it all over with than to suffer as another experiment.


I didn't bust out of the lab for nothing.

I need to enjoy my freedom... but I can't....

I slowed down my pace as the negative thoughts poisoned my brain.

But a sudden force of strength pushed me forward.

"Keep walking Freak" One of the soldiers spat , with a stern voice.

I did what he said , not wanting to get into deeper trouble. Soon enough , we reached two grand oak doors. My two escorts opened the two doors, rays of brightness hitting my sight.

I covered my arm over my eyes , the sun blinding me. I haven't seen the sun in ages.... I've missed the welcoming rays of light...

It gives me a hint of hope.

The soldiers shoved me into the entrance , the overwhelming sight of numerous eyes staring makes me nervous.As a habit , I looked down on the ground , my anxiety taking control.

They pushed me to the middle of the court , unlike Eren, they made me kneel on my knees , the stone scraping my knees ,without the pole to hold me back.I looked up , the judge's astonished look didn't waver as I stared deeply, as if I was observing his soul.

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