Second Muster: Chapter 38

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Rage would be n understatement to what Yeora is feeling right now. If she could just make Mihyeon evaporate in an instance, she could have just did in without second thoughts. Her mind is wild in anger and her eyes are bright purple as she stares at the woman who killed her child.

Mihyeon trembles in fear once again. Her memory of Jimin killing her and takimg out the 2nd child from inside her alive was all she could remember. How Jimin ripped her belly open and pulled the baby out from her. How he burned her and ripped her head. She's beyond scared now.

She knew what a mother can do and by the way Yeora looks at her just confirmed everything she's been dreading. She can feel heartbeat ram against her chest as she feels the need to escape just to save her life and the child she's carrying.

Yeora tilts her head to the side and looks straight into Mihyoen's teary eyes. Hoseok stays outside the room, sparing himself from a gory scene he wouldn't want to see. He's afraid Yeora might be as ruthless as Jimin, or worse.

"Why are you afraid Mihyeon? Or should I say Lady Mihyeon?" Yeora grits rather scarily. Even Hoseok who could only hear it has shivers run down his spine.

Mihyoen stutters, afraid she might say something that would worsen her bad situation. "Please your majesty, spare me and my child's life," she pleads which only earned a scoff from Yeora.

"Spare your life? Oh that I would do, even though my child didn't even had the chance to beg for his life," she rams Mihyoen's body against the wall. Her fingers tight around the pregnant vampire's neck.

She gasps for air as tears roll down her cheeks. Her hand protectively covering her swollen belly. It's not Yeora's attitude to spare a life after what she has done but she has better things in her mind. Mihyeon will have to live up to that. Yeora knew it would kill every bit of her porcelein body every single second. Yeora smiles gracefully, her oerfect white teeth showing.

"Aren't you going to scare me today? Or even slap me in the face?" she sardonically asks her. Mihyoen shakes her head in response and continues to beg for their lives.

Yeora lools around to see all the infant clothes she has sewn laid out perfectly in her bed. She remembers how inticate those stitches were and how she thought would fit the child. She looks back at Mihyeon and nods.

"I will spare your lives. Only because I am not like you. The child you're carrying has nothing to do with your sins. He shall be spared," she says and lets go of her neck makimg her sink on the floor. Mihyeon immediately scrambles and bows to Yeora and starts thanking her.

"Thank you so much your majesty, you're grace will forever be remembered," she speaks through her teeth, less bothered just a minute ago.

"You should thank me," Yeora speaks. Mihyoen looks up to her and waits.

"For I will take that as my own and he will never know of you. You'll only watch from a distance, he'll only know me as his mother. You shall watch every bit of it for you will onky be his carer," Yeora reveals.

Mihyeon's relaxed state stirred into panic once again as she realizes what Yeora will do. She holds her belly once more and cries.

"No please, please I'll do anything. Just don't take him away from me please. He's the only reason I have to live on," she reasons.

"Then you shall die everyday," Yeora speaks highly. Satisfaction is starting to fill her up.

Mihyeon cries more. That's the only thing she could do. The consequence of her doing will truely kill her everyday. All her future plans with her child was shattered as she only will watch him take her enemy as his mother.

"I heard it's your due date this week, I suggest you start your labor now," Yeora commands and right then, Mihyeon starts to contract, labor hitting her. She wriths in pain and falls to the ground.

Yeora walks to her and holds her chin up.

"I'm excited to meet my son, but before that, we need to take care of tour tongue first. This will ensure that he'll never get to hear your voice again." Yeora pulls Mihyeon's tongue off making it bleed. Her screech was the last the castle could hear.



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