Chapter 21 - Lost

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Third POV

"No, we're not executing her" Erwin  disputed to the table of men sternly. He was having a meeting with commanders of the other corps about Anei.

"But she's dangerous! You saw what she did to the Titan boy!" One protested.

"She knows that she's dangerous" Levi interrupted, "before the night she attacked Eren, she knew that she was going to transform so she asked us to keep her in a cell, it was Eren who entered the cell which then made Anei attack him". Whispers were exchanged around the room in indecisive tension.

"What are we going to do with her then?" One questioned, many nodded with him.

Levi and Erwin exchange knowing looks. "We're to use her powers for our advantage, she's an Ackerman after all" Erwin suggested persuasively, the judge nodded silently to himself in agreement.

"She's an Ackerman ? How?!" Someone shouted abruptly.
"She's Levi Ackerman's niece" Erwin informed seriously. The judges whispered a deep discussion to one another as the commanders waited patiently for their decision.

"We've decided, for Anei to be supervised by Levi Ackerman and for Hanji Zoë to help Anei explore her powers in order to help humanity fight against the Titans in expeditions, is that clear?" The main judge concluded, his voice boomed and made everyone freeze.

"Yes your grace" everyone replied as the meeting finished in bashful chatter.
Erwin and Levi exited the building from the back way, it was night and the smell of cheap alcoholic rum reeked the streets.

Levi pushed Erwin to the wall, Levi's hands gripping Erwin's collar roughly. "What the fuck was that Erwin? Using her? You're not using my fucking niece for her powers" Levi threatened harshly as many stared at the two that were making such a commotion.

"I had no other choice Levi, or would you rather have the scientists experiment on her? From what you've told me she's already been through experiments from her father and is traumatised from it, I'm doing this to keep her safe Levi, I know what I'm doing" Erwin sad confidently. Levi lowered his grip from Erwin's collar, looking down at his feet.

"Sorry Erwin, I'm just stressed by all of this, it's not everyday that you found out that a close family member is alive and well... I'm just worried for her, I hope she's okay..." Levi babbled restlessly. Erwin's furrowed his eyebrows, seeing Levi this worried made Erwin just as tense. "Don't worry Levi, she is an Ackerman after all" Erwin comforted Levi, a hand around Levi's shoulder for reassurance.
"You're right Erwin, she's a strong person, I believe in her" Levi smiled warmly as the two men walked back to Survey Corps.

Anei's POV
Silence drowned my thoughts as we lay in a tranquil meadow which was touched by the gentle breeze of the wind. Light shimmered down at us as we played in our mind palace.

"I did something bad.. Didn't I ?" I asked Cindy, my head laid in Cindy's lap as she stroked my hair tenderly like a caring mother.
"Yes you did, but you couldn't help it... They aren't going to take you away Anei, I won't allow it" Cindy stated determinedly, a look of anger on her face. I grinned, I'm glad I have Cindy, since accepted her as myself and I don't regret doing so. She's there when others aren't, almost like a sister of mine.

"You have to wake now Anei... Hanji's here...." Cindy informed me. I lifted my head wearily from her lap as I felt myself awakening.
I've been getting myself knocked out more often lately... I don't think that's a good thing either.

I awoke from my peaceful slumber and faced the merciless truth of reality. Those memories of last night were engraved in my mind like an artist carving marble.

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