Second Muster: Chapter 39

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After a while, the baby's crying echoed through the hallways. Jin healed her tongue so she wouldn't die due to excess bleeding. Sure enough, she was no longer able to talk. Yeora was waiting just nearby and as soon as the baby is out, she enters and holds the baby in her hands.

Mihyeon watches in pain, she couldn't even hold her baby before Yeora takes her away. But Yeora knew that if Mihyeon held him once, she'll only be yearninh for more so she evily hands the baby to her smiles.

"Enjoy your first and last hold of him," Yeora speaks softly.

"Should I heal her your highness?" Jin asks.

Yeora looks at him and laughed. " No silly," she then turned to Mihyeon. "Aren't you strong? I know you can handle your birth wounds," she says and gets the baby from her.

Mihyeon starts tearing up as she watches her son being taken away from her.

Yeora walks to Mildred. And for the 2nd time, Mildred sees the baby and cleans him again. This time she wraps the baby in royal clothing and hands her back to Yeora.

She then carries the baby to the garden where she always spends her time. She is smitten by the baby and her heart warms uo once again. Her motherly instinct kicks in. The baby starts crying as the sun hits his face, it sparkles like diamonds under the sunlight.

Yeora starts swaying her back and forth, humming in content as she feeds his first taste of blood. Yeora bites her wrist and lets her blood drip into his tiny mouth, the baby instantly stops crying. Finally, it is instilled in him that Yeora is his mother.

"You don't need a mother like her," she says in disgust while she continues to sway sideways.

"I see you're happy," the king comments, who just arrived when he knew everything was over.

Yeora smiles up at him.

"I am," she says with a smile. "He'll be like us, I made sure he will. Drinking ny blood will help him mold into what our child should look like," she adds.

Jimin lools at the baby and instantly feels what Yeora just did. She just practically turned him into their child. Jimin nods in agreement.

"We'll call him Ever," Jimin declares.

"The prince of Havens has just been risen," Yeora declares herself.


The rain pours, thunder claps accompanying it. The ground is wet and the sky is dark. Although this wasn't how Jenny pictured her and her husband's search for answers were, she can't help but feel dismayed at the weather. They're both soaking wet now.

"I can't believe we're traveling in the middle of this storm," she whines at her hsuband.

"We're near Jen, just a little more," Yoongi comforts her.

The trees are rustling from the strong wind, the rain has finally stopped and so does their by-foot journey.

"Are you sure this is it?" Yoongi asks Jenny.

"Positive, the crest is there by the wooden gates. We're here," Jenny stops as she caress the crest they have been looking for for a long time.

Orchid flowers

Her fingers trace the intricate crest on the wooden gate and gasps when it opened all by itself.

"He's waiting for us," Yoongi speaks.

Jenny nods and although she's annoyed by her boits wet inside she just follows Yoongi. They crossed the 2 hectares yard in seconds and arrive at the small door of the a small building nestled just in the middle of the wide land.

"It's me," Jenny announces making the small door creak open to let them in.

Yoongi pushes the door wider for them to be able to enter and with just small steps, an old man can be seen seated on his study table. Shelves upon shelves of books are neatky displayed behind him. A large window installed to his right and another hallway that leads to more books on the shelves is on his left. On the outside, the house seems small. But on the inside, the real size of the house is seen.

There are no guards around, unlike in the myths, the Yangmu has no one to guard him. They're all hidden in the books and are ready to attack if anything happens to the old wise fairy man.

"I've been expecting you," his low voice greeted them.

"You do?" Jenny asks. She had never made an appointment to him.

They both just dive into this journey to find him. He was just in the books, written as myths. No one has ever seen him except Yeora's parents many many years ago.

"Ofcourse, the old fairy knows everything," the pheonix beside him spoke.

Yoongi and Jenny bows to Yangmu and greets him.

"We have come here in hopes you'd help us find The Havens," Jenny said, straight to the whole point why they are here.

Yangmu looks sternly at her.

"Only a celestial heir will be the one to find it. I myself is not in the right position to say where it is," Yangmu speaks standing up from his well-cushioned arm chair.

"The queen sent us," Jenny speaks.

"She is still not a queen unless she finds her people and The Havens," his voice boomed.

Jenny is growing impatient and intends to go off but Yoongi held her hand. He knows his wife is impatient.

"I'll handle it from here," Yoongi suggests making Jenny calm down.

Yangmu looks at Yoongi expectantly.

"Is there any way or anything that could help us lead her there?" Yoongi asks the wise fairy.

His beard nearly touching the ground. His wings down and his grey hair is nearly white. Beyond the years he has lived his existence, he can feel that The Kingdom of Havens will be found very soon.

"I have a book around here somewhere that could answer all your questions. If you could find it, you can take it and keep it," he says and disappears like thin air.

Jenny rolls her eyes and groans.

"Ugh!!! I know he'll do that," she spins around the walls filled with shelves holding all the books Yangmu owns and it's even starting to make her dizzy. "This is going to be a long search," she says in frustration.



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