Chapter 17 - Classes , medication and reputation.

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"Do it Anei"

"I can't do it Ma'am"

"Do it"

I remember this scene....
Every thing was nothing but white light until I heard those familiar words.
The room that I was all too familiar when it formed. An interrogation room, my room.
Many souls lie in this room where blood's been spilled as my sanity slowly fell apart in this place. It was like child hood , for a killer.
In the room was a single light , a gun , table , chair , mirror ... And my subject, a man.
On the other side of the mirror was the one who controlled all of The Makers.

It was her.

Madam Dovine.

A Russian woman who played our strings like playing a violin. Red hair that was wrapped in a tight bun like the bulb of a rose, her features were shape and chiselled. Her eyes were like glass; a window to a soul which was dark and twisted.
That same woman was the one who fully broke me to the depths of my soul. That was her mission with everyone. And she has never failed to make someone snap.
She's the one who mentally scarred me. And just thinking about her mad my skin crawl from my thirst to kill.
This is the first time I've reminded myself of those times, my time in...

The Makers.

I took the hand gun that laid on the table in front of me, the cold touch of the weapon made me tingle.
One rule was taught to every girl here.
'Kill or be killed, follow orders or be weak, Kill the weak to be strong, Kill the strong to be stronger'. These morals have been so drilled into our minds that we subconsciously follow it like it was a natural thing to do.
I spun the cylinder between my fingers like a gambler, except in this gamble... I'll never lose.
Tears welled up in the petrified eyes of the man who was being gagged with a cloth that was soaked with blood. I could sense the grin on Madam Dovine's face as I cocked the gun swiftly and pointed the pistol at the middle of the man's forehead that seemed to be drenched with his cold sweat.
I could see the fear in his eyes, he was like a cornered deer; helpless and weak. It made me hesitate and the gun just stayed there. Madame thinks that this is the way of natural selection, killing hundreds to find the fittest.
"What are you waiting for child ?
Do it" she commanded with a cold voice, a bit of amusement in her tone.
I breathed deeply to relax myself, "yes ma'am" I responded plainly, my thoughts now empty of doubts.
With no holding back , I pulled the trigger


I woke up gasping for air... Ah... Another nightmare again, a nightmare from my past. I absorbed my surroundings... This isn't my room? This is the infirmary room. The dull smell of rubbing alcohol and medicine filled my nose as I sat up. Since when did I get here? It was a simple room, a bed, a small bathroom connected to it, some drawers, a wardrobe and a window.
I finally realised my migraine as the headache came to me in my temples which made my vision blurry. "Ah shit..." I cursed as I held my eyes in agony.
I heard a click, someone's entered te room. "Ah Anei, you're awake!" Hanji's voice greeted me happily as I heard her foot steps come towards me. "Ah.... What the hell happened ?" I questioned bewilderedly.
"Levi found you knocked out in your room... He was going to tell you something, but he said that he'll tell you later" Hanji explained to me whilst she rummaged through an old box of medicine.
"You're gonna have to wear an eyepatch again I'm afraid...." Hanji stated, handing me a new black eyepatch. I looked at it in surprise.
"Huh?" I blurted, pulling an unamused face at Hanji. "Look" Hanji declared, handing me a small mirror to look at my reflection.
I squinted my eyes for my vision to focus on my reflection. "What the actual fuck," I cussed fearfully as I stared at my weird red eye, startled at the change. A black line surrounded my pupil with 3 black commas on the outer circle. (Yes basically a sharingan, it'll make sense later on in the story).
"Do you know why my eye is looking like I just got possessed or something?" I asked , strapping on my eyepatch onto my red eye.
"Levi briefly told me that it has something to do with your father-"
"Don't call him my father" I growled, "call him... Madman, The Madman" I suggested. It made my cringe to even think of HIM being my father. Some fucking parent he's been....

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