Second Muster: Chapter 41

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The sky would always be like this since Jennie and Yoongi got the book from the old fairy. They've been traveling back for days now and it seems like going back is taking longer as it should be. The sky would always be gray in the morning instead of it's beautiful bright blue with clouds scattered and the sun should be up by now. At night, the moon eould shine the brightest. So bright that even the starts wouldn't show up. Jennie has been feeling weird since they started their travel, Yoongi too.

As strong as they are, given that they're both vampires, traveling this long without food is taking a toll on them. Yoongi in particular is feeling uneasy. He feels like they've been out into a spell that they haven't even noticed. Jennie is been too stuck in the idea to bring the book to Yeora that she has let her guards down.

Yoongi stops from their fast running and stands in the middle of vast field where he feels like they've been stuck to. The imagery would be different each day but it's been 5 days. Yoongi has been leaving marks behind everytime they leave but each time he feels like they're on the same area, he finds nothing.

Today, he decides to stay still on the same spots he's been leaving marks. Jennie stops just in time and goes back to where her husband stands. She can feel his unease so she stays silent, waiting for Yoongi to speak. He takes in a sharp breath and opens his eyes, looking up at the gray, almost lavender sky.

He kisses her.

"We have company," he declares in his thoughts making Jennie alert.

She was about to speak but Yoongi stops him by kissing her harder.

"Someone might be out there. We need to communicate in a different way. He or she can hear us but I doubt can read our minds," says Yoongi. "We've been stuck here for five days Jen. Both of us are beginning to weaken. Someone is with us," he adds.

"What are we going to do?" Jennje answers his thoughts, no doubt can be traced in her question. She believes her husband more than herself and at times like this, she needs to trust him. The future of Yeora's people is in their hands.

Her people are waiting for her in her own kingdom. They wait in anticipation when she announced that Queen Yeowang is alive. Leaving them behind with less protection scares her so she needs to finish this travel and go back to her people right in time before Yeora finds The Havens. They need to protected, enemy doesn't schedule an attack.

"We'll figure it out. But today, we need to rest and see what happens next. We never rested here, we were just always passing by. I saw a shed just near here, we'll stay there,"

Yoongi lets go of the kiss and tales her hand to where he was referring to. They need to be careful. They don't know who this enemy is. Putting them under a spell is enough to interpret as imposing a threat. They both sat down under the shed and wait for the night to come. For 5 days, this is the only time they've sat down to rest.

Finally, the night has come. As soon as the skt totally darkens, the moon comes out. Larger, brighter and beaming. Starts has disappeared and so has the normal serene atmosphere of beautiful nights. It has gotten colder and everytging seems to be a lot more scarier, even scarier than the blood moon.

Yoongi and Jennie watch as the night deepens, not saying a word.




By 12 midnight, they both notice something significant. The moon is dimming, like an asteroid coming in contact in the earth's surface. The only differemce is how calm and slow it's comimg down. The moon is becoming smaller and smaller. The starts once more appear and for the first time in 5 days, the night got dark.

The small moon-like orb elevates in the surface of the land, leaving the sky dark, scattered with starts. Everything is dark except where the orb is. Moments later, the orb turns into a woman.

White hair flowing, pale skin stark in contrast with the dark environment, eyes blue as ice, her white dress touching the grass as her bare feet land on the soil. Her overall body glows as if she's the moon itself. Her lips a shade of light pink opens to speak.

"Finally, you have noticed my presence," she spoke with clarity and warmth. In contrast to her appearance, she talks very warm, kindness oozing in every tone she creates with her voice.

Jennie looks back at her husand whi has been alert all the time. They bith stood uo and zooms to where she is. She doesn't even flinch nor react at their speed. She knows what they are.

"Aahhh, vampires," she confirms herself. She smiles and shows her perfect teeth.

"What do you need?" Jennie speaks. Holding her position as a celestial vampire herself.

The woman fixates her eyes on Jennie with hatred. "A celestial," she spits. Disgusted at what she is.

"I can smell his scent from your filthy hands," the woman snarls, making both vampires wonder who she's pertaining to.

Jennie, being the impatient person that she is, flicks her anger off and raises her brow.

"I think you got the wrong vampire. We have something more important things to do," she says and tries to leave but the woman lifts her right hand to freeze Jenny in her tracks.

"I will never confuse his scent with others. He belongs to me and me only," the woman snarls again.

Jennie tries to fight but it's not use, they're both weak. Like a rock, the woman throws Jennie away making Yoongi attack the woman but was thrown the other direction. The woman walks to where Jennie is and attempts to break her neck by stepping on it but Jennie effectively dodges it. Instead, her shoulder got stepped on. Bones cracking echoes with her scream.

Yoongi runs to where they are and the only thing he could think of is



Mysterious woman

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Mysterious woman

- Haeun♥

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