Chapter 1 - Make this two faced nightmare end....please....

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Chichi - mother
Haha - father


"Chichi ! Is supper ready yet ?" I called cheerfully as my stomach grumbled in response , I ran down the oak stairs in my peach summer dress.

I smelled the deep lush aroma of the crackling pork and the stir fried vegetables.

I entered the family living space , my feet sunk into the soft fluffy beige carpet as I ran , heading for the kitchen.

My new German shepherd puppy ,Coffee , that I recently got;ran to me. I lost my balance by the sudden weight and fell backwards , my tail bone landing on the carpet.

Coffee crawled up to my face and started to lick my cheeks and my nose.
All I saw was Coffee's warm stomach blocking my view.
"Haha! Coffee stop it! ewww~ it's so icky!" I giggled as I wiped the wet saliva from my excited face.
Coffee barked happily in response , but instead of getting off; he climbed to the top of my head.

Chichi walked over to us in her white cooking apron and her blue jeans and pink t-shirt .
Her black hair rested on her shoulders with a flower hair pin which held up her lose hair.
With her dark eyes looked at me with pure love and kindness.

"Oh coffee! that's enough licking for today!" Chichi scolded Coffee with a peaceful expression on her face.
She took him from my , now messy, black waist length hair and put him on the carpet.

"Come on......... ! Supper is ready!" Chichi spoke with an angelic voice...... But..... why didn't she say my name? I saw her lips move , but I couldn't hear her comforting voice say my name that my own parents have given me......

I stood in the living room....stillness. I didn't move or blink.

Who Am I ?

At that moment , a dark aura filled the room. Glass smashed , BAM.
The door broke down from its hinges.
Haha stumbled into the living room, with a broken beer bottle in his hand.

Chichi said that Haha drinks to much of the 'bad drink' and he becomes weird and walks funny.

I stood there frozen in my place with Coffee cowering behind my legs.
Haha turned to me , a clear glass of hate hazed in his dull eyes.

"You wretched lil bitch! no one wants you!!!" Haha cursed . he leaped towards me , the broken bottle aiming for my chest.

Before I could move Chichi moved in front of me, taking the hit.
Blood bursted everywhere on the carpet , staining the material with crimson patches.

"Haha! looks like stupid bitch number two decided to protect you !" Haha laughed as

"CHICHI!!" I cried , I ran next Chichi's helpless,bleeding body. Warm subtle tears streamed down my panicked face.

Her weary eyes turned to me, her soft hands cupped my face , in attempt for comfort.
Her hand was cold.
She's dying.....

Blood gushed out of her chest as she coughed up blood.
"CHICHI ! PLEASE.....PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME!!!" I begged ,sobbing into Chichi's cold lifeless hands.

Chichi opened her mouth , as if to say something, but shut her purple lips. She smiled..... a pained ,gentle smile , tears slipping from her eyes as her eyelids slowly shut.

Coffee hopped onto my lap and snuggled up to me, aware that I was traumatised.
Haha stomped over to me and grabbed my black hair and dragged me across the carpet harshly.

I clung onto his hands , my nails digging into his skin. I screamed , squirmed and struggled against his grip, but it was no use.... he showed no sign of loosening his grip.

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